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{{Related|Combat|Augmentation Gems}}
* [[Armor Augmentations]]
* [[Weapon Augmentations]]

== Overview ==
[[Category:Armor Augmentation]]
Weapon and Armor Augmentations allow players to permanently modify loot-generated equipment, by adding special properties or increasing stats.
== Quest ==
!Name !! Effect !! Quest 
|{{Icon Link|Black Skull of Xikma}}|| Adds [[Undead Slayer]] to any loot-generated melee weapon, ranged weapon, or wand. || [[Lunnum's Return]]
|{{Icon Link|Fetish of the Dark Idols}}|| Combine this with any loot-generated atlatl, bow, or crossbow. The Fetish of the Dark Idols will apply a [[Magic Absorbing]] property and a [[Melee Defense]] penalty to the weapon. Although the weapon can be imbued before applying a Fetish of the Dark Idols, it cannot be imbued afterwards. The weapon may have non-imbue tinkers applied either before or after application of the Fetish of the Dark Idols.
|{{Icon Link|Greater Mukkir Slayer Stone}}|| Use this gem on any loot-generated weapon or caster to give it a [[Mukkir Slayer]] effect. || [[Mukkir Aspect of Grael Quest]]
|{{Icon Link|Lucky White Rabbit's Foot}}|| Attach this rabbit foot to a treasure-generated weapon to improve the weapon's [[Variance]] by 20%. You may only attach one rabbit foot to a weapon. || [[Son of Pooky Quest]]
* During the [[Master of Arms]] event the following Quest acquired Weapon Augmentations [[Black Skull of Xikma]], [[Greater Mukkir Slayer Stone]] and [[Lucky White Rabbit's Foot]] could be purchased by trading 1 [[Imbue Swap Coin]] with the [[Weapon Imbue Vendor]] in [[Arwic]].
== Purchased ==
!Name !! Effect !! Purchased From !! Cost !! [[Alternate Currency]]
|{{Icon Link|A'nekshay Slayer Stone}}|| Use this gem on any loot-generated weapon or caster to give it a [[A'nekshay Slayer]] effect. || [[Sha-dekanma]] || 100 ||  {{Icon Link|A'nekshay Token}}s
|{{Icon Link|Gem of Spectral Force}}|| Use this gem on any loot-generated melee weapon to raise its damage by 1. This effect stacks with tinkering effects. || [[Hurnmel the Smith]] || 25 || {{Icon Link|Ancient Mhoire Coin}}s
|{{Icon Link|Gladiator's Defense Armor Augmentation}}|| Use this gem on a piece of treasure-generated armor to increase its protection against bludgeon by 0.2. This will not stack with any other Armor Augmentations. || [[Colosseum Coin Collector]] || 15 || {{Icon Link|Colosseum Coin}}s
|{{Icon Link|Maelstrom of Souls Gem}}|| Use this gem on any loot-generated elemental caster to increase its elemental damage by 1%. This effect stacks with tinkering effects. || [[Hurnmel the Smith]] || 25 || {{Icon Link|Ancient Mhoire Coin}}s
|{{Icon Link|Magic Defense Weapon Augmentation}}|| Use this gem to add 0.5% more [[Magic Defense]] to a Loot Weapon or Caster. This will not stack with any other Weapon Augmentations. || [[Hurnmel the Smith]] || 5 || {{Icon Link|Ancient Mhoire Coin}}s
|{{Icon Link|Missile Defense Weapon Augmentation}}|| Use this gem to add 0.5% more [[Missile Defense]] to a Loot Weapon. This will not stack with any other Weapon Augmentation. || [[Hisham al-Evv ]] || 2 || {{Icon Link|Small Olthoi Venom Sac}}s
|{{Icon Link|Olthoi Shield Armor Augmentation}}|| Use this gem on a piece of treasure-generated armor to increase its protection against acid by 0.4%. This will not stack with any other Armor Augmentations. || [[Hisham al-Evv ]] || 12 || {{Icon Link|Small Olthoi Venom Sac}}s
|{{Icon Link|Spectral Shield Armor Augmentation}}|| Use this gem on a piece of treasure-generated armor to increase its protection against cold by 0.4. This will not stack with any other Armor Augmentations. || [[Hurnmel the Smith]] || 25 || {{Icon Link|Ancient Mhoire Coin}}s
|{{Icon Link|Spectral Skull}}|| Use this skull on any loot-generated weapon or caster to give it a [[Skeleton Slayer]] effect. || [[Hurnmel the Smith]] || 50 || {{Icon Link|Ancient Mhoire Coin}}s
|{{Icon Link|Gauntlet Brutality Amplification}}|| Use this item on any loot-generated melee weapon to raise its damage by 1. This will not stack with other Weapon Amplifications. || [[Gauntlet Vendors]] || 30 || {{Icon Link|Gauntlet Coin}}s
|{{Icon Link|Nature's Wrath Amplification }}|| Use this item on any loot-generated elemental caster to increase it's elemental damage by 1%. This will not stack with other Weapon Amplifications. || [[Gauntlet Vendors]] || 30 || {{Icon Link|Gauntlet Coin}}s
|{{Icon Link|Gauntlet Defense Amplification}}|| Use this item to add 1.0% more Melee Defense to a Loot Weapon or Caster. This will not stack with other Weapon Amplifications. || [[Gauntlet Vendors]] || 30 || {{Icon Link|Gauntlet Coin}}s
|{{Icon Link|Horizon's Edge Amplification }}|| Use this item on any loot-generated missile weapon to raise its damage by 4%. This will not stack with other Weapon Amplifications. || [[Gauntlet Vendors]] || 30 || {{Icon Link|Gauntlet Coin}}s
* During the [[Master of Arms]] event the following purchasable [[Alternate Currency]] Weapon Augmentations [[A'nekshay Slayer Stone]], [[Gem of Spectral Force]], [[Magic Defense Weapon Augmentation]], [[Missile Defense Weapon Augmentation]] and [[Spectral Skull]] could be purchased by trading 1 [[Imbue Swap Coin]] with the [[Weapon Imbue Vendor]] in [[Arwic]].
* During the [[Spring 2014]] patch the following [[Armor_and_Weapon_Augmentations#Weapon_Amplifications|Weapon Amplifications]] were added;
** [[Gauntlet Brutality Amplification]], [[Nature's Wrath Amplification]], [[Gauntlet Defense Amplification]] and [[Horizon's Edge Amplification]]
== Retired ==
!Name!! Effect !! Obtained by 
|{{Icon Link|Shadow Slayer (Live Event)}}|| Live event reward during [[Down Twisting Paths]] that added [[Shadow Slayer]] to any loot-generated melee weapon, ranged weapon, or wand. || [[Live Event]]
|{{Icon Link|Bandit Blade Hilt}}|| Affix this hilt to a loot-generated dagger or light sword to give the weapon [[Multi-Strike]] capability. Using this on an already augmented weapon will destroy the hilt. Retired during [[Master of Arms]] event. || [[Bandit Hilt Quest]]
== Temporary Augmentions ==
A number of items will augment your weapons or armor temporarily for a given period of time.
!Name !! Effect !! Quest !! Duration
|{{Icon Link|Black Page of Salt and Ash}}|| Use this page to infuse your wielded weapon with the Invocation of the Black Book, adding a 10% bonus to its Attack modifier. This spell stacks with other spells and cantrips. || [[Water of Stasis Quest]] || 30 min
|{{Icon Link|Black Spear of Mukkir Strength}}|| Cats the followig spells [[Strength Other Incantation]] (+45), [[Coordination Other Incantation]] (+45), [[Focus Other Incantation]] (+45), [[Mukkir Sense]] (+4% Defense), [[Mukkir's Ferocity]] (+4% Attack) || [[Mukkir Aspect of Grael Quest]] || 2 hours
|{{Icon Link|Luminous Pearl of Blood Drinking}}|| Cast Incantation of Blood Drinker (+24) on your equipped weapon. || [[Luminance]] || 90 min
|{{Icon Link|Luminous Pearl of Defending}}|| Cast Incantation of Defender (+17%) on your equipped weapon. || [[Luminance]] || 90 min
|{{Icon Link|Luminous Pearl of Heart Seeking}}|| Cast Incantation of Heartseeker (+20%) on your equipped weapon. || [[Luminance]] || 90 min
|{{Icon Link|Luminous Pearl of Spirit Drinking}}|| Cast Incantation of Spirit Drinker (+8%) on your equipped magic caster. || [[Luminance]] || 90 min
|{{Icon Link|Pearl of Blood Drinking}}|| Using this gem will increase your equipped melee or missle weapon's damage by 50 for 15 minutes. || [[Rares]] || 15 min
|{{Icon Link|Pearl of Defending}}|| Using this gem will confer a 25% Melee Defense bonus upon your equipped melee weapon, missile weapon, or magic caster for 15 minutes. || [[Rares]] || 15 min
|{{Icon Link|Pearl of Heart Seeking}}|| Using this gem will confer a 25% attack bonus upon your equipped melee weapon for 15 minutes. || [[Rares]] || 15 min
|{{Icon Link|Pearl of Spirit Drinking}}|| Using this gem will confer a 15 percent elemental damage bonus upon your equipped casting device for 15 minutes. || [[Rares]] || 15 min
|{{Icon Link|Pearl of Swift Killing}}|| Using this gem will quicken the attack speed on your equipped melee or missle weapon by 1000 points for 15 minutes. || [[Rares]] || 15 min
|{{Icon Link|Pearl of Impenetrability}}|| Using this gem will increase the Armor Level of all equipped armor and clothing by 1000 for 15 minutes. || [[Rares]] || 15 min
|{{Icon Link|Rage of Grael Gem}}|| Use this gem to infuse your wielded weapon with the rage of Grael, increasing its damage value by 3 points. The effects of this spell stack with [[Blood Drinker (Spell)|Blood Drinker]]. || [[Grael's Rage]] || 3 hours
== Weapon Augmentation Stacking ==
Items in each column will not stack with each other. You may only put '''one''' from column A and one from column B on your weapon of choice.  The loot item's icon will only display the mini icon for the '''last''' token/gem item added so if you want a particular icon to display, be sure to add it last. Some augmentations do not display a mini icon, such as magic defense and missile defense augs.
!A !! B
|{{Icon Link|Lucky White Rabbit's Foot}} || {{Icon Link|Gem of Spectral Force}}
|{{Icon Link|Black Skull of Xikma}} || {{Icon Link|Maelstrom of Souls Gem}}
|{{Icon Link|Fetish of the Dark Idols}} || {{Icon Link|Magic Defense Weapon Augmentation}}
|{{Icon Link|Greater Mukkir Slayer Stone}} || {{Icon Link|Missile Defense Weapon Augmentation}}
|{{Icon Link|Spectral Skull}} || {{Icon Link|Gem of Verdant Force}}
|{{Icon Link|A'nekshay Slayer Stone}} ||
== Weapon Amplifications ==
Items listed here will not stack with other Weapon Amplifications. You may only put 1 Weapon Amplification on any loot generated weapon.
|{{Icon Link|Gauntlet Brutality Amplification}}
|{{Icon Link|Nature's Wrath Amplification}}
|{{Icon Link|Gauntlet Defense Amplification}}
|{{Icon Link|Horizon's Edge Amplification}}
== Notes ==
* Armor augmentations do not stack more then once, or with each other.
* Attuned weapons with either a '''Slayer''' (column A) or '''Maelstrom of Souls'''/'''Gem of Spectral Force''', but not both, can be re-attuned to a new player by applying the other enhancement. For example, if you have a weapon that only has Undead Slayer applied, it will be attuned to the person that put on the Undead Slayer, if another person then adds either a [[Maelstrom of Souls Gem]] or a [[Gem of Spectral Force]] the item will become attuned to the new person. This also works in the other direction, an item with one of those damage gems can be re-attuned by applying a slayer token. '''Note that this does not work for any other items in Column B, applying missile or magic defense gems DOES NOT CHANGE ATTUNEMENT (only usable by person X) and since you cannot apply another item from column B its attunement becomes locked for good.'''
* Hiltable weapons can not be modified by any Weapon Augmentations other than a [[Bandit Blade Hilt]].
* During the [[Spring 2014]] patch the following Weapon Amplifications were added;
** [[Gauntlet Brutality Amplification]], [[Nature's Wrath Amplification]], [[Gauntlet Defense Amplification]] and [[Horizon's Edge Amplification]]
[[Category:Weapon Augmentation]]
[[Category:Weapon Augmentation]]
[[Category:Armor Augmentation]]

Latest revision as of 15:15, 15 March 2015