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Harlune the Misanthrope gives you Impious Staff.</font><br>
Harlune the Misanthrope gives you Impious Staff.</font><br>
Harlune the Misanthrope tells you, "There it's fixed, now don't let the door hit you on the way out. And don't come back!"</font><br>
Harlune the Misanthrope tells you, "There it's fixed, now don't let the door hit you on the way out. And don't come back!"</font><br>
<font color=green>You give Harlune the Misanthrope Impious Staff.</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Harlune the Misanthrope tells you, "What, it isn't flashy enough for you? Too bad!"</font><br>
<font color=green>Harlune the Misanthrope gives you Impious Staff.</font>
<font color=green>You allow Harlune the Misanthrope to examine your Impious Staff.</font><br>
<font color=green>You allow Harlune the Misanthrope to examine your Impious Staff.</font><br>

Latest revision as of 20:42, 19 August 2012

Walk Through ___ Maps ___ Items ___ XP ___ Images ___ Lore & Dialog ___ Notes
Quest Summary
Quest Type: Solo/Group
Start Location: Zaikhal
Timer: 27 Days:
Handing in Broken Staff
2 Days 20 Hours:
Creating/Looting Slag after hand-in?
1 Hour:
Looting Iron Ore
Level Restrictions: 20+
Level Suggestions: 60+
Rewards Summary
Full details here
Impious Staff
Max XP:
Full details here
Titles: none
Related Articles
Introduced In: Shadows of the Past
Updated In: The Iron Coast,
The Hall of the Tusker King,
Foolish Ambition,
Shifting Gears

Quest Overview

Before you start the quest, bring an L Note.
Lockpick might help getting you through the doors in the Colier Mine faster.
Lockpick is also required in the Mite Maze.
Purchasing a Smelting Pot from a Master Mage (or other storekeeper who sells Alchemical Supplies) will allow you to skip the first visit to the Mite Maze, saving you a trip and some time.

Walk Through

Impious Temple

  1. Talk to Dizah ibn Nadqab at Four Towers near Zaikhal at 12.4N, 2.3E.
  1. Hand her the L Note to get access to the tower with the portal.
  2. Go in the Impious Temple
  3. optional: grab Dizah ibn Nadqab's Journal from the bottom of the first part of the dungeon (from drop, go right and down one level), lore reasons only
  4. Collect 4 Keys (the doors are impossible to pick, resistance 999):
    1. The Inferus Key can be found on the body of the Impious Inferus Guardian in the SE part. Portal Recall.
    2. The Mortuus Key can be found on the body of the Impious Mortuus Guardian in the NW part. Portal Recall.
    3. The Occasus Key can be found on the body of the Impious Occasus Guardian in the SW part. Portal Recall.
    4. The Superna Key can be found on the body of the Impious Superna Guardian in the NE part. Portal Recall.
  5. Head NW, left, and up and N to the lever part (it's the only route with openings in the grates).
  6. In the big room, go into the corridor to the SE, and pull the 2 levers in the smaller room (See map)
  7. Go back to the big room, head NW through the now open door
  8. Pull the levers in the 2 rooms to the left and go back into the corridor and to the N, then E.
  9. Use Superna Key for the first room to the left, pull lever
  10. Use Inferus Key for the second room to the left, pull lever
  11. Back to the corridor and continue through the 2 now open doors
  12. Use Mortuus Key to open the next door, and Occasus Key for the one behind that
  13. Kill the Impious Lichen High Priest and loot the Broken Staff off his corpse.
    1. He respawns every 5 minutes
    2. There is no timer on picking up the Broken Staff, and it may be freely given to others.
    3. Hand Dizah the Staff, and she will tell you to talk to someone in the Mite Maze

The Mite Maze

Note: You may skip this first visit to the Mite Maze entirely by simply purchasing a Smelting Pot from a Master Mage or most storekeepers (almost any NPC which stocks Alchemical Supplies).

  1. If you choose not to buy a Smelting Pot and skip this part, head to Mite Maze.
    • Route: There is a portal to the Mite Maze in the Facility Hub.
  2. Hand the Broken Staff to Roderick, who replaces Harlune the Misanthrope, (lockpick required)
  3. He will give you a Smelting Pot
    1. If you try to give him a second staff before the timer is up, he won't give you a Smelting Pot, but will keep the staff

Colier Mines

  1. Head to the Colier Village.
  2. Before entering the dungeon, find 2 keys:
    1. Get the Small Rusted Key from a Banderling Raider in a house at 56.7N, 38.6E
    2. Get the Cell Key from a Drudge Prowler in a house at 56.5N, 38.0E
  3. Enter the Colier Mines (entrance in the basement of the house at 56.8N 38.3E
  4. Use the Small Rusted Key to open the door directly at drop (resistance 400).
  5. Head N (See map) till you find the second locked door (resistance 700), open with Cell Key
  6. Go left, open another door (resistance 700) with the Cell Key and get the The Baron's Key (See Map) from one of the Undead Miners. You can also grab the Scratched Key for the Baron's Amulet of Life Giving (See Baron's Amulet of Life Giving Quest)
  7. Back to the door, go right now, and straight at first intersection.
  8. Through a series of rooms, in the fourth room, to the S, is a locked door (resistance 1000). Open with The Baron's Key
  9. Straight and N until you see a Wheelbarrow in a small room
  10. Use (open) the Wheelbarrow to obtain Iron Ore (pickup timer: one hour)

Getting the Staff

  1. Hand the Smelting Pot and the Iron Ore to someone trained in Alchemy (no skill check)
  2. Use Smelting Pot on Iron Ore to create Slag
    • + =
  3. Bring the Slag back to Roderick in Mite Maze
  4. Hand him the Slag to receive the Impious Staff


Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps Other Quests
Impious Temple 12.2N, 2.4E -- 015E -- --
Mite Maze 41.1N, 57.3E -- 01F8 -- --
Colier Mine 56.8N, 38.3E -- 01AE -- --


Quest Items
Inferus Key
Mortuus Key
Occasus Key
Superna Key
Dizah ibn Nadqab's Journal
Broken Staff
Iron Ore
Smelting Pot

Impious Staff

Experience Rewards

Task Required Max Experience Percentage & Level Cap
Hand Slag to Roderick 10,300,000xp

100% up to level 61

See Level Costs for per level information.


Lore & Dialog

Dizah ibn Nadqab tells you, "While excavating this site, I inadvertently awakened the undead that rest here. I was able to escape the dungeon with my life, but before doing so I found a large audience chamber with treasure."
Dizah ibn Nadqab tells you, "Offer me any trade note worth 5000 pyreals and I'll give you access to the dungeon. In return, you can keep anything you find in there. I can use the trade note to further my investigation in this site."
Dizah ibn Nadqab tells you, "From what I was able to uncover so far, I believe this area was once a place used by powerful Gharu'ndim War Mages. Any relics you find may be difficult for you to use. Yet, perhaps you will be able to understand what I could not. You can't go down there if you're not level 20, in fact I wouldn't go down there if I were you. Just forget the whole thing, you're better off that way."

You give Dizah ibn Nadqab Trade Note (5,000).
Dizah ibn Nadqab tells you, "I take this with gratitude. I'll open the door for you, but be warned, this is a risky venture. If you should fail, you will return to this place outside of the sealed tower...And I give no refunds."
Dizah ibn Nadqab says, "Oh, if you find something of interest I might be able to identify it for you."
Dizah ibn Nadqab says, "You should hurry. I'll close the door for you in a minute."

Impious Lichen Priest says, "Another fool has come in search of fate, my brothers."

Impious Lichen Priest says, "Your kind has disturbed us for the last time!"

Impious Lichen High Priest tells you, "Insignificant mortal! Soon you shall know your own demise!"

You give Dizah ibn Nadqab Broken Staff.
Dizah ibn Nadqab tells you, "This is clearly broken. There is one person I know who might have the knowledge and skill to repair this. He lives in the Mite Maze dungeon north of Arwic, located at 41.1N x 57.2E. Sorry I can't be more help."
Dizah ibn Nadqab gives you Broken Staff.

You give Roderick Broken Staff.
Roderick tells you, "Alright...Umm...Harlune told me how to do this..."`
Roderick tells you, "Alright. Take this and go to Colier Mines."
Roderick gives you Smelting Pot.
Roderick tells you, "If ya find some ore in a wheelbarrow and ya bring it to me, I think it'll be enough to fix the staff, alright?"

You give Roderick Broken Staff.
Roderick tells you, "Harlune told me not to fix more than one of these for folks. Ya better get goin'."

You allow Roderick to examine your Iron Ore.
Roderick tells you, "I gave ya the smelting pot for a reason, ya know."

You smelt the ore into an ugly, shapeless piece of slag. In the process, the smelting pot was destroyed.

You give Roderick Slag.
Roderick tells you, "Alright...let me give it a shot..."
The warrior takes a scroll out and silently reads it. Suddenly, his eyes start to glow and his voice changes.
Roderick tells you, "What are you bothering me for? More imbeciles asking to have that staff repaired? Fine. Here, just go away afterward!"
Roderick gives you Impious Staff.
You've earned 10,300,000 experience.
Roderick's eyes stop glowing and he looks around, dazed, as he pockets the scroll.
Roderick tells you, "Um...I guess that's it. I think ya better go, now. He doesn't like to be bothered."

You allow Roderick to examine your Impious Staff.
Roderick tells you, "Harlune doesn't want me muckin' with those staves more than I have to."

You allow Roderick to examine your Slag.
Roderick tells you, "That is nice and all, but I need a staff to fix before that slag is of any use."

Retired Text
Harlune the Misanthrope tells you, "I liberate some of your people from a despotic ruler...think you could show a little bit of respect!"
Harlune the Misanthrope tells you, "What, looking for some great quest, some grand purpose from the Empyrean? Go away!"

Harlune the Misanthrope tells you, "What do you want?"
You give Harlune the Misanthrope Broken Staff
Harlune the Misanthrope tells you, "Oh sure. I'll just cast "Fix Your Useless Crap VI on this for you, eh? I'm a mage, not a tinker!"
Harlune the Misanthrope tells you, "Eh, it's in bad shape but I MIGHT be able to fix restore it. Here, make yourself useful. Take this, and use it to smelt some iron ore."
Harlune the Misanthrope tells you, "You might be able to find some lying around in a wheelbarrow in the old Colier Mines. I'll work on the staff here until you bring me the refined ore."

Harlune the Misanthrope gives you Smelting Pot.

You give Harlune the Misanthrope Broken Staff
Harlune the Misanthrope tells you, "Sure, come to the Empyrean to have him fix your problems. I'm a mage, not a tinker!"
Harlune the Misanthrope tells you, "Eh well it is in pretty bad shape. I MIGHT be able to fix it, but I'm going to need some iron."
Harlune the Misanthrope tells you, "Make yourself useful, take this and go to the Collier mines."
Harlune the Misanthrope gives you Smelting Pot.
Harlune the Misanthrope tells you, "You should be able to find some ore lying around in a wheelbarrow there. Smelt it down and bring it back to me."
Harlune the Misanthrope tells you, "That should be enough to fix this piece of cr..."
Harlune the Misanthrope clears his throat.
Harlune the Misanthrope tells you, ", treasured relic and give me some peace and quiet. Now, off with you."

You give Harlune the Misanthrope Broken Staff.
Harlune the Misanthrope gives you Broken Staff.

Harlune the Misanthrope tells you, "I'm not going to fix another of these for you! Go away before I call Alfrega on you!"

You give Harlune the Misanthrope Slag.
Harlune the Misanthrope tells you, "Found the iron eh? Well, give me a minute."
Harlune the Misanthrope's eyes glow briefly for a moment.
Harlune the Misanthrope gives you Impious Staff.

Harlune the Misanthrope tells you, "There it's fixed, now don't let the door hit you on the way out. And don't come back!"

You give Harlune the Misanthrope Impious Staff.
Harlune the Misanthrope tells you, "What, it isn't flashy enough for you? Too bad!"
Harlune the Misanthrope gives you Impious Staff.

You allow Harlune the Misanthrope to examine your Impious Staff.
Harlune the Misanthrope tells you, "That's as good as it gets! Now let me return to my work!"


  • During The Iron Coast event, the following changes were made:
    • The Impious Staff was updated with new artwork and a new icon.
    • The racial requirement was removed from the staff and the spell Priest's Curse added.
  • During The Hall of the Tusker King event, the following changes were made:
    • Quest timer was changed from Once Per Character to 30 days.
    • The spawn timer on the High Priest/Broken Staff was shortened from 30 minutes to 5 minutes.
  • During the Foolish Ambition event, a percentage based xp reward (20% up to level 50) was introduced.
  • During the Shifting Gears event, the experience reward was increased from 1,054,387xp (20% up to level 50) to 10,300,000xp (100% up to level 61).