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'''October 2008'''
'''October 2008''' - [[Announcements - 2008/10 - Seeds of Corruption|Patch Announcements]]
[[Image:Seeds of Corruption Splash Screen Mini.jpg|right|frame|<center>Click image to go right to the new stuff.</center>]]
== Turbine Announcements ==
== Turbine Announcements ==
=== Teaser Images ===
=== Teaser Images ===
Click image for full size version.
<gallery perrow=3>
File:Teaser 200810ACVault.jpg|[ ACVault]
File:Teaser 200810JackCat.jpg|[ Maggie the Jackcat]
File:Teaser 200810DerethInfo.jpg|[]
File:Teaser 200810Mystics.jpg|[ Asheron's Call Mystics]
File:Teaser 200810Warcry.jpg|[ Asheron's Call WarCry]

[ Ac.Mystics]
=== Teaser ===
{{Patch Announcements Links
| Current =
| Original =
| Archive = Announcements - 2008/10 - Seeds of Corruption#Teaser

[ ACvault]
=== Rollout ===
{{Patch Announcements Links
| Current =
| Original =
| Archive = Announcements - 2008/10 - Seeds of Corruption#Rollout Article

=== Release Notes ===
{{Patch Announcements Links
| Current =
| Original =
| Archive = Announcements - 2008/10 - Seeds of Corruption#Release Notes

== Discoveries ==
=== [[Town Crier]] Rumors ===

[ Warcry's CoD]
''Free Rumors'':
<font color=darkgoldenrod>
:Town Crier tells you, "Another festival season, another offering from Dereth's mask makers... I wonder what the fashion will be this year?"

=== Teaser - [<Teaser Link to Turbine> Link] ===
:Town Crier tells you, "Festival season is upon us! The leaves are turning, the weather is cooling, and of course the pumpkins have taken over Glenden Wood."

:Town Crier tells you, "News! The proprietors of the casinos have opened up a new gaming den! Go to Sanamar to see the exciting new game!"

:Town Crier tells you, "News! The six ley line pyramids that Asheron cleansed are active again! More powerful monsters found, new rewards offered by Asheron! Go visit the six sites to see!"
=== Rollout - [ Link] ===
Atop one of the high cliffs overlooking Mayoi, Nithruvis the Cruel stood with arms crossed.  Here in charge of a scouting party, he had left his followers and servants behind to spend a few moments in solitude, considering the land before them.

:Town Crier tells you, "News! The young Deru trees of Marae Lassel are under attack by some infestation sent by T'thuun!"

He looked over the hills, the sea, and the little valley in which the human town had been built. He let his thoughts wander to the days when all this land, the whole wartorn island of Dereth, had been ruled by his people, the watchers and witches of the Falatacot.  The domains of the Falatacot had been wiped away by war, cataclysm, and climactic change thousands of years ago, the lands re-settled by their cousins and then re-settled by a seemingly endless supply of squalling, fearful, fragile humans.  It was enough to make Nithruvis sick with rage at all that had been stolen from his people.
:Town Crier tells you, "News! Those vile patriarchs that T'thuun raised up are scouring all Dereth for mysterious objects."</font>

''Pyreal Rumors'':
<font color=darkgoldenrod>
:Town Crier tells you, "Dereth's mask makers have rolled out their new designs, and they are quite impressive!  Be on the alert for snake hides, they can be made into particularly impressive trophies..."

He closed his eyes and let his thoughts wander back through the ancient memory that he and other powerfully blessed Falatacot shared.  Even as his eyes surveyed the sandy cliffs and sloping grassy hills of this region, he could see within his mind the verdant jungle that had once stood here. Though he gazed upon the wooden hovels of the human interlopers, he could still see the glorious stone temples that his people had once raised.  When he sniffed the air, he could smell the bread and meats in the cookfires of the human settlement mixing with the heady smell of the sacred herbs and living flesh that his people had sacrificed to their dark gods, millennia ago…
:Town Crier tells you, "Happy festival season! Enjoy the treats from the festival merchants, and enjoy the anniversary celebration!"

:Town Crier tells you, "It's true, the three young Deru trees of Marae Lassel are in a precarious state, being threatened by the demon T'thuun's corrupting touch.  Dire consequences for us all if they were to be engulfed.  Seek out Aun Kimintari in Timaru if you can help."

He was broken from his reverie by an excited shout from the valley below, where all his followers were still searching for something… To his ears, it sounded like they’d found something, possibly the thing that he and his counterparts around had been scouring all of Dereth for.  Soon enough, as expected, his chief messenger Ssissanak came dutifully trotting up the hill.  Nithruvis kept his eyes closed, listening to the Sclavus’s labored breath wheezing through the metal faceplate it wore over its snake-shaped head.
:Town Crier tells you, "Not only are Pristine Mana Shards more common in wilderness hunting now, but also the keys you could get from trading them in now open a wider range of chests."

:Town Crier tells you, "That's right, there are more powerful creatures hidden in lairs underneath those pyramids. Asheron has established a gatestone at each that allows adventurers into the hidden lairs, but beware! It is not an easily repeated passage."
:Town Crier tells you, "Visit the pyramids in the Halaetan Islands, A'mun Desert, Linvak Mountains, Esper Mountains, Obsidian Plain, or Aerlinthe Island to see."

“Commander,” the snake hissed, “the scouts have recovered this.  We think it is the stone you seek.”  Bending low in reverence, the Sclavus presented him with a chunk of iridescent stone, glowing faintly in the light of dusk. It still had clumps of mud clinging to it, but the power present within the stone could not be concealed by mere dirt.
:Town Crier tells you, "T'thuun's Patriarchs are raiding all over Dereth! Have you seen them and their awful minions here yet? There must be some method to their madness..."</font>

=== [[Ulgrim]] Rumors ===
''Free Rumors'':
<font color=darkgoldenrod>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Deru trees of Marae Lassel are under attack, eh?  I sure hope they don't wither and die.  That's where I keep all my stuff!"

Nithruvis held the hunk of stone close to his face, examining its every feature and facetHe ran his long, elegant fingers over its oddly smooth surface, delighting in the tingle of magic he felt from itHe sniffed it and found something familiar and comforting in itFinally comforted, he smiled softly and looked down at the Sclavus, who took a wary step backSsissanak was well familiar with this infamous Falatacot noble’s vicious mood changes, and he could not tell if Nithruvis was genuinely pleased with the piece of stone or if he was merely taking pre-emptive pleasure in yet another outburst of sadism.
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Patriarchs?  Where?  Don't try and scare me like that, kidYeah, their raids are pretty scaryI'm afraid they may be after my secret stash of stoutNo, wait, I don't have a secret stash, because I drink it all as it comes inBut if I did have one, I'd be pretty afraid of the Patriarchs taking it."

:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Something even juicier's been lurking underneath those six ley node pyramids, eh?  Fascinating... I could have cleaned those tunnels out, if there had been enough stout in it for me.  Blighted Mana shards aren't really what gets me going."

“It will serve,” Nithruvis told the messenger curtly.  “Dispatch four messages for me. Tell my masters, the Patriarchs, that I have chosen this location for a base.  Inform my three fellow commanders of the choice we have made.  Direct the sorcerers to re-route the fortress accordingly. And tell the taskmasters that the time is upon us, and they must open the breeding pens and the dungeons to assemble a raiding party. Quickly, now.
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Everybody's on the hunt for those Pristine Mana Shards! I haven't had the heart to tell anyone that I found a great big chest full of those things on my last visit to Vissidal Island."
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I had no idea that they were needed for these mana forge contraptions so I just gave them to my little Merwart friends, who like to bash them into powder and sprinkle them on food.  I think it keeps their teeth and coats shiny... Or was I thinking of something else?"

Ssissanak bowed quickly and hurried off to make all the necessary arrangements. As he joined the crowd below, another one of Nithruvis’ retinue came trotting up the hill.  This time it was the herald, Dhissikh.
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Seen the masks from this festival season?  Scary!  Intimidating!  They'll haunt my dreams!  While I'm sober, that is."
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "That was a hint to get me some stout, kid."</font>

''Stout Rumors'':
<font color=darkgoldenrod>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Does it strike you as unseemly that Asheron has given over all the node-cleansing work at those six pyramids to we frail humans?  I thought that was his specialty, defeating archdemons with the power of the light and whatnot.  I think Asheron's getting lazy in his old age."

“Master, is it true?” the smaller snake asked him.  “We found the stones of the summoning circle?
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Fall has come!  See the leaves turn, see the pumpkins sprout around Glenden Wood, see the kids wandering past on their way to the disco... Eh, what was that?"

:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Happy ninth anniversary!  Ninth anniversary of what?  You can't mean that.  The ninth anniversary of my presence on this benighted island, of course.  And, you know, humanity's freedom from Olthoi enslavement and things like that."

Nithruvis nodded.  “We have found the site of one of the great temples of our lost ageAs the Wheel of All Things brings destruction and renewal, so will we gather up the bones of that which was destroyed and infuse them with the blood of that which still livesWe will complete the circle once more, and so raise the temple to serve our lord once more…”
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I do love the turn of the seasons.  Cider's particularly tempting this time of yearAnd if I were the sort of sot who drank cider, I'd be particularly tempted to have someBring me more stout!"

:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I saw Claude wander past the other day, wearing one of those new masks.  Seeing that disembodied snake head dangling above the floating, cloaked void of a Virindi body is almost enough to put one off the drink.  Almost."

The insolent herald interrupted him. “But it is a new lordA different lord! The Matriarchs did not speak of T’thuun with kindness or fondness!  Master, I ask you again to reconsider your allegiance to these upjumped Patriarchs! They are ignorant of the Lore of Blood and Bone, and do not know the Old Ways! By turning our backs on the Matriarchs, we risk our very --”
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh, a cool mug of delicious stout, how kind of you..."
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Hey, there was a Pristine Mana Shard in hereWhat luck!"
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "No, of course I was kidding. There wasn't any Pristine Mana Shard in my stout, that would just be unbelievable. Actually it was a whole Mana Forge Key."

:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh, the Deru Trees this, and the Deru Trees that.  Dang Deru Trees, always fainting and wilting as soon as a ravening archdemon with acid for blood and a heart full of rot starts gnawing on their roots... what a bunch of nervous nellies!"</font>

Whatever else Dhissikh meant to say was lost when Nithruvis spun and grabbed his throat with one large, strong hand.  The ancient noble lifted the small, struggling Sclavus into the air and shook him like a rag doll.

=== New [[Quests]] ===
* [[Blight Lord Lair Quest]]
* [[Guardian of the Deru Trees of Marae Lassel]]

“The Old Ways are lost!  The Matriarchs failed us and their hoary hidden masters failed us!  It is time we turned to a new power to reclaim what is rightfully ours!  Your prattling about loyalty to those who have failed us, over and over again, has grown tiring, little snake.  You are a slave!  A creature entirely of our creation!  It is not for you or the rest of your simple-minded brood to question my judgment or the judgment of the Patriarchs.  To speak as you have spoken about the Lord of the Creeping Blight is blasphemy.”
=== Live Events ===
* [[T'Thuun's Marauders]]

=== Updated Quests ===
* [[Mask Makers of Dereth]] - New masks added.
* [[Weeding of the Deru Tree]] - Repeat reward reduced from 5 shards to a single shard.

Dhissikh hissed and gurgled protest as Nithruvis tightened his grasp.  Finally, there was a crack and a final long hiss, and the little herald stopped struggling.  Nithruvis looked over his shoulder.  Down in the valley, all his servants had seen this confrontation, and the price Dhissikh paid for his insolence and presumption.  He sneered at them and flung the small, reptilian corpse into the sea.  Laughing in wicked pleasure, Nithruvis wiped his hands and started walking down the hill to rejoin his newly chastened minions.

=== Release Notes - [ Link] ===
=== New NPCs ===
Hello there and welcome to the October 2008 Release Notes! The Festival season is upon us once again and with it comes some of our favorite traditions here in Dereth. Masks and Guises return as well as the decorations that mark the season. Lets see what else is new and exciting this month in Dereth!
* [[Asheron's Investigator]] - 17.6N 63.5E in [[Eastham]]
* Level 8 vulns are now in the game and can be crafted In addition level 8 protections have been adjusted to be in line with where they should have been.
* [[Aun Kimintari]] - 44.2N 78.1W in [[Timaru]]
* Society Recall Gems are now stackable
* [[Royal Scout (T'Thuun's Marauders)]]
* The Pyre Skeleton Jaws now stack
* [[Spark of Minik Ra's Raid Commander]]
* Dark Isle Black Coral and Dark Isle Reports now stack and have no restriction on pickup however the npc’s will take all that you have when you complete the quest.
* [[Spark of Nivinizk's Raid Commander]]
* The mana blight crystals from the Corrupted Pyramids quest now stack
* Fall Monster spawns are now showing up
* Mask and Guise body parts have started to appear again
* The pumpkin Buffers and access to the Disco will be returning this month
* The cooler weather has affected the landscape. Butterfly’s and baby creatures should no longer be out.
* Town faction guards should properly attack neutral players that go into the pvp towns now and sadly all the bunnies that get too close to the fort as well.
* The drop rate on Pristine Mana Shards has been increased.
* The spell Zongo’s Fist should now surpass Strength of Diemos.
* The towns of Arwic, Ayan Baqur and Mayoi have been reporting some strange activity lately.
* It appears that T’thuun is still trying to gain control of the Deru.
* On November 2nd, Asheron’s Call will celebrate its 9th anniversary. Make sure you are around that day for some special fun!
* Turning in pristine mana shards now gets you a key that can be used on any of the chests in the mana foundries
* The Sclavus using the Tthuun Dagger have been adjusted
* The Lord Gateway quest has been fixed to let you repeat the quest if you pick up the wrong item, the riddle that was bugged on this quest has also been fixed
So there are just some of the things we have in store for Asheron's Call in October. Please remember that along with everything listed here, there are several new quests and exciting things going into the game for the October event.

== Discoveries ==
==== [[Seasonal Quests|Seasonal NPCs]] ====
=== [[Town Crier]] Rumors ===
* Citizens of [[Al-Jalima]] disguised in undead costumes
* [[Festival Vendor]] - 29.8N 27.3E in [[Glenden Wood]]
* [[Majestic Pumpkin]] - 30.7N 27.8E in [[Glenden Wood]]
* [[Pumpkin Buffer]] - [[Glenden Wood]], [[Holtburg]], [[Sanamar]], [[Shoushi]], [[Yaraq]]
* [[Trevor Shunderson]] - [[Al-Jalima]]
* [[Ungrim the Unpleasant Smelling]] - [[Glenden Wood]] bar.
* [[Night Club Attendant]]s can be found in [[Cragstone]], [[Hebian-To]], [[Zaikhal]] and [[Sanamar]] near the statues.
=== New Locations ===
* Large Floating Pyramid spinning above [[Ayan Baqur]] at 59.8S 88.1W.
* [[Roots of Skuld, Urd and Verdandi]]
==== Seasonal Locations ====
* [[Al-Jalima]] is [[Undead Attack on Al-Jalima|infested with undead]] again. Citizens of the town have equipped their undead guises to hide from the invaders.
* [[Glenden Wood]] is decorated for the festival season. The [[Festival Vendor]], [[Majestic Pumpkin]], [[Pumpkin Buffer]], and [[Ungrim the Unpleasant Smelling]] are back in town.
* The [[Night Club]] opened on Nov. 2nd. [[Night Club Attendant]]s can be found in [[Cragstone]], [[Hebian-To]], [[Zaikhal]] and [[Sanamar]] near the statues. A new edition of the [[Night Club Shirt]] is available.
==== Updated Locations ====
Nodes now have a Gatestone that will transport you to a Blight Lord's Lair when given 20 [[Blighted Mana Crystal]]s.
* {{Icon Link|Aerlinthe Node Pyramid}}: 84.1N 44.1E
* {{Icon Link|A'mun Node Pyramid}}: 38.2S 12.0E
* {{Icon Link|Halaetan Node Pyramid}}: 93.8N 67.4W
* {{Icon Link|Linvak Node Pyramid}}: 64.8S 59.3E
* {{Icon Link|Esper Node Pyramid}}: 62.0N 18.0E
* {{Icon Link|Obsidian Node Pyramid}}: 68.0S 62.2W
* Locations raided by [[T'Thuun's Marauders]]:
* [[Festival Stone of Midsong]]

<font color=darkgoldenrod>Town Crier tells you, "News!  Those vile patriarchs that T'thuun raised up are scouring all Dereth for mysterious objects."<br><br>
At the Moarsmen City there are now new spawns surrounding the Temple of T'thuun. The new spawns consist of [[Afessa Sclavus Soldier]]s, [[Moarsman Prior]]s, [[Illu Sclavus]], Sishalti Tentacles, and Blighted Moarsmen.
Town Crier tells you, "News!  The six ley line pyramids that Asheron cleansed are active again!  More powerful monsters found, new rewards offered by Asheron!  Go visit the six sites to see!"<br><br>
Town Crier tells you, "News!  Those vile patriarchs that T'thuun raised up are scouring all Dereth for mysterious objects."<br><br>
Town Crier tells you, "News!  The young Deru trees of Marae Lassel are under attack by some infestation sent by T'thuun!"<br><br>
Town Crier tells you, "Festival season is upon us!  The leaves are turning, the weather is cooling, and of course the pumpkins have taken over Glenden Wood."<br><br>
Town Crier tells you, "News!  The proprietors of the casinos have opened up a new gaming den!  Go to Sanamar to see the exciting new game!"<br><br>
Town Crier tells you, "Another festival season, another offering from Dereth's mask makers... I wonder what the fashion will be this year?"<br><br>
Rumor 2<br><br>
Rumor 2<br><br>
Rumor 2<br><br>
Rumor 2<br><br>

<font color=green>You Give Town Crier Pyreal.</font><br>
Also the spawn density all around the [[Moarsman City]] has been increased. The usual spawn now has about 4-5 Moarsmen rather than 2 like before the patch. The Moarsmen still don't drop regular loot but they do drop Pristine Shards at an increased rate.
Town Crier tells you, "That's right, there are more powerful creatures hidden in lairs underneath those pyramids.  Asheron has established a gatestone at each that allows adventurers into the hidden lairs, but beware!  It is not an easily repeated passage."<br>
Town Crier tells you, "Visit the pyramids in the Halaetan Islands, A'mun Desert, Linvak Mountains, Esper Mountains, Obsidian Plain, or Aerlinthe Island to see."<br><br>
<font color=green>You Give Town 2,924 Pyreals.</font><br>
Town Crier tells you, "T'thuun's Patriarchs are raiding all over Dereth!  Have you seen them and their awful minions here yet?  There must be some method to their madness..."<br><br></font>


=== [[Ulgrim]] Rumors ===
=== New Items ===
<font color=green>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font><br>
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Night Club|9th Anniversary Night Club]]
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Fall has come! See the leaves turn, see the pumpkins sprout around Glenden Wood, see the kids wandering past on their way to the disco... Eh, what was that?"</font><br>
| 9th Anniversary Night Club Ticket
  | Night Club Shirt (2008)

<font color=green>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font><br>
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Blight Lord Lair Quest]]
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Happy ninth anniversary! Ninth anniversary of what? You can't mean that. The ninth anniversary of my presence on this benighted island, of course. And, you know, humanity's freedom from Olthoi enslavement and things like that."</font><br>
| Head of the Aerlinthe Blight Lord
| Head of the A'mun Blight Lord
  | Head of the Esper Blight Lord
  | Head of the Halaetan Blight Lord
  | Head of the Linvak Blight Lord
| Head of the Obsidian Blight Lord
| Aerlinthe Gatestone
  | A'mun Gatestone
| Esper Gatestone
| Halaetan Gatestone
| Linvak Gatestone
| Obsidian Gatestone

<font color=green>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font><br>
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Guardian of the Deru Trees of Marae Lassel]]
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I do love the turn of the seasons. Cider's particularly tempting this time of year. And if I were the sort of sot who drank cider, I'd be particularly tempted to have some.  Bring me more stout!"</font><br>
| Pool of Goo
| Royal Olthoi Jelly
| Large Corrupted Mana Shard(on pedestal)
| Large Corrupted Mana Shard
  | Wharu Fetish
  | Altar of T'thuun

<font color=green>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font><br>
{{Item Table|Caption=[[Masks and Guises]]
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh, a cool mug of delicious stout, how kind of you..."</font><br>
| Armored Sclavus Head
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Hey, there was a Pristine Mana Shard in here! What luck!"</font><br>
  | Armored Sclavus Mask (Black)
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "No, of course I was kidding. There wasn't any Pristine Mana Shard in my stout, that would just be unbelievable. Actually it was a whole Mana Forge Key."</font><br>
  | Armored Sclavus Mask (Gold)
  | Armored Sclavus Mask (Teal)

<font color=green>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font><br>
{{Item Table|Caption=[[T'Thuun's Marauders]]
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh, the Deru Trees this, and the Deru Trees that. Dang Deru Trees, always fainting and wilting as soon as a ravening archdemon with acid for blood and a heart full of rot starts gnawing on their roots... what a bunch of nervous nellies!"</font><br>
| Arwic Invoking Stone
| Asheron's Island Invoking Stone
| Ayan Baqur Invoking Stone
| Candeth Keep Invoking Stone
| Colier Invoking Stone
  | Festival Stone of Midsong Invoking Stone
| Isle of Tears Invoking Stone
| Mayoi Invoking Stone
| Mount Esper Invoking Stone
| Silyun Invoking Stone
| Southern Osteth Invoking Stone
| Tou-Tou Invoking Stone

<font color=green>You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Stout.</font><br>
====Retired Items====
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "You know who's acting a little differently these days?  The Virindi.  I think even they're getting a little zonked in their tiny, buzzing brains from the weird magic in the air, drifting between the ley lines.  Last thing you want to be around is a Virindi on the fritz!  Woowee, what a mess."</font><br>
* {{Icon Link|Shard Mana Forge Key}}

====Updated Items====
* {{Icon Link|Mana Forge Key}} - Now unlocks the [[Shard Mana Forge Equipment Chest]].

=== New [[Quests]] ===
=== New [[Spells]] ===
* Life VII Vuln spells:
:{|border=0 cellpadding=3
| {{Icon|Inscription of Acid Vulnerability Other}}
| [[Inscription of Acid Vulnerability Other]]
| {{Icon|Inscription of Blade Vulnerability Other}}
| [[Inscription of Blade Vulnerability Other]]
| {{Icon|Inscription of Bludgeoning Vulnerability Other}}
| [[Inscription of Bludgeoning Vulnerability Other]]
| {{Icon|Inscription of Cold Vulnerability Other}}
| [[Inscription of Cold Vulnerability Other]]
| {{Icon|Inscription of Fire Vulnerability Other}}
| [[Inscription of Fire Vulnerability Other]]
| {{Icon|Inscription of Lightning Vulnerability Other}}
| [[Inscription of Lightning Vulnerability Other]]
| {{Icon|Inscription of Piercing Vulnerability Other}}
| [[Inscription of Piercing Vulnerability Other]]
==== Updated Spells ====
* [[Inscription of Bludgeoning Protection Self]]
* [[Inscription of Acid Protection Self]]
* [[Inscription of Fire Protection Self]]
* [[Inscription of Cold Protection Self]]
* [[Inscription of Lightning Protection Self]]
* [[Inscription of Blade Protection Self]]
* [[Inscription of Piercing Protection Self]]

==== Updated Quests ====
=== New [[Titles]] ===
* [[Mask Makers of Dereth]] - New mask(s) added. New sclavus mask featured in teaser shot.
'''[[T'Thuun's Marauders]] Quest:'''
:{|class="wikitable sortable"
| Minik Ra's Bane || Arwic || Kill Raid Commander
| Arwician || Arwic || Invoking Stones: 30
| Arwic Noble || Arwic || Invoking Stones: 90
| Asheron's Militia || Asheron's Island || Invoking Stones: 30
| Hilltop Defender || Asheron's Island || Invoking Stones: 90
| Kazyk Ri's Bane || Ayan || Kill [[Kazyk Ri's Raid Commander|Raid Commander]]
| Desert Warrior || Ayan || Invoking Stones: 30
| Zharalim || Ayan || Invoking Stones: 90
| Thane of Colier || Colier || Invoking Stones: 30
| Colier Miner || Colier || Invoking Stones: 90
| Guardian of the Keep || Candeth Keep || Invoking Stones: 30
| Legionnaire || Candeth Keep || Invoking Stones: 90
| Hero of Woe || Isle of Tears || Invoking Stones: 30
| Warrior of Woe || Isle of Tears || Invoking Stones: 90
| Nivinizk's Bane || Mayoi || Kill Raid Commander
| Mayoi Protector || Mayoi || Invoking Stones: 30
| Samurai || Mayoi || Invoking Stones: 90
| Memorial Champion || Midsong Festival Stone || Invoking Stones: 30
| Champion Immemorial || Midsong Festival Stone || Invoking Stones: 90
| Warrior of the Crater Lake || Mount Esper || Invoking Stones: 30
| Volcanologist || Mount Esper || Invoking Stones: 90
| Defender of Silyun || Silyun || Invoking Stones: 30
| Has way too much time || Silyun || Invoking Stones: 90
| Archaeologist || South Osteth || Invoking Stones: 30
| Rock Hound || South Osteth || Invoking Stones: 90
| Tough Tough || Tou-Tou Lighthouse || Invoking Stones: 30
| Rock Star || Tou-Tou Lighthouse || Invoking Stones: 90
| Guardian in the Patriarch Raids || Various || Kill 50 each of Falatacot, Moarsman and Sclavus Marauders.
| Warden in the Patriarch Raids || Various || Kill 50 each of Falatacot, Moarsman and Sclavus Raiders.
| Marked by the Patriarchs || Various || Kill Inquisitor/Champion.
| Hero of the Patriarch Raids || Various || Kill all three Raid Commanders.
| Stone Collector || Various || Turn in 30 stones from all 12 raid locations.

* Cathedrals Champion - turn in 90 tones from all 12 raid locations?
* Mink Ra's Nemesis
* Kazyk Ri's Nemesis
* Nivinizk's Nemesis

=== New NPCs ===

=== Portal.dat ===
:[[File:Portaldat 200810.png]]

=== New Locations ===
* Large Floating Pyramid spinning above [[Ayan Baqur]] at 59.8S 88.1W.

=== New [[Creatures]] ===
{{Creature Class|Moarsman
| Moarsman Marauder
| Moarsman Prior
| Moarsman Raider
{{Creature Class|Sclavus
| Blight Guardian
| Sclavus Marauder
| Sclavus Raider
{{Creature Class|Undead
| Aerlinthe Blight Lord
| A'mun Blight Lord
| Esper Blight Lord
| Halaetan Blight Lord
| Linvak Blight Lord
| Obsidian Blight Lord
| Falatacot Marauder
| Falatacot Raider
| Kazyk Ri's Raid Commander
| Minik Ra's Raid Commander
| Nivinizk's Raid Commander
| Patriarch's Elite Raider
| Patriarch's Executioner
| Patriarch's Inquisitor
| Patriarch's Champion

=== New Items ===
=== Images ===
* [[Incantation of Acid Vulnerability Other]]
Click image for full size version.
* [[Incantation of Bludgeoning Vulnerability Other]]
<gallery widths=200px heights=200px perrow=3>
* [[Incantation of Cold Vulnerability Other]]
File:The Mothership.jpg|<center>Falatacot Pyramid</center>
* [[Incantation of Fire Vulnerability Other]]
File: Live.jpg|
* [[Incantation of Lightning Vulnerability Other]]
File: Live.jpg|
* [[Incantation of Piercing Vulnerability Other]]
* [[Incantation of Slashing Vulnerability Other]]
==== New [[Masks and Guises]] ====

=== New [[Titles]] ===
=== [[Known Issues]] ===
* Many of the [[Pumpkin Buffer#Special Candy|Pumpkin Candies]] are overridden by VIII spells (for example [[Caramel Kukuur]] which adds 100 Melee Defense is overridden by Incantation of Melee Defense (+45).)
* While one Beer override bug was fixed (Zongo's Strength), Focus and Coordination continue to be bugged. Similar problem exist with the glacial speed orb (and paralyzing fear from the virindi implant), which is overriden by the incantation of leaden feet.
* More changes were made to the [[Pumpkin Buffer#Special Candy|Pumpkin Candies]]. NoWorries explains in a post:
{{Turbine Developer
|      Date = 10-28-2008
|      Link =
|      Text = The candies were never meant to be stored for year round use.

The timer was actually added last year to stop this, seeing as how many players wanted to hold on to some of these candies for fun past Halloween, a compromise was reached of making them non stackable but removing the timer. This way players can keep a few of these candies but can not store hundreds of them.

All previously collected candies will stay the way they were.
=== New Creatures ===
| Developer = NoWorries
|    Title = AC Quality Assurance

* People are still reporting low melee damage to the [[Afessa Sclavus Soldier]]s and [[Sclavus Acolyte of T'thuun]], which was supposedly fixed this patch.
* Monster Fights, which were originally delayed from last month to this month, are delayed again:
{{Turbine Developer
|      Date = 10-28-2008
|      Link =
|      Text = The monster fights still have a couple technical aspects to get right. So they were cut from this month to make sure they are fully functional when they are introduced. That town crier didn't get the memo.
| Developer = NoWorries
|    Title = AC Quality Assurance

=== Known Issues ===
==== Typos ====
* [[Armored Sclavus Head]] - "The severed head of a Sclavus, with the Sclavus'es [sic] helm still attached."
* [[Festival Shirt]] - "Please, wear this shirt. It's [sic] horrible arcane script..."
* [[T'Thuun's Marauders]] - Royal Scout tells you, "I don't know why your [sic] bothering to fight creatures so far below your level, but here you go."


=== Splash Screen ===
=== Splash Screen ===
[[Image:Seeds of Corruption Splash Screen.jpg]]
[[File:Seeds of Corruption Splash Screen.jpg]]


Latest revision as of 23:37, 23 October 2012

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October 2008 - Patch Announcements

Turbine Announcements

Teaser Images

Click image for full size version.



Release Notes


Town Crier Rumors

Free Rumors:

Town Crier tells you, "Another festival season, another offering from Dereth's mask makers... I wonder what the fashion will be this year?"
Town Crier tells you, "Festival season is upon us! The leaves are turning, the weather is cooling, and of course the pumpkins have taken over Glenden Wood."
Town Crier tells you, "News! The proprietors of the casinos have opened up a new gaming den! Go to Sanamar to see the exciting new game!"
Town Crier tells you, "News! The six ley line pyramids that Asheron cleansed are active again! More powerful monsters found, new rewards offered by Asheron! Go visit the six sites to see!"
Town Crier tells you, "News! The young Deru trees of Marae Lassel are under attack by some infestation sent by T'thuun!"
Town Crier tells you, "News! Those vile patriarchs that T'thuun raised up are scouring all Dereth for mysterious objects."

Pyreal Rumors:

Town Crier tells you, "Dereth's mask makers have rolled out their new designs, and they are quite impressive! Be on the alert for snake hides, they can be made into particularly impressive trophies..."
Town Crier tells you, "Happy festival season! Enjoy the treats from the festival merchants, and enjoy the anniversary celebration!"
Town Crier tells you, "It's true, the three young Deru trees of Marae Lassel are in a precarious state, being threatened by the demon T'thuun's corrupting touch. Dire consequences for us all if they were to be engulfed. Seek out Aun Kimintari in Timaru if you can help."
Town Crier tells you, "Not only are Pristine Mana Shards more common in wilderness hunting now, but also the keys you could get from trading them in now open a wider range of chests."
Town Crier tells you, "That's right, there are more powerful creatures hidden in lairs underneath those pyramids. Asheron has established a gatestone at each that allows adventurers into the hidden lairs, but beware! It is not an easily repeated passage."
Town Crier tells you, "Visit the pyramids in the Halaetan Islands, A'mun Desert, Linvak Mountains, Esper Mountains, Obsidian Plain, or Aerlinthe Island to see."
Town Crier tells you, "T'thuun's Patriarchs are raiding all over Dereth! Have you seen them and their awful minions here yet? There must be some method to their madness..."

Ulgrim Rumors

Free Rumors:

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Deru trees of Marae Lassel are under attack, eh? I sure hope they don't wither and die. That's where I keep all my stuff!"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Patriarchs? Where? Don't try and scare me like that, kid. Yeah, their raids are pretty scary. I'm afraid they may be after my secret stash of stout. No, wait, I don't have a secret stash, because I drink it all as it comes in. But if I did have one, I'd be pretty afraid of the Patriarchs taking it."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Something even juicier's been lurking underneath those six ley node pyramids, eh? Fascinating... I could have cleaned those tunnels out, if there had been enough stout in it for me. Blighted Mana shards aren't really what gets me going."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Everybody's on the hunt for those Pristine Mana Shards! I haven't had the heart to tell anyone that I found a great big chest full of those things on my last visit to Vissidal Island."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I had no idea that they were needed for these mana forge contraptions so I just gave them to my little Merwart friends, who like to bash them into powder and sprinkle them on food. I think it keeps their teeth and coats shiny... Or was I thinking of something else?"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Seen the masks from this festival season? Scary! Intimidating! They'll haunt my dreams! While I'm sober, that is."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "That was a hint to get me some stout, kid."

Stout Rumors:

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Does it strike you as unseemly that Asheron has given over all the node-cleansing work at those six pyramids to we frail humans? I thought that was his specialty, defeating archdemons with the power of the light and whatnot. I think Asheron's getting lazy in his old age."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Fall has come! See the leaves turn, see the pumpkins sprout around Glenden Wood, see the kids wandering past on their way to the disco... Eh, what was that?"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Happy ninth anniversary! Ninth anniversary of what? You can't mean that. The ninth anniversary of my presence on this benighted island, of course. And, you know, humanity's freedom from Olthoi enslavement and things like that."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I do love the turn of the seasons. Cider's particularly tempting this time of year. And if I were the sort of sot who drank cider, I'd be particularly tempted to have some. Bring me more stout!"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I saw Claude wander past the other day, wearing one of those new masks. Seeing that disembodied snake head dangling above the floating, cloaked void of a Virindi body is almost enough to put one off the drink. Almost."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh, a cool mug of delicious stout, how kind of you..."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Hey, there was a Pristine Mana Shard in here! What luck!"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "No, of course I was kidding. There wasn't any Pristine Mana Shard in my stout, that would just be unbelievable. Actually it was a whole Mana Forge Key."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh, the Deru Trees this, and the Deru Trees that. Dang Deru Trees, always fainting and wilting as soon as a ravening archdemon with acid for blood and a heart full of rot starts gnawing on their roots... what a bunch of nervous nellies!"

New Quests

Live Events

Updated Quests

New NPCs

Seasonal NPCs

New Locations

Seasonal Locations

Updated Locations

Nodes now have a Gatestone that will transport you to a Blight Lord's Lair when given 20 Blighted Mana Crystals.

At the Moarsmen City there are now new spawns surrounding the Temple of T'thuun. The new spawns consist of Afessa Sclavus Soldiers, Moarsman Priors, Illu Sclavus, Sishalti Tentacles, and Blighted Moarsmen.

Also the spawn density all around the Moarsman City has been increased. The usual spawn now has about 4-5 Moarsmen rather than 2 like before the patch. The Moarsmen still don't drop regular loot but they do drop Pristine Shards at an increased rate.

New Items

9th Anniversary Night Club
9th Anniversary Night Club Ticket
Night Club Shirt (2008)

Blight Lord Lair Quest
Head of the Aerlinthe Blight Lord
Head of the A'mun Blight Lord
Head of the Esper Blight Lord
Head of the Halaetan Blight Lord
Head of the Linvak Blight Lord
Head of the Obsidian Blight Lord
Aerlinthe Gatestone
A'mun Gatestone
Esper Gatestone
Halaetan Gatestone
Linvak Gatestone
Obsidian Gatestone

Guardian of the Deru Trees of Marae Lassel
Pool of Goo
Royal Olthoi Jelly
Large Corrupted Mana Shard(on pedestal)
Large Corrupted Mana Shard
Wharu Fetish
Altar of T'thuun

Masks and Guises
Armored Sclavus Head
Armored Sclavus Mask (Black)
Armored Sclavus Mask (Gold)
Armored Sclavus Mask (Teal)

T'Thuun's Marauders
Arwic Invoking Stone
Asheron's Island Invoking Stone
Ayan Baqur Invoking Stone
Candeth Keep Invoking Stone
Colier Invoking Stone
Festival Stone of Midsong Invoking Stone
Isle of Tears Invoking Stone
Mayoi Invoking Stone
Mount Esper Invoking Stone
Silyun Invoking Stone
Southern Osteth Invoking Stone
Tou-Tou Invoking Stone

Retired Items

Updated Items

New Spells

  • Life VII Vuln spells:
Inscription of Acid Vulnerability Other Inscription of Blade Vulnerability Other Inscription of Bludgeoning Vulnerability Other Inscription of Cold Vulnerability Other
Inscription of Fire Vulnerability Other Inscription of Lightning Vulnerability Other Inscription of Piercing Vulnerability Other

Updated Spells

New Titles

T'Thuun's Marauders Quest:

Title Location Task
Minik Ra's Bane Arwic Kill Raid Commander
Arwician Arwic Invoking Stones: 30
Arwic Noble Arwic Invoking Stones: 90
Asheron's Militia Asheron's Island Invoking Stones: 30
Hilltop Defender Asheron's Island Invoking Stones: 90
Kazyk Ri's Bane Ayan Kill Raid Commander
Desert Warrior Ayan Invoking Stones: 30
Zharalim Ayan Invoking Stones: 90
Thane of Colier Colier Invoking Stones: 30
Colier Miner Colier Invoking Stones: 90
Guardian of the Keep Candeth Keep Invoking Stones: 30
Legionnaire Candeth Keep Invoking Stones: 90
Hero of Woe Isle of Tears Invoking Stones: 30
Warrior of Woe Isle of Tears Invoking Stones: 90
Nivinizk's Bane Mayoi Kill Raid Commander
Mayoi Protector Mayoi Invoking Stones: 30
Samurai Mayoi Invoking Stones: 90
Memorial Champion Midsong Festival Stone Invoking Stones: 30
Champion Immemorial Midsong Festival Stone Invoking Stones: 90
Warrior of the Crater Lake Mount Esper Invoking Stones: 30
Volcanologist Mount Esper Invoking Stones: 90
Defender of Silyun Silyun Invoking Stones: 30
Has way too much time Silyun Invoking Stones: 90
Archaeologist South Osteth Invoking Stones: 30
Rock Hound South Osteth Invoking Stones: 90
Tough Tough Tou-Tou Lighthouse Invoking Stones: 30
Rock Star Tou-Tou Lighthouse Invoking Stones: 90
Guardian in the Patriarch Raids Various Kill 50 each of Falatacot, Moarsman and Sclavus Marauders.
Warden in the Patriarch Raids Various Kill 50 each of Falatacot, Moarsman and Sclavus Raiders.
Marked by the Patriarchs Various Kill Inquisitor/Champion.
Hero of the Patriarch Raids Various Kill all three Raid Commanders.
Stone Collector Various Turn in 30 stones from all 12 raid locations.
  • Cathedrals Champion - turn in 90 tones from all 12 raid locations?
  • Mink Ra's Nemesis
  • Kazyk Ri's Nemesis
  • Nivinizk's Nemesis


New Creatures





Click image for full size version.

Known Issues

  • Many of the Pumpkin Candies are overridden by VIII spells (for example Caramel Kukuur which adds 100 Melee Defense is overridden by Incantation of Melee Defense (+45).)
  • While one Beer override bug was fixed (Zongo's Strength), Focus and Coordination continue to be bugged. Similar problem exist with the glacial speed orb (and paralyzing fear from the virindi implant), which is overriden by the incantation of leaden feet.
  • More changes were made to the Pumpkin Candies. NoWorries explains in a post:
10-28-2008 - Link

The candies were never meant to be stored for year round use.

The timer was actually added last year to stop this, seeing as how many players wanted to hold on to some of these candies for fun past Halloween, a compromise was reached of making them non stackable but removing the timer. This way players can keep a few of these candies but can not store hundreds of them.

All previously collected candies will stay the way they were.

AC Quality Assurance
10-28-2008 - Link

The monster fights still have a couple technical aspects to get right. So they were cut from this month to make sure they are fully functional when they are introduced. That town crier didn't get the memo.

AC Quality Assurance


  • Armored Sclavus Head - "The severed head of a Sclavus, with the Sclavus'es [sic] helm still attached."
  • Festival Shirt - "Please, wear this shirt. It's [sic] horrible arcane script..."
  • T'Thuun's Marauders - Royal Scout tells you, "I don't know why your [sic] bothering to fight creatures so far below your level, but here you go."

Splash Screen