Template:Armor: Difference between revisions

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imported>Tlosk's Bot
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Created page with "<includeonly>Category:Armor{{#switch:{{lc:{{{Armor Type|}}}}} | clothing = Category:Clothing | feet = Category:Foot Armor | foot = Category:Foot Armor | foot armor = Category:Foot Armor | hands = Category:Hand Armor | hand = Category:Hand Armor | hand armor = Category:Hand Armor | head = Category:Head Armor | head armor = Category:Head Armor | lower body = Category:Lower Body Armor | lower body armor = Category:Low..."
(23 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
Line 15: Line 15:
  | masks and guises = [[Category:Masks & Guises]]
  | masks and guises = [[Category:Masks & Guises]]
  | masks & guises = [[Category:Masks & Guises]]
  | masks & guises = [[Category:Masks & Guises]]
| olthoi = [[Category:Olthoi Racial Armor]]
| olthoi armor = [[Category:Olthoi Racial Armor]]
| olthoi racial armor = [[Category:Olthoi Racial Armor]]
| over-robe = [[Category:Over-robe]]
| over robe = [[Category:Over-robe]]
  | robe = [[Category:Robe]]
  | robe = [[Category:Robe]]
  | shield = [[Category:Shield]]
  | shield = [[Category:Shield]]
| tattoo = [[Category:Tattoo]]
  | upper body = [[Category:Upper Body Armor]]
  | upper body = [[Category:Upper Body Armor]]
  | upper body armor = [[Category:Upper Body Armor]]
  | upper body armor = [[Category:Upper Body Armor]]
Line 37: Line 43:
  | robe = [[Category:Robe]]
  | robe = [[Category:Robe]]
  | shield = [[Category:Shield]]
  | shield = [[Category:Shield]]
| tattoo = [[Category:Tattoo]]
  | upper body = [[Category:Upper Body Armor]]
  | upper body = [[Category:Upper Body Armor]]
  | upper body armor = [[Category:Upper Body Armor]]
  | upper body armor = [[Category:Upper Body Armor]]
Line 46: Line 53:
|align=center| Value: {{{Value|??}}}<br>{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{Burden|??}}}}} | unknown | Unknown Burden | {{{Burden|??}}} Burden Units }}
|align=center| Value: {{{Value|??}}}<br>{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{Burden|}}}}}|unknown|Unknown Burden|{{{Burden|??}}} Burden Units}}
|width=40 align=center| [[Image:{{{Icon Image|Icon.png}}}]]
|width=40 align=center| [[Image:{{{Icon Image|Icon.png}}}]]
{{#ifeq:{{{Description|}}}|||{{{Description}}}<br><br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Special Properties|}}}|||[[Special Properties]]: {{{Special Properties}}}<br><br>}}{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{Armor Type|}}}}}|shield|Shield|Armor}} Level: {{{Armor Level|??}}}{{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Armor Level|}}}|||<b><font color=green> ({{{Buffed Armor Level|}}})</font></b>}}<br>{{#ifeq:{{{Covers|}}}|||Covers {{{Covers|}}}<br>}}<br>{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{Player Attuned|}}}}}|true|This item can only be wielded by <Player>.<br><br>|}}{{#ifeq:{{{Level Req|}}}|||You must be at least level {{{Level Req}}} to wield this item.<br><br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Spells|}}}|||Casts the following spells: {{{Spells}}}<br><br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Slashing|}}}|||{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{Armor Type|}}}}}|shield|Shield|Armor}} Level: {{{Armor Level|??}}}{{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Armor Level|}}}|||<b><font color=green> ({{{Buffed Armor Level|}}})</font></b>}}<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Slashing|}}}|||Slashing: {{{Slashing|??}}}{{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Slashing AL|}}}|||<b><font color=green> ({{{Buffed Slashing AL|}}})</font></b>}}<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Piercing|}}}|||Piercing: {{{Piercing|??}}}{{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Piercing AL|}}}|||<b><font color=green> ({{{Buffed Piercing AL|}}})</font></b>}}<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Bludgeoning|}}}|||Bludgeoning: {{{Bludgeoning|??}}}{{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Bludgeon AL|}}}|||<b><font color=green> ({{{Buffed Bludgeon AL|}}})</font></b>}}<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Fire|}}}|||Fire: {{{Fire|??}}}{{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Fire AL|}}}|||<b><font color=green> ({{{Buffed Fire AL|}}})</font></b>}}<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Cold|}}}|||Cold: {{{Cold|??}}}{{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Cold AL|}}}|||<b><font color=green> ({{{Buffed Cold AL|}}})</font></b>}}<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Acid|}}}|||Acid: {{{Acid|??}}}{{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Acid AL|}}}|||<b><font color=green> ({{{Buffed Acid AL|}}})</font></b>}}<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Electric|}}}|||Electric: {{{Electric|??}}}{{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Electric AL|}}}|||<b><font color=green> ({{{Buffed Electric AL|}}})</font></b>}}<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Electric|}}}|||<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Activation Reqs|}}}|||Activation Requirements: {{{Activation Reqs}}}<br><br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Spellcraft|}}}|||Spellcraft: {{{Spellcraft}}}<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Mana|}}}|||Mana: {{{Mana}}}<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Mana Cost|}}}|||Mana Cost: 1 point per {{{Mana Cost|??}}} seconds.<br>}}
{{#ifeq:{{{Description|}}}|||{{{Description}}}<br><br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Special Properties|}}}|||[[Special Properties]]: {{{Special Properties}}}<br><br>}}{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{Armor Type|}}}}}|shield|Shield|Armor}} Level: {{{Armor Level|??}}}{{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Armor Level|}}}|||<b><font color=green> ({{{Buffed Armor Level|}}})</font></b>}}<br>{{#ifeq:{{{Covers|}}}|||Covers {{{Covers|}}}<br>}}<br>{{#ifeq:{{{Special Req|}}}|||{{{Special Req|}}}<br><br>}}{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{Player Attuned|}}}}}|true|This item can only be wielded by <Player>.<br><br>|}}{{#ifeq:{{{Level Req|}}}|||You must be at least level {{{Level Req}}} to wield this item.<br><br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Spells|}}}|||Casts the following spells: {{{Spells}}}<br><br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Slashing|}}}|||Armor Level: {{{Armor Level|??}}}{{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Armor Level|}}}|||<b><font color=green> ({{{Buffed Armor Level|}}})</font></b>}}<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Slashing|}}}|||Slashing: {{{Slashing|??}}}{{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Slashing AL|}}}|||<b><font color=green> ({{{Buffed Slashing AL|}}})</font></b>}}<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Piercing|}}}|||Piercing: {{{Piercing|??}}}{{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Piercing AL|}}}|||<b><font color=green> ({{{Buffed Piercing AL|}}})</font></b>}}<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Bludgeoning|}}}|||Bludgeoning: {{{Bludgeoning|??}}}{{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Bludgeon AL|}}}|||<b><font color=green> ({{{Buffed Bludgeon AL|}}})</font></b>}}<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Fire|}}}|||Fire: {{{Fire|??}}}{{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Fire AL|}}}|||<b><font color=green> ({{{Buffed Fire AL|}}})</font></b>}}<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Cold|}}}|||Cold: {{{Cold|??}}}{{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Cold AL|}}}|||<b><font color=green> ({{{Buffed Cold AL|}}})</font></b>}}<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Acid|}}}|||Acid: {{{Acid|??}}}{{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Acid AL|}}}|||<b><font color=green> ({{{Buffed Acid AL|}}})</font></b>}}<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Electric|}}}|||Electric: {{{Electric|??}}}{{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Electric AL|}}}|||<b><font color=green> ({{{Buffed Electric AL|}}})</font></b>}}<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Slashing|}}}|||Nether: Average ({{{Armor Level|??}}}){{#ifeq:{{{Buffed Armor Level|}}}|||<b><font color=green> ({{{Buffed Armor Level|}}})</font></b>}}<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Slashing|}}}|||<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Activation Reqs|}}}|||Activation Requirements: {{{Activation Reqs}}}<br><br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Spellcraft|}}}|||Spellcraft: {{{Spellcraft}}}<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Mana|}}}|||Mana: {{{Mana}}}<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{{Mana Cost|}}}|||Mana Cost: 1 point per {{{Mana Cost|??}}} seconds.<br>}}{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{Cannot Be Sold|}}}}}|true|<br>This item cannot be sold.|}}{{#ifeq:{{{Inscription|}}}|||<br><hr style="background#F0F0F0;"/>{{{Inscription|}}}<br>}}
Line 64: Line 71:
{{Related|Wiki Templates|Armor Stat Template}}
[[Category:Wiki Template]][[Category:Stats Panel Template]]
== Syntax ==
|        Armor Type =
|      Armor Type 2 =
|              Name =
|              Value =
|            Burden =
|        Icon Image =  Icon.png
|        Live Image =  Live.jpg
| Live Image Caption =
|        Description =
| Special Properties =
|            Covers = Head, Chest, Abdomen, Upper Arms, Lower Arms, Hands, Upper Legs, Lower Legs, Feet
|        Armor Level =
|          Slashing =
|          Piercing =
|        Bludgeoning =
|              Fire =
|              Cold =
|              Acid =
|          Electric =
| Buffed Armor Level =
| Buffed Slashing AL =
| Buffed Piercing AL =
| Buffed Bludgeon AL =
|    Buffed Fire AL =
|    Buffed Cold AL =
|    Buffed Acid AL =
| Buffed Electric AL =
|    Player Attuned =
|          Level Req =
|            Spells =
|    Activation Reqs =
|        Spellcraft =
|              Mana =
|          Mana Cost =
== Usage ==
This template is one component of the page template [[Armor Stat Template]], full details and an example can be found there.
Armor Type values:
* Clothing
* Foot
* Guise
* Hand
* Head
* Lower Body
* Mask
* Robe
* Shield
* Upper Body

Latest revision as of 22:51, 17 January 2024

Template Documentation: Edit Documentation

Related topics: Wiki Templates, Armor Template


 |         Armor Type = 
 |       Armor Type 2 = 
 |               Name = 
 |              Value = 
 |             Burden = 
 |         Icon Image =  Icon.png
 |         Live Image =  Live.jpg
 | Live Image Caption = 
 |        Description = 
 | Special Properties = 
 |             Covers = Head, Chest, Abdomen, Upper Arms, Lower Arms, Hands, Upper Legs, Lower Legs, Feet
 |        Armor Level = 
 |           Slashing = 
 |           Piercing = 
 |        Bludgeoning = 
 |               Fire = 
 |               Cold = 
 |               Acid = 
 |           Electric = 
 | Buffed Armor Level = 
 | Buffed Slashing AL = 
 | Buffed Piercing AL = 
 | Buffed Bludgeon AL = 
 |     Buffed Fire AL = 
 |     Buffed Cold AL = 
 |     Buffed Acid AL = 
 | Buffed Electric AL = 
 |     Player Attuned = 
 |          Level Req = 
 |        Special Req = 
 |             Spells = 
 |    Activation Reqs = 
 |         Spellcraft = 
 |               Mana = 
 |          Mana Cost = 
 |     Cannot Be Sold = False


This template is one component of the page template Armor Template, full details and an example can be found there.

Armor Type values:

  • Clothing
  • Foot
  • Guise
  • Hand
  • Head
  • Lower Body
  • Mask
  • Robe
  • Shield
  • Tattoo
  • Upper Body