Machinist's Gloves Quest: Difference between revisions

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imported>An Adventurer
m Text replace - " | Item Rewards = " to " | Contracts = | Item Rewards = "
(17 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
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{{Quest Summary
{{Quest Summary
  |    Patch Introduced = [[What Once was Lost]]
  |    Patch Introduced = [[What Once was Lost]]
  |      Related Quests =  
  |      Related Quests = [[Portal Space Research]],<br>[[Undead Mechanic Quest]]
  |            Updated =  
  |            Updated = [[Old Ghosts]],<br>[[Reforging the Past]]
  |          Live Image = Live.jpg
  |          Live Image = Kaywin Live.jpg
  |  Live Image Caption =  
  |  Live Image Caption = Kaywin the Machinist
  |          Quest Type = Solo/Group
  |          Quest Type = Solo/Group
  |          Kill Task = False
  |          Kill Task = False
  |      Start Location = [[Mar'uun]]
  |      Start Location = [[Mar'uun]]
  |              Timer = 30 Days on Alloy Pieces
  |              Timer = 27 Days on Alloy Pieces
  |  Level Restrictions = None
  |  Level Restrictions = None
  |  Level Suggestions = Varies
  |  Level Suggestions = Varies
|          Contracts =
  |        Item Rewards = [[Machinist's Gloves]]
  |        Item Rewards = [[Machinist's Gloves]]
  |      Max XP Reward = Various
|    Luminance Reward =
  |      Max XP Reward = 6,085,000
  |              Titles = Dedicated
  |              Titles = Dedicated
Line 20: Line 22:
  |          Link Items = True
  |          Link Items = True
  |    Link XP Rewards = True
  |    Link XP Rewards = True
  |  Link Title Rewards = False
  |  Link Title Rewards = True
  |        Link Images = False
  |        Link Images = True
  |  Link Lore & Dialog = True
  |  Link Lore & Dialog = True
  |          Link Notes = False
  |          Link Notes = True
== Quest Overview ==
== Quest Overview ==
*Portions of this quest require Lockpicking skill to reach the alloy piece.
* '''You must either be finished with or at least on week 3 of the Time Warp portion of the [[Portal Space Research]] quest to complete this quest.'''  Kaywin will not be present in Mar'uun until the third week.
* Portions of this quest require Lockpicking skill to reach the alloy piece.

== Walk Through ==
== Walk Through ==
#'''<font color=green><nowiki>[</nowiki>OPTIONAL<nowiki>]</nowiki></font>''' Speak to [[Kaywin]] - A machinist in [[Mar'uun]] looking to fix the Great Machine there. She needs Alloy Parts from the old [[Undead Mechanic Quest]].  
#<font color=green>'''Optional'''</font> Speak to [[Kaywin]] - A machinist in [[Mar'uun]] looking to fix the Great Machine there. She needs Alloy Parts from the old [[Undead Mechanic Quest]].
# Proceed to the 20 dungeons and collect the alloy pieces. They do not need to be collected or turned in in any particular order.
# Proceed to the 20 dungeons and collect the alloy pieces. They do not need to be collected or turned in in any particular order.
#* [[Filos' Doom]] - 12.0N, 62.2E - [ ACMaps]
#: [[Alloy Device]]
#: Route: See [[Rithwic]]
#: XP Reward: 10,000xp
#* [[Empyrean Garrison]] - 54.2S 81.8E - [ ACMaps]
#: [[Alloy Apparatus]]
#: Route: See [[Nanto]]
#: Lockpick required
#: XP Reward: 15,000xp
#* [[Bone Lair]] - 29.4S, 7.0E - [ ACMaps]
#: [[Alloy Instrument]]
#: Route: See [[Al-Arqas]]
#: Lockpick required, lever pulling
#: XP Reward: 20,000xp
#* [[Glenden Wood Dungeon]] - 29.9N, 26.4E - [ ACMaps]
#: [[Alloy Tool]]
#: Route: See [[Glenden Wood]]
#: Either Lockpick, or gather keys through dungeon
#: XP Reward: 40,000xp
#* [[Tomb of the Dead]] - 18.3S, 9.3E - [ ACMaps]
#: [[Alloy Contraption]]
#: Route: See [[Tufa]]
#: Buttons & Levers (See Map)
#: XP Reward: 50,000xp
#* [[Saadia's Retreat]] - 53.6S, 76.6E - [ ACMaps]
#: [[Alloy Implement]]
#: Route: See [[Lin]]
#: XP Reward: 60,000xp
#* [[Enkindled Souls]] - 49.4S, 26.9E - [ ACMaps]
#: [[Alloy Utensil]]
#: Route: See [[Khayyaban]]
#: XP Reward: 70,000xp
#* [[Crypt of Ashen Tears]] - 14.6N, 3.5E - [ ACMaps]
#: [[Alloy Mechanism]]
#: Route: See [[Zaikhal]]
#: XP Reward: 80,000xp
#* [[Thieves' Den]] - 17.7N, 65.0E - [ ACMaps]
#: [[Alloy Cogwheel]]
#: Route: See [[Eastham]]
#: XP Reward: 90,000xp
#* [[Smuggler's Hideaway]] - 29.5S, 91.4E - [ ACMaps]
#: [[Alloy Contrivance]]
#: Route: See [[Tou-Tou]]
#: XP Reward: 100,000xp
#* [[Mountain Keep]] - 54.7N, 32.9E- [ ACMaps]
#: [[Alloy Sprocket]]
#: Route: Take the [[Mountain Keep Cottages]] Portal from [[Holtburg]] at 40.2 N, 35.1 E
#: XP Reward: 150,000xp
#* [[Dungeon of Tatters]] - 62.2S, 40.1E - [ ACMaps]
#: [[Alloy Cylinder]]
#: Route: [[Tattered Ridge]] from [[Baishi]] at 50.1S, 63.5E
#: XP Reward: 200,000xp
#* [[Dungeon Nye]] - 6.2N, 34.4E - [ ACMaps]
#: [[Alloy Dynamo]]
#: Route: [[Enchanter's Meadow]] from [[Lytelthorpe]] at 2.2N, 50.4E
#: XP Reward: 300,000xp
#* [[Old Mine]] - 79.2S, 27.0E - [ ACMaps]
#: [[Alloy Piston]]
#: Route 1: Run from [[Linvak Tukal]]
#: Route 2: Use shortcut portal at the bottom of the [[Arwic Mines]].
#: Requires Lockpick
#: XP Reward: 400,000xp
#* [[Crater Caves Dungeon]] - 66.7N, 12.5E - [ ACMaps]
#: [[Alloy Fan]]
#: Route: See [[Crater Lake Village]]
#: XP Reward: 500,00xp
#* [[Small Icecave]] - 67.5N, 50.3E - [ ACMaps]
#: [[Alloy Pinion]]
#: Route: See [[Bandit Castle]]
#: Hand [[Carol's Carrot Soup]] to [[Karwin, the Lunatic]] to receive [[Karwin's Key]]
#: XP Reward: 600,000xp
#* [[Lost Garden Ruins]] - 65.8S, 59.3E - [ ACMaps]
#: [[Alloy Engine]]
#: Route: [[Baishi]] to [[Tattered Ridge]] (50.1S, 63.5E), Ancient Town to [[High Mountain Valley]] (61.9S, 40.0E)
#: XP Reward: 700,000xp
#* [[Inner Dungeon]] - 43.5N, 43.4W - [ ACMaps]
#: [[Alloy Motor]]
#: Route: See [[Plateau Village]]
#: Requires Lockpick
#: XP Reward: 800,000xp
#* [[Mount Naipenset]] - 5.6N, 56.2W - [ ACMaps]
#: [[Alloy Generator]]
#: Run from [[Fort Tethana]]
#: XP Reward: 900,000xp
#* [[Phyntos Menace]] - 68.1N, 20.0W - [ ACMaps]
#: [[Alloy Turbine]]
#: Route: See [[Stonehold]]
#: Bit of lever pulling
#: XP Reward: 1,000,000xp
# Return to [[Kaywin]] in [[Mar'uun]] and turn the alloys into her for xp and [[Machinist's Gloves]].
# Return to [[Kaywin]] in [[Mar'uun]] and turn the alloys into her for xp and [[Machinist's Gloves]].
! Alloy Part
! XP Reward
! Location
! Dungeon
! Lockpick
| {{Icon|Alloy Device}} [[Alloy Device]]
| align=center| 10,000xp
| align=center| 12.0N, 62.2E
| [[Filos' Doom]] - {{ACMaps Link|0150|ACMaps}}
| No
| {{Icon|Alloy Apparatus}} [[Alloy Apparatus]]
| align=center| 15,000xp
| align=center| 54.2S, 81.8E
| [[Empyrean Garrison]] - {{ACMaps Link|0161|ACMaps}}
| Yes
| {{Icon|Alloy Instrument}} [[Alloy Instrument]]
| align=center| 20,000xp
| align=center| 29.4S, 7.0E
| [[Bone Lair]] - {{ACMaps Link|0145|ACMaps}}
| Yes
| {{Icon|Alloy Tool}} [[Alloy Tool]]
| align=center| 40,000xp
| align=center| 29.9N, 26.4E
| [[Glenden Wood Dungeon]] - {{ACMaps Link|01E3|ACMaps}}
| Yes<br>or [[Glenden Wood Dungeon#Items and Objects|Keys]]
| {{Icon|Alloy Contraption}} [[Alloy Contraption]]
| align=center| 50,000xp
| align=center| 18.4S, 9.3E
| [[Tomb of the Dead]] - {{ACMaps Link|01F3|ACMaps}}
| No
| {{Icon|Alloy Implement}} [[Alloy Implement]]
| align=center| 60,000xp
| align=center| 53.6S, 76.6E
| [[Saadia's Retreat]] - {{ACMaps Link|013F|ACMaps}}
| No
| {{Icon|Alloy Utensil}} [[Alloy Utensil]]
| align=center| 70,000xp
| align=center| 49.4S, 26.9E
| [[Enkindled Souls]] - {{ACMaps Link|0141|ACMaps}}
| No
| {{Icon|Alloy Mechanism}} [[Alloy Mechanism]]
| align=center| 80,000xp
| align=center| 14.6N, 3.5E
| [[Crypt of Ashen Tears]] - {{ACMaps Link|01FA|ACMaps}}
| No
| {{Icon|Alloy Cogwheel}} [[Alloy Cogwheel]]
| align=center| 90,000xp
| align=center| 17.7N, 65E
| [[Thieves' Den]] - {{ACMaps Link|01E1|ACMaps}}
| No
| {{Icon|Alloy Contrivance}} [[Alloy Contrivance]]
| align=center| 100,000xp
| align=center| 29.5S, 91.4E
| [[Smuggler's Hideaway]] - {{ACMaps Link|014E|ACMaps}}
| No
| {{Icon|Alloy Sprocket}} [[Alloy Sprocket]]
| align=center| 150,000xp
| align=center| 54.7N, 32.9E
| [[Mountain Keep]] - {{ACMaps Link|01D2|ACMaps}}
| No
| {{Icon|Alloy Cylinder}} [[Alloy Cylinder]]
| align=center| 200,000xp
| align=center| 62.2S, 40.1E
| [[Dungeon of Tatters]] - {{ACMaps Link|01BA|ACMaps}}
| No
| {{Icon|Alloy Dynamo}} [[Alloy Dynamo]]
| align=center| 300,000xp
| align=center| 6.2N, 34.4E
| [[Dungeon Nye]] - {{ACMaps Link|0181|ACMaps}}
| No
| {{Icon|Alloy Piston}} [[Alloy Piston]]
| align=center| 400,000xp
| align=center| 79.2S, 27.0E
| [[Old Mine]] - {{ACMaps Link|0190|ACMaps}}
| Yes
| {{Icon|Alloy Fan}} [[Alloy Fan]]
| align=center| 500,000xp
| align=center| 66.7N, 12.5E
| [[Crater Caves]] - {{ACMaps Link|019A|ACMaps}}
| No
| {{Icon|Alloy Pinion}} [[Alloy Pinion]]
| align=center| 600,000xp
| align=center| 67.5N, 50.3E
| [[Small Icecave]] - {{ACMaps Link|01E6|ACMaps}}
| [[Karwin's Key|Key]]
| {{Icon|Alloy Engine}} [[Alloy Engine]]
| align=center| 700,000xp
| align=center| 65.8S, 59.3E
| [[Lost Garden Ruins]] - {{ACMaps Link|01B1|ACMaps}}
| No
| {{Icon|Alloy Motor}} [[Alloy Motor]]
| align=center| 800,000xp
| align=center| 43.5N, 43.4W
| [[Inner Dungeon]] - {{ACMaps Link|01A5|ACMaps}}
| Yes or [[Inner Dungeon Key|Key]]
| {{Icon|Alloy Generator}} [[Alloy Generator]]
| align=center| 900,000xp
| align=center| 5.6N, 56.2W
| [[Mount Naipenset]] - {{ACMaps Link|0147|ACMaps}}
| No
| {{Icon|Alloy Turbine}} [[Alloy Turbine]]
| align=center| 1,000,000xp
| align=center| 68.1N, 20.0W
| [[Phyntos Menace]] - {{ACMaps Link|0143|ACMaps}}
| No

== Items ==
== Items ==
{{Item Table|Caption=Quest Items|Carol's Carrot Soup|Inner Dungeon Key|Karwin's Key|Missing Mechanisms|Alloy Device|Alloy Apparatus|Alloy Instrument|Alloy Tool|Alloy Contraption|Alloy Implement|Alloy Utensil|Alloy Mechanism|Alloy Cogwheel|Alloy Contrivance|Alloy Sprocket|Alloy Cylinder|Alloy Dynamo|Alloy Piston|Alloy Fan|Alloy Pinion|Alloy Engine|Alloy Motor|Alloy Generator|Alloy Turbine|}}
{{Item Table Three|Caption=Quest Items
| Key (Plain-Looking)
| Key (Rusty Key)
| Key (Antique Key)
| Carol's Carrot Soup
| Inner Dungeon Key
| Karwin's Key
| Missing Mechanisms
| Alloy Device
| Alloy Apparatus
| Alloy Instrument
| Alloy Tool
| Alloy Contraption
| Alloy Implement
| Alloy Utensil
| Alloy Mechanism
| Alloy Cogwheel
| Alloy Contrivance
| Alloy Sprocket
| Alloy Cylinder
| Alloy Dynamo
| Alloy Piston
| Alloy Fan
| Alloy Pinion
| Alloy Engine
| Alloy Motor
| Alloy Generator
| Alloy Turbine

{{Item Table|Caption=Reward Items|Machinist's Gloves}}
{{Item Table|Caption=Reward Items
| Machinist's Gloves

== Maps ==
== Maps ==
Line 131: Line 203:
|valign=top align=left|
|valign=top align=left|
{{Map Point Plus
{{Map Point Plus
  | 12.0 | N | 62.2 | E | Dungeon | Filo's Doom - Alloy Device
  | Points =
| 54.2 | S | 81.8 | E | Dungeon | Empyrean Garrison - Alloy Apparatus
{{MPP Loc | 42.1 | N | 79.0 | W | Large | Undead Mechanic}}
| 29.4 | S | 07.0 | E | Dungeon | Bone Lair - Alloy Instrument
{{MPP Loc | 12.0 | N | 62.2 | E | Dungeon | Filo's Doom - Alloy Device}}
| 29.9 | N | 26.4 | E | Dungeon | Glenden Wood Dungeon - Alloy Tool
{{MPP Loc | 54.2 | S | 81.8 | E | Dungeon | Empyrean Garrison - Alloy Apparatus}}
| 18.3 | S | 09.3 | E | Dungeon | Tomb of the Dead - Alloy Contraption
{{MPP Loc | 29.4 | S | 07.0 | E | Dungeon | Bone Lair - Alloy Instrument}}
| 53.6 | S | 76.6 | E | Dungeon | Saadia's Retreat - Alloy Implement
{{MPP Loc | 29.9 | N | 26.4 | E | Dungeon | Glenden Wood Dungeon - Alloy Tool}}
| 49.4 | S | 26.9 | E | Dungeon | Enkindled Souls - Alloy Utensil
{{MPP Loc | 18.3 | S | 09.3 | E | Dungeon | Tomb of the Dead - Alloy Contraption}}
| 14.6 | N | 03.5 | E | Dungeon | Crypt of Ashen Tears - Alloy Mechanism
{{MPP Loc | 53.6 | S | 76.6 | E | Dungeon | Saadia's Retreat - Alloy Implement}}
| 17.7 | N | 65.0 | E | Dungeon | Thieve's Den - Alloy Cogwheel
{{MPP Loc | 49.4 | S | 26.9 | E | Dungeon | Enkindled Souls - Alloy Utensil}}
| 29.5 | S | 91.4 | E | Dungeon | Smuggler's Hideaway - Alloy Contrivance
{{MPP Loc | 14.6 | N | 03.5 | E | Dungeon | Crypt of Ashen Tears - Alloy Mechanism}}
| 54.7 | N | 32.9 | E | Dungeon | Mountain Keep - Alloy Sprocket
{{MPP Loc | 17.7 | N | 65.0 | E | Dungeon | Thieves' Den - Alloy Cogwheel}}
| 62.2 | S | 40.1 | E | Dungeon | Dungeon of Tatters - Alloy Cylinder
{{MPP Loc | 29.5 | S | 91.4 | E | Dungeon | Smuggler's Hideaway - Alloy Contrivance}}
| 06.2 | N | 34.4 | E | Dungeon | Dungeon Nye - Alloy Dynamo
{{MPP Loc | 54.7 | N | 32.9 | E | Dungeon | Mountain Keep - Alloy Sprocket}}
| 79.2 | S | 27.0 | E | Dungeon | Old Mine - Alloy Piston
{{MPP Loc | 62.2 | S | 40.1 | E | Dungeon | Dungeon of Tatters - Alloy Cylinder}}
| 66.7 | N | 12.5 | E | Dungeon | Crater Caves - Alloy Fan
{{MPP Loc | 06.2 | N | 34.4 | E | Dungeon | Dungeon Nye - Alloy Dynamo}}
| 67.5 | N | 50.3 | E | Dungeon | Small Icecave - Alloy Pinion
{{MPP Loc | 79.2 | S | 27.0 | E | Dungeon | Old Mine - Alloy Piston}}
| 65.8 | S | 59.3 | E | Dungeon | Lost Garden Ruins - Alloy Engine
{{MPP Loc | 66.7 | N | 12.5 | E | Dungeon | Crater Caves - Alloy Fan}}
| 43.5 | N | 43.4 | W | Dungeon | Inner Dungeon - Alloy Motor
{{MPP Loc | 67.5 | N | 50.3 | E | Dungeon | Small Icecave - Alloy Pinion}}
| 05.6 | N | 56.2 | W | Dungeon | Mount Naipenset - Alloy Generator
{{MPP Loc | 65.8 | S | 59.3 | E | Dungeon | Lost Garden Ruins - Alloy Engine}}
| 68.1 | N | 20.1 | W | Dungeon | Phyntos Menace - Alloy Turbine
{{MPP Loc | 43.5 | N | 43.4 | W | Dungeon | Inner Dungeon - Alloy Motor}}
{{MPP Loc | 05.6 | N | 56.2 | W | Dungeon | Mount Naipenset - Alloy Generator}}
{{MPP Loc | 68.1 | N | 20.1 | W | Dungeon | Phyntos Menace - Alloy Turbine}}
|valign=top align=left|
|valign=top align=left|
# [[Filo's Doom]] - [ ACMaps]
# [[Filo's Doom]] - {{ACMaps Link|0150|ACMaps}}
# [[Empyrean Garrison]] - [ ACMaps]
# [[Empyrean Garrison]] - {{ACMaps Link|0161|ACMaps}}
# [[Bone Lair]] - [ ACMaps]
# [[Bone Lair]] - {{ACMaps Link|0145|ACMaps}}
# [[Glenden Wood Dungeon]] - [ ACMaps]
# [[Glenden Wood Dungeon]] - {{ACMaps Link|01E3|ACMaps}}
# [[Tomb of the Dead]] - [ ACMaps]
# [[Tomb of the Dead]] - {{ACMaps Link|01F3|ACMaps}}
# [[Saadia's Retreat]] - [ ACMaps]
# [[Saadia's Retreat]] - {{ACMaps Link|013F|ACMaps}}
# [[Enkindled Souls]] - [ ACMaps]
# [[Enkindled Souls]] - {{ACMaps Link|0141|ACMaps}}
# [[Crypt of Ashen Tears]] - [ ACMaps]
# [[Crypt of Ashen Tears]] - {{ACMaps Link|01FA|ACMaps}}
# [[Thieve's Den]] - [ ACMaps]
# [[Thieves' Den]] - {{ACMaps Link|01E1|ACMaps}}
# [[Smuggler's Hideaway]] - [ ACMaps]
# [[Smuggler's Hideaway]] - {{ACMaps Link|014E|ACMaps}}
# [[Mountain Keep]] - [ ACMaps]
# [[Mountain Keep]] - {{ACMaps Link|01D2|ACMaps}}
# [[Dungeon of Tatters]] - [ ACMaps]
# [[Dungeon of Tatters]] - {{ACMaps Link|01BA|ACMaps}}
# [[Dungeon Nye]] - [ ACMaps]
# [[Dungeon Nye]] - {{ACMaps Link|0181|ACMaps}}
# [[Old Mine]] - [ ACMaps]
# [[Old Mine]] - {{ACMaps Link|0190|ACMaps}}
# [[Crater Caves]] - [ ACMaps]
# [[Crater Caves]] - {{ACMaps Link|019A|ACMaps}}
# [[Small Icecave]] - [ ACMaps]
# [[Small Icecave]] - {{ACMaps Link|01E6|ACMaps}}
# [[Lost Garden Ruins]] - [ ACMaps]
# [[Lost Garden Ruins]] - {{ACMaps Link|01B1|ACMaps}}
# [[Inner Dungeon]] - [ ACMaps]
# [[Inner Dungeon]] - {{ACMaps Link|01A5|ACMaps}}
# [[Mount Naipenset]] - [ ACMaps]
# [[Mount Naipenset]] - {{ACMaps Link|0147|ACMaps}}
# [[Phyntos Menace]] - [ ACMaps]
# [[Phyntos Menace]] - {{ACMaps Link|0143|ACMaps}}
== Experience Rewards ==
{{Quest Experience Table
| Repeat Differs = True
|    Table Rows =
{{Quest Task
|            Description =
|                  Max XP =
|        Percent of Level =
|              Level Cap =
|          Repeat Max XP =
| Repeat Percent of Level =
|        Repeat Level Cap =

{{Quest Experience Table
== Title Rewards ==
  | Repeat Differs = False
{{Title Rewards Table
|    Table Rows =
  | Table Rows =  
{{Quest Task
  |     Description =  
  | Title = Dedicated
  |           Max XP =
  |  Task = Hand in 20 Alloy Parts to Kaywin
  | Percent of Level =
|        Level Cap =  
Line 202: Line 260:
== Images ==
== Images ==
<gallery widths=200px heights=200px perrow=3>
<gallery widths=200px heights=200px perrow=3>
File:Undead Mechanic Quest Live 2.jpg|Alloy Parts
File:Stabilizing Machine Live.jpg|The Stabilizing Machine

== Lore & Dialog ==
== Lore & Dialog ==
<font color = green>You give Kaywin Alloy Device.</font><br>
<font color = darkgoldenrod>Kaywin tells you, "Beautiful piece of work isn't she?"</font><br>
<font color = green>Kaywinnit looks at the machine quizzically.</font><br>
<font color = darkgoldenrod>Kaywin tells you, "No matter how many time I fix her she just seems to keep breaking down."</font><br>
<font color = green>Kaywin gives you Missing Mechanisms.</font><br>
<font color = darkgoldenrod>Kaywin tells you, "A friend of mine found that list, it's full of wonderful things I could use. With my skills and those parts I could keep her running indefinitely."</font><br>
<font color = grey>Kaywin says, "How am I supposed to fix this with nothing but naught? Maybe I'll get a few more pieces of alloy today... that'd be so great!"</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>
<font color = green>You give Kaywin <Alloy Piece>.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Wonderful, look at this workmanship."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Wonderful, look at this workmanship."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "I just need to..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "I just need to..."<br>
Line 216: Line 283:
Kaywin tells you, "Oh, I could always use more pieces..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Oh, I could always use more pieces..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Hey! Maybe if you bring me enough I could come up with a little something special for ya, ya know?"<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Hey! Maybe if you bring me enough I could come up with a little something special for ya, ya know?"<br>
<font color = green>You give Kaywin <20th Alloy Piece>.</font><br>
<font color = green>You give Kaywin Alloy Apparatus.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Wonderful, look at this workmanship."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "I just need to..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "There we go. This will work wonderfully."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Keeping bringing me parts like this and I might just fall in love..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "This machine really is a beauty, how could I not!"<br>
<font color = green>You've earned 15,000 experience.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Oh, I could always use more pieces..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Hey! Maybe if you bring me enough I could come up with a little something special for ya, ya know?"<br>
<font color = green>You give Kaywin Alloy Instrument.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Wonderful, look at this workmanship."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "I just need to..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "There we go. This will work wonderfully."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Keeping bringing me parts like this and I might just fall in love..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "This machine really is a beauty, how could I not!"<br>
<font color = green>You've earned 20,000 experience.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Oh, I could always use more pieces..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Hey! Maybe if you bring me enough I could come up with a little something special for ya, ya know?"<br>
<font color = green>You give Kaywin Alloy Tool.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Wonderful, look at this workmanship."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "I just need to..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "There we go. This will work wonderfully."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Keeping bringing me parts like this and I might just fall in love..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "This machine really is a beauty, how could I not!"<br>
<font color = green>You've earned 40,000 experience.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Oh, I could always use more pieces..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Hey! Maybe if you bring me enough I could come up with a little something special for ya, ya know?"<br>
<font color = green>You give Kaywin Alloy Contraption.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Wonderful, look at this workmanship."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "I just need to..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "There we go. This will work wonderfully."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Keeping bringing me parts like this and I might just fall in love..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "This machine really is a beauty, how could I not!"<br>
<font color = green>You've earned 50,000 experience.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Oh, I could always use more pieces..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Hey! Maybe if you bring me enough I could come up with a little something special for ya, ya know?"<br>
<font color = green>You give Kaywin Alloy Implement.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Wonderful, look at this workmanship."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "I just need to..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "There we go. This will work wonderfully."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Keeping bringing me parts like this and I might just fall in love..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "This machine really is a beauty, how could I not!"<br>
<font color = green>You've earned 60,000 experience.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Oh, I could always use more pieces..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Hey! Maybe if you bring me enough I could come up with a little something special for ya, ya know?"<br>
<font color = green>You give Kaywin Alloy Utensil.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Wonderful, look at this workmanship."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "I just need to..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "There we go. This will work wonderfully."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Keeping bringing me parts like this and I might just fall in love..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "This machine really is a beauty, how could I not!"<br>
<font color = green>You've earned 70,000 experience.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Oh, I could always use more pieces..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Hey! Maybe if you bring me enough I could come up with a little something special for ya, ya know?"<br>
<font color = green>You give Kaywin Alloy Mechanism.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Wonderful, look at this workmanship."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "I just need to..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "There we go. This will work wonderfully."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Keeping bringing me parts like this and I might just fall in love..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "This machine really is a beauty, how could I not!"<br>
<font color = green>You've earned 80,000 experience.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Oh, I could always use more pieces..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Hey! Maybe if you bring me enough I could come up with a little something special for ya, ya know?"<br>
<font color = green>You give Kaywin Alloy Cogwheel.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Wonderful, look at this workmanship."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "I just need to..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "There we go. This will work wonderfully."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Keeping bringing me parts like this and I might just fall in love..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "This machine really is a beauty, how could I not!"<br>
<font color = green>You've earned 90,000 experience.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Oh, I could always use more pieces..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Hey! Maybe if you bring me enough I could come up with a little something special for ya, ya know?"<br>
<font color = green>You give Kaywin Alloy Contrivance.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Wonderful, look at this workmanship."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "I just need to..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "There we go. This will work wonderfully."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Keeping bringing me parts like this and I might just fall in love..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "This machine really is a beauty, how could I not!"<br>
<font color = green>You've earned 100,000 experience.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Oh, I could always use more pieces..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Hey! Maybe if you bring me enough I could come up with a little something special for ya, ya know?"<br>
<font color = green>You give Kaywin Alloy Sprocket.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Wonderful, look at this workmanship."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "I just need to..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "There we go. This will work wonderfully."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Keeping bringing me parts like this and I might just fall in love..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "This machine really is a beauty, how could I not!"<br>
<font color = green>You've earned 150,000 experience.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Oh, I could always use more pieces..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Hey! Maybe if you bring me enough I could come up with a little something special for ya, ya know?"<br>
<font color = green>You give Kaywin Alloy Cylinder.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Wonderful, look at this workmanship."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "I just need to..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "There we go. This will work wonderfully."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Keeping bringing me parts like this and I might just fall in love..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "This machine really is a beauty, how could I not!"<br>
<font color = green>You've earned 200,000 experience.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Oh, I could always use more pieces..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Hey! Maybe if you bring me enough I could come up with a little something special for ya, ya know?"<br>
<font color = green>You give Kaywin Alloy Dynamo.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Wonderful, look at this workmanship."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "I just need to..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "There we go. This will work wonderfully."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Keeping bringing me parts like this and I might just fall in love..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "This machine really is a beauty, how could I not!"<br>
<font color = green>You've earned 300,000 experience.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Oh, I could always use more pieces..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Hey! Maybe if you bring me enough I could come up with a little something special for ya, ya know?"<br>
<font color = green>You give Kaywin Alloy Piston.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Wonderful, look at this workmanship."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "I just need to..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "There we go. This will work wonderfully."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Keeping bringing me parts like this and I might just fall in love..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "This machine really is a beauty, how could I not!"<br>
<font color = green>You've earned 400,000 experience.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Oh, I could always use more pieces..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Hey! Maybe if you bring me enough I could come up with a little something special for ya, ya know?"<br>
<font color = green>You give Kaywin Alloy Fan.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Wonderful, look at this workmanship."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "I just need to..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "There we go. This will work wonderfully."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Keeping bringing me parts like this and I might just fall in love..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "This machine really is a beauty, how could I not!"<br>
<font color = green>You've earned 500,000 experience.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Oh, I could always use more pieces..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Hey! Maybe if you bring me enough I could come up with a little something special for ya, ya know?"<br>
<font color = green>You give Kaywin Alloy Pinion.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Wonderful, look at this workmanship."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "I just need to..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "There we go. This will work wonderfully."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Keeping bringing me parts like this and I might just fall in love..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "This machine really is a beauty, how could I not!"<br>
<font color = green>You've earned 600,000 experience.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Oh, I could always use more pieces..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Hey! Maybe if you bring me enough I could come up with a little something special for ya, ya know?"<br>
<font color = green>You give Kaywin Alloy Engine.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Wonderful, look at this workmanship."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "I just need to..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "There we go. This will work wonderfully."
Kaywin tells you, "Keeping bringing me parts like this and I might just fall in love..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "This machine really is a beauty, how could I not!"<br>
<font color = green>You've earned 700,000 experience.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Oh, I could always use more pieces..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Hey! Maybe if you bring me enough I could come up with a little something special for ya, ya know?"<br>
<font color = green>You give Kaywin Alloy Motor.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Wonderful, look at this workmanship."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "I just need to..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "There we go. This will work wonderfully."<br>
<font color = green>You've earned 800,000 experience.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Keeping bringing me parts like this and I might just fall in love..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "This machine really is a beauty, how could I not!"<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Oh, I could always use more pieces..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Hey! Maybe if you bring me enough I could come up with a little something special for ya, ya know?"<br>
<font color = green>You give Kaywin Alloy Generator.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Wonderful, look at this workmanship."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "I just need to..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "There we go. This will work wonderfully."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Keeping bringing me parts like this and I might just fall in love..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "This machine really is a beauty, how could I not!"<br>
<font color = green>You've earned 900,000 experience.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Oh, I could always use more pieces..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Hey! Maybe if you bring me enough I could come up with a little something special for ya, ya know?"<br>
<font color = green>You give Kaywin Alloy Turbine.</font><br>
Kaywin tells you, "Wonderful, look at this workmanship."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "Wonderful, look at this workmanship."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "I just need to..."<br>
Kaywin tells you, "I just need to..."<br>
Line 412: Line 293:
Kaywin tells you, "You're really dedicated, I appreciate that in a person!"<br>
Kaywin tells you, "You're really dedicated, I appreciate that in a person!"<br>
<font color = green>Kaywin gives you Machinist's Gloves.</font><br>
<font color = green>Kaywin gives you Machinist's Gloves.</font><br>
<font color = green>You have been awarded the title of Dedicated!</font><br>
<font color = green>You have been awarded the title of Dedicated!</font><br></font>

== Notes ==
== Notes ==
* ??
* During the [[Reforging the Past]] event, the quest timer was standardized to 27 days (originally 30).

Latest revision as of 16:09, 23 March 2012

Walk Through ___ Maps ___ Items ___ XP ___ Titles ___ Images ___ Lore & Dialog ___ Notes
Quest Summary
Quest Type: Solo/Group
Start Location: Mar'uun
Timer: 27 Days on Alloy Pieces
Level Restrictions: None
Level Suggestions: Varies
Rewards Summary
Full details here
Machinist's Gloves
Max XP:
Full details here
Full details here
Related Articles
Introduced In: What Once was Lost
Updated In: Old Ghosts,
Reforging the Past
Related Quests: Portal Space Research,
Undead Mechanic Quest
Kaywin the Machinist

Quest Overview

  • You must either be finished with or at least on week 3 of the Time Warp portion of the Portal Space Research quest to complete this quest. Kaywin will not be present in Mar'uun until the third week.
  • Portions of this quest require Lockpicking skill to reach the alloy piece.

Walk Through

  1. Optional Speak to Kaywin - A machinist in Mar'uun looking to fix the Great Machine there. She needs Alloy Parts from the old Undead Mechanic Quest.
  2. Proceed to the 20 dungeons and collect the alloy pieces. They do not need to be collected or turned in in any particular order.
  3. Return to Kaywin in Mar'uun and turn the alloys into her for xp and Machinist's Gloves.
Alloy Part XP Reward Location Dungeon Lockpick
Alloy Device 10,000xp 12.0N, 62.2E Filos' Doom - ACMaps No
Alloy Apparatus 15,000xp 54.2S, 81.8E Empyrean Garrison - ACMaps Yes
Alloy Instrument 20,000xp 29.4S, 7.0E Bone Lair - ACMaps Yes
Alloy Tool 40,000xp 29.9N, 26.4E Glenden Wood Dungeon - ACMaps Yes
or Keys
Alloy Contraption 50,000xp 18.4S, 9.3E Tomb of the Dead - ACMaps No
Alloy Implement 60,000xp 53.6S, 76.6E Saadia's Retreat - ACMaps No
Alloy Utensil 70,000xp 49.4S, 26.9E Enkindled Souls - ACMaps No
Alloy Mechanism 80,000xp 14.6N, 3.5E Crypt of Ashen Tears - ACMaps No
Alloy Cogwheel 90,000xp 17.7N, 65E Thieves' Den - ACMaps No
Alloy Contrivance 100,000xp 29.5S, 91.4E Smuggler's Hideaway - ACMaps No
Alloy Sprocket 150,000xp 54.7N, 32.9E Mountain Keep - ACMaps No
Alloy Cylinder 200,000xp 62.2S, 40.1E Dungeon of Tatters - ACMaps No
Alloy Dynamo 300,000xp 6.2N, 34.4E Dungeon Nye - ACMaps No
Alloy Piston 400,000xp 79.2S, 27.0E Old Mine - ACMaps Yes
Alloy Fan 500,000xp 66.7N, 12.5E Crater Caves - ACMaps No
Alloy Pinion 600,000xp 67.5N, 50.3E Small Icecave - ACMaps Key
Alloy Engine 700,000xp 65.8S, 59.3E Lost Garden Ruins - ACMaps No
Alloy Motor 800,000xp 43.5N, 43.4W Inner Dungeon - ACMaps Yes or Key
Alloy Generator 900,000xp 5.6N, 56.2W Mount Naipenset - ACMaps No
Alloy Turbine 1,000,000xp 68.1N, 20.0W Phyntos Menace - ACMaps No


Quest Items
Key (Plain-Looking)
Key (Rusty Key)
Key (Antique Key)
Carol's Carrot Soup
Inner Dungeon Key
Karwin's Key
Missing Mechanisms
Alloy Device
Alloy Apparatus
Alloy Instrument
Alloy Tool
Alloy Contraption
Alloy Implement
Alloy Utensil
Alloy Mechanism
Alloy Cogwheel
Alloy Contrivance
Alloy Sprocket
Alloy Cylinder
Alloy Dynamo
Alloy Piston
Alloy Fan
Alloy Pinion
Alloy Engine
Alloy Motor
Alloy Generator
Alloy Turbine

Reward Items
Machinist's Gloves


Map Dereth

  1. Filo's Doom - ACMaps
  2. Empyrean Garrison - ACMaps
  3. Bone Lair - ACMaps
  4. Glenden Wood Dungeon - ACMaps
  5. Tomb of the Dead - ACMaps
  6. Saadia's Retreat - ACMaps
  7. Enkindled Souls - ACMaps
  8. Crypt of Ashen Tears - ACMaps
  9. Thieves' Den - ACMaps
  10. Smuggler's Hideaway - ACMaps
  11. Mountain Keep - ACMaps
  12. Dungeon of Tatters - ACMaps
  13. Dungeon Nye - ACMaps
  14. Old Mine - ACMaps
  15. Crater Caves - ACMaps
  16. Small Icecave - ACMaps
  17. Lost Garden Ruins - ACMaps
  18. Inner Dungeon - ACMaps
  19. Mount Naipenset - ACMaps
  20. Phyntos Menace - ACMaps

Title Rewards

Task Required Title Reward
Hand in 20 Alloy Parts to Kaywin Dedicated

See Titles for a list of all available titles.


Lore & Dialog

Kaywin tells you, "Beautiful piece of work isn't she?"
Kaywinnit looks at the machine quizzically.
Kaywin tells you, "No matter how many time I fix her she just seems to keep breaking down."
Kaywin gives you Missing Mechanisms.
Kaywin tells you, "A friend of mine found that list, it's full of wonderful things I could use. With my skills and those parts I could keep her running indefinitely."

Kaywin says, "How am I supposed to fix this with nothing but naught? Maybe I'll get a few more pieces of alloy today... that'd be so great!"

You give Kaywin <Alloy Piece>.
Kaywin tells you, "Wonderful, look at this workmanship."
Kaywin tells you, "I just need to..."
Kaywin tells you, "There we go. This will work wonderfully."
Kaywin tells you, "Keeping bringing me parts like this and I might just fall in love..."
Kaywin tells you, "This machine really is a beauty, how could I not!"
You've earned 10,000 experience.
Kaywin tells you, "Oh, I could always use more pieces..."
Kaywin tells you, "Hey! Maybe if you bring me enough I could come up with a little something special for ya, ya know?"

You give Kaywin <20th Alloy Piece>.
Kaywin tells you, "Wonderful, look at this workmanship."
Kaywin tells you, "I just need to..."
Kaywin tells you, "There we go. This will work wonderfully."
Kaywin tells you, "Keeping bringing me parts like this and I might just fall in love..."
Kaywin tells you, "This machine really is a beauty, how could I not!"
You've earned 1,000,000 experience.
Kaywin tells you, "You're really dedicated, I appreciate that in a person!"
Kaywin gives you Machinist's Gloves.
You have been awarded the title of Dedicated!


  • During the Reforging the Past event, the quest timer was standardized to 27 days (originally 30).