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<font color=darkgoldenrod>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>
Town Crier tells you, "Word has it that a young man from Rithwic has gone missing."
:Town Crier tells you, "Word has it that a young man from Rithwic has gone missing."

Town Crier tells you, "Adventurers rejoice, new dried rations make long quests into the wilds possible. Never again go days without necessary sustenance. Choose to carry rations rather than bags of back breaking heavy potions. Yes friends, rations are for you. Buy some from your local grocer today!"
:Town Crier tells you, "Adventurers rejoice, new dried rations make long quests into the wilds possible. Never again go days without necessary sustenance. Choose to carry rations rather than bags of back breaking heavy potions. Yes friends, rations are for you. Buy some from your local grocer today!"

Town Crier tells you, "Strange depressions and small ponds have been found around the Southern Land-Bridge recently. Authorities are investigating and assure everyone that there is nothing to fear."
:Town Crier tells you, "Strange depressions and small ponds have been found around the Southern Land-Bridge recently. Authorities are investigating and assure everyone that there is nothing to fear."

Town Crier tells you, "I saw a mosswart the other day with a nice little frost sword. Man I wish I had that weapon when I first came to Dereth... There I was, all wide eyed and filled with wonder at the new strange and magical surroundings. I came across this beautiful dancing flame, it almost looked human... I know, I know, but I didn't have any clue what an elemental was back then! Needless to say the elemental didn't have any romantic notions about Isparians and I found myself taking my first of many trips to the lifestone."
:Town Crier tells you, "I saw a mosswart the other day with a nice little frost sword. Man I wish I had that weapon when I first came to Dereth... There I was, all wide eyed and filled with wonder at the new strange and magical surroundings. I came across this beautiful dancing flame, it almost looked human... I know, I know, but I didn't have any clue what an elemental was back then! Needless to say the elemental didn't have any romantic notions about Isparians and I found myself taking my first of many trips to the lifestone."

Town Crier tells you, "I hear that Larry the Bunny Master has been a bit more sociable lately."
:Town Crier tells you, "I hear that Larry the Bunny Master has been a bit more sociable lately."

Town Crier tells you, "Alchemist Leandra of Martine's Retreat caused waves in the alchemy community when she released her latest findings on that strange substance, chorizite."
:Town Crier tells you, "Alchemist Leandra of Martine's Retreat caused waves in the alchemy community when she released her latest findings on that strange substance, chorizite."
:Town Crier tells you, "Alchemist Leandra had this to say about her chorizite research; "I was disappointed when I tested my latest formula. It failed to alter the various materials I applied it to in any useable way. That is, until I found the right metal-crystalline substance.""
Town Crier tells you, "Alchemist Leandra had this to say about her chorizite research; "I was disappointed when I tested my latest formula. It failed to alter the various materials I applied it to in any useable way. That is, until I found the right metal-crystalline substance.""

Town Crier tells you, "Some creatures are returning to their homelands slower than others. Apparently they are carrying their relics and treasure with them. Seems like a perfect opportunity to help them out eh?
:Town Crier tells you, "Some creatures are returning to their homelands slower than others. Apparently they are carrying their relics and treasure with them. Seems like a perfect opportunity to help them out eh?

Town Crier tells you, "Some monsters never before seen on the landscape are crawling out from their dungeons. Be careful out there."
:Town Crier tells you, "Some monsters never before seen on the landscape are crawling out from their dungeons. Be careful out there."

Town Crier tells you, "Locksmiths are now crafting key rings that can be used to carry around certain keys, leaving more space for important items and treasure."
:Town Crier tells you, "Locksmiths are now crafting key rings that can be used to carry around certain keys, leaving more space for important items and treasure."

Town Crier tells you, "If you see a young man named Tamian Wilmit, his friends in Rithwic are very worried about him and would like to know where he is."
:Town Crier tells you, "If you see a young man named Tamian Wilmit, his friends in Rithwic are very worried about him and would like to know where he is."

Town Crier tells you, "A great warrior recently said something quite odd to me: "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.""
:Town Crier tells you, "A great warrior recently said something quite odd to me: "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.""
:Town Crier tells you, "Do you suppose he was referring to the Harbinger?"
Town Crier tells you, "Do you suppose he was referring to the Harbinger?"

Town Crier tells you, "The ice and snow are again receding. They say if some special Carenzi pops his head out of his burrow and sees a Shadow then we will have another month of winter. Guess the shadows aren't to active on Marae Lassel this year."
:Town Crier tells you, "The ice and snow are again receding. They say if some special Carenzi pops his head out of his burrow and sees a Shadow then we will have another month of winter. Guess the shadows aren't to active on Marae Lassel this year."

Town Crier tells you, "Creatures all over Dereth are migrating back to their homelands. It seems that the strange Virindi influence that caused them to roam is no longer affecting them. Perhaps the Virindi have finally given up and will leave us in peace, only time will tell."</font>
:Town Crier tells you, "Creatures all over Dereth are migrating back to their homelands. It seems that the strange Virindi influence that caused them to roam is no longer affecting them. Perhaps the Virindi have finally given up and will leave us in peace, only time will tell."</font>

=== [[Ulgrim]] Rumors ===
During the That Which is Ours event, Ulgrim was found on the [[Obsidian Span]] bridge.<br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I had a dream that I was standing on the Obsidian Span and three suns were rising over the horizon. The left sun rose pitch black and cast a dark veil over the land, making it shift and twist in the shadow. The right sun was a deep blue and where it shed it's light the land became as one uninterrupted blue plane without life. The center sun was a brilliant red and it's light came in waves of blood raging up the River Prosper."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "A moment of silence for seven lost heroes."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Are you standing comfortably?"<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Then we'll begin..."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Patty Cake"<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Patty Cake"<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Baker's man"<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Bake me a cake"<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "As fast as you can."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Hello? Are you even listening to me?"<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I have nothing to do with the blue bandages! Figure it out for yourselves!"<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I've been studying other people's dreams recently. Tell me your dream and I'll give you a greater insight into your psyche."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Yes, yes, quite common."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I understand."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "It was full you say?"<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "That's a perfectly normal dream. The giant mugs of stout are symbols of wholeness and well being and the scantily clad barmaids are a sign of a healthy libido and respect for the womanly form. I wouldn't worry about the talking rabbit to much. He never makes much sense in my dreams either."<br>
:<font color=green>Ulgrim stumbles and mutters something unintelligible, "Y syh uhla tnaysat ra fyc y piddanvmo. Frah ra yfuga, ra hu muhkan ghaf ev ra fyc y piddanvmo tnaysehk ra fyc y syh, un y syh fru ryt tnaysat ra fyc y piddanvmo."</font><br>
:<small>[[That Which Is Ours/Spoiler Translation|SPOILER: Translation]]</small>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "So you've heard about Leandra's wonderful new chorizite formula? Yeah, made that same formula years ago, except I used orichalcum. My formula made normal beer mugs larger on the inside than on the outside. I only have the one sample left here. It holds about 30 normal mugs of stout."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "It's good that she's following in my footsteps though, it shows she's very wise."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I've been studying other people's dreams recently. Tell me your dream and I'll give you a greater insight into your psyche."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Hrmmm."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Yes, I see."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "And then?"<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "This is a classic case of Redirected Introspection. You obviously aren't happy with the you that you perceive other people as perceiving you as. This is exemplified by the reoccurrence of water throughout your dream. Also you probably shouldn't drink so much before bedtime."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I've been studying other people's dreams recently. Tell me your dream and I'll give you a greater insight into your psyche."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Take your time."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "What happened then?"<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Very interesting, continue."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "So let me recap to make sure I have it. You dreamed of a Virindi abducting you then strapping you to a weird table and performing horrible experiments on you. And later returning you to your bed as if nothing ever happened?"<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "This is a tough dream to decipher... I'm pretty sure the Virindi represents the hardships in your life and the experiments being performed on you are situations that you feel are out of your control. Or it's equally possible that you are being abducted by Virindi and you need to move somewhere safe where they can't find you. Good luck with that."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "The monsters are moving again. It would seem that the Virindi are focusing their control on something else. I think they're planning on taking the Direlands over. You should see the way Claudes been smiling at me recently, like he knows something, that smug cloak-head."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I've been studying other people's dreams recently. Tell me your dream and I'll give you a greater insight into your psyche."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Hmmm."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Yes, please continue."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh?"<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Well, what we have here is a case of Mental Divergence. Yes, we need to find out why you are compelled to dream of these "Giant Monougas". Try writing a list of the ten things you are most afraid of and come back and see me next week."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh? Do you always keep a list of your top-ten fears on you? Alright... let's just look at the list, shall we?"<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I see that you wrote Giant Monouga nine times here, interesting."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "And the last item is A Really Large Monouga. I think I'm beginning to see a pattern."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I've been studying other people's dreams recently. Tell me your dream and I'll give you a greater insight into your psyche."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Wait... a Mattekar?"<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh dear."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Uh..."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Ummm... Your crazy! Next."<br>
:Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I tried getting Claude drunk thinking I could get some information out of him. After various explanations of the social aspects of drinking and it's utility in forming emotional bonds, he lifts the stout mug to his mouth hole. The stout pours right through him and onto the floor. Agh! What a waist! That's alchohol abuse! You can't trust a creature that can't hold their liquor."</font>
=== New UI and Game Changes ===
* Creature spawns overhauled and now spawn in zones according to the monster's level. View the redistribution map [[Media:ACDM Redist Map.jpg|here]].
* [[Skills]]
** Characters may now spend 64 skill credits, increased from the previous limit of 50, toward specializing skills using specialization gems found in the [[Temple of Enlightenment]].
* [[User Interface]]
** Chess ranking added to the character information panel.

Line 70: Line 138:
==== Updated Quests ====
==== Updated Quests ====
* [[Acid Axe Quest]]
* [[Acid Axe Quest]]
** [[Acid Axe]] updated with new stats. The axe can now be given to an [[Ivory Crafter]] for 25,000 xp.
* [[Bandit Weapons]]
** Bandit weapons now ivoryable.
* [[Feud of Neydisa and Bandit Castle]]
* [[Feud of Neydisa and Bandit Castle]]
** [[Neydisa Hauberk]] updated
* [[Ice Tachi Quest]]
* [[Ice Tachi Quest]]
** Ice Tachi updated. The tachi can now be given to an [[Ivory Crafter]] for 10,000 xp.
* [[Olthoi Queen Quest]]
* [[Olthoi Queen Quest]]
** Aun Hareltah no longer changes your title to ''Queenslayer'' and instead gives you a token, which can be given back for the title if you wish.
** Quest timer updated.

=== New [[NPCs]] ===
* [[Astara Duskshield]] - 10.3N, 58.3E in Rithwic
* [[Delton Hardor]] - 10.7N, 59.4E in Rithwic
* [[Leandra]] - 10.6N, 58.3E in [[Martine's Retreat]]
* [[Tian Li Quan]] - 54.4S, 73.1E in Lin
=== New [[Locations]] ===
* [[Abandoned Armory]] - 83.6S 14.7W on the [[Southern Landbridge]]
* [[An Archive]] - 63.5S, 36.8E
* [[Tower Base Dungeon]] - 34.7S 33.6E, south of [[Uziz]]
** [[Aia's Tower]]  - via the Tower Base Dungeon
==== Updated Locations ====
* [[14.7S, 48.0E - Mosswart Shrine]] - The [[Mosswart Mucker]] here now drops an [[Ice Tachi]] instead of an [[Acid Axe]].

=== New [[Items]] ===
=== New [[Items]] ===

==== [[Sanguinary Aegis Quest]] ====
{{Item Table Three|Caption=[[Sanguinary Aegis Quest]]
  | Notes on Chorizite Distillation
{{Item Table Three
  | Notes of Chorizite Distillation
| Chunk of High-Grade Chorizite
| Refined High-Grade Chorizite
  | Chorizite Formula
  | Chorizite Formula
  | Deteriorated Aegis
  | Deteriorated Aegis
Line 89: Line 176:

==== [[Spear of the Given Heart Quest]] ====
{{Item Table Three|Caption=[[Spear of the Given Heart Quest]]
{{Item Table Three
  | A Glass Token
  | A Glass Token
  | A Note from Tamian Wilmot
  | A Note from Tamian Wilmot
Line 97: Line 182:
  | Journal of Tamian Wilmot
  | Journal of Tamian Wilmot
  | Key to an Archive
  | Key to an Archive
  | Spear of the Given Heart (Item)
  | Spear of the Given Heart (Object)
  | Stone Plaque
  | Stone Plaque
| Spear of the Given Heart

==== [[Olthoi Queen Quest]] ====
{{Item Table Three|Caption=[[Keyrings]]
| Glacial Golem Heart
{{Item Table
| Platinum Golem Heart
  | Queenslayer Title Token
| Pyreal Golem Heart
| Singularity Keyring
| Master Keyring
| Directive Keyring
| Sturdy Iron Keyring
| Granite Keyring
| Marble Keyring
  | Carving Keys and Keyrings

==== [[Food]] ====
{{Item Table Two|Caption=[[Rations|Stamina Rations]]
{{Item Table Three
  | Simple Dried Rations
  | Simple Dried Rations
| Simple Field Rations
  | Elaborate Dried Rations
  | Elaborate Dried Rations
  | Elaborate Field Rations
  | Elaborate Field Rations
| Elaborate Dried Health Rations
| Elaborate Field Health Rations
| Elaborate Dried Mana Rations
| Elaborate Field Mana Rations

==== [[Keyrings]] ====
{{Item Table|Caption=Queenslayer Title Token
  | Queenslayer Title Token
{{Item Table Three
| Singularity Keyring
| Master Keyring
| Directive Keyring
| Sturdy Iron Keyring
| Granite Keyring
  | Marble Keyring

==== [[Subtle Simulacrum]] ====
{{Item Table|Caption=Simulacrum Robe
{{Item Table
  | Faran Robe (Simulacrum)
  | Faran Robe (Simulacrum)

==== Updated Items ====
* {{Icon Link|Yanshi Ruin Directions}} - Text updated to reflect the changes made to the ruin.
* {{Icon Link|Acid Axe}}
** Damage Update: 5 - 10 to 8 - 16 <font color=green>(12 - 24)</font>
** New Spells: [[Defender II]], [[Blood Drinker III]], [[Heart Seeker III]], [[Bludgeoning Protection Self III]]. [[Acid Protection Self II]] increased to level III.
** New Modifiers: +5% Attack, +5% Melee
* {{Icon Link|Aphus Lassel Portal Gem}} - [[Attuned]] property removed.
* {{Icon Link|Olthoi Ichor}} - Pickup timer removed.
* {{Icon Link|Neydisa Hauberk}} - AL updated from 100 to 160. [[Quickness Self V]] added.
* {{Icon Link|Axe Tattoo}} - Impenetrability V added
* {{Icon Link|Bow Tattoo}} - Impenetrability V added
* {{Icon Link|Crossbow Tattoo}} - Impenetrability V added
* {{Icon Link|Dagger Tattoo}} - Impenetrability V added
* {{Icon Link|Mace Tattoo}} - Impenetrability V added
* {{Icon Link|Magic Defense Tattoo}} - Impenetrability V added
* {{Icon Link|Mana Conversion Tattoo}} - Impenetrability V added
* {{Icon Link|Melee Defense Tattoo}} - Impenetrability V added
* {{Icon Link|Missile Defense Tattoo}} - Impenetrability V added
* {{Icon Link|Spear Tattoo}} - Impenetrability V added
* {{Icon Link|Staff Tattoo}} - Impenetrability V added
* {{Icon Link|Sword Tattoo}} - Impenetrability V added
* {{Icon Link|Atlatl Tattoo}} - Impenetrability V added
* {{Icon Link|Unarmed Tattoo}} - Impenetrability V added

=== Other [[Announcements - 2003/02 - That Which Is Ours#Release Notes|Updates]] ===
=== New Spells ===
==== New Creature Spawns ====
==== Updated Spells ====
* {{Icon Link|Ulgrim's Recall}} - Now portals you to the [[Obsidian Span]].
* More spell icons for the Item Enchantment school updated (see portal.dat below).
| [[Image:ACDM Redist Map.jpg|left|200px]]
* [[Bandit Hilt]] weapons can now be Ivoryied
* New [[Item Enchantment]] spell icons
=== Portal.dat ===
* [[Olthoi Ichor]] timer removed
:[[File:Portaldat 200302.png]]
* Player chess ranking


=== New [[Creatures]] ===
=== New [[Creatures]] ===
Line 157: Line 259:
  | Titanium Armoredillo
  | Titanium Armoredillo
{{Creature Class|Banderling
{{Creature Class|Banderling
  | Banderling Predator
  | Banderling Predator
  | Banderling Scalper
  | Banderling Scalper
{{Creature Class|Drudge
{{Creature Class|Drudge
  | Drudge Bloodletter
  | Drudge Bloodletter
{{Creature Class|Golem
{{Creature Class|Golem
  | Iron Golem Guardian
  | Iron Golem Guardian
  | Gold Golem
  | Gold Golem
{{Creature Class|Moarsman
{{Creature Class|Moarsman
  | Desolation Moarsman
  | Desolation Moarsman
  | Ashen Moarsman
  | Ashen Moarsman
{{Creature Class|Olthoi
{{Creature Class|Olthoi
  | Olthoi Warrior
  | Olthoi Warrior
{{Creature Class|Sclavus
{{Creature Class|Sclavus
  | Chomu Sclavus Lord
  | Chomu Sclavus Lord
Line 190: Line 287:
  | Seared Skeleton
  | Seared Skeleton
{{Creature Class|Skeleton
{{Creature Class|Skeleton
  | Ashen Bones
  | Ashen Bones
  | Charred Skeleton
  | Charred Skeleton
{{Creature Class|Undead
{{Creature Class|Undead
  | Imperial Mu-miyah
  | Imperial Mu-miyah
Line 201: Line 297:
  | High Mu-miyah
  | High Mu-miyah
{{Creature Class|Virindi
{{Creature Class|Virindi
  | Virindi Councillor
  | Virindi Councillor
  | Virindi Consul
  | Virindi Consul
{{Creature Class|Zefir
{{Creature Class|Zefir
  | Enku Zefir
  | Enku Zefir
Line 212: Line 306:

==== Updated Creatures ====
* [[Subtle Simulacrum]]
=== Images ===
Click image for full size.
<gallery widths=200px heights=200px perrow=3>
File:Aia's Tower Live 2.jpg|Aia's Tower
File:Spear of the Given Heart Live.jpg|Spear of the Given Heart
File:Faran Robe (Simulacrum) Live.jpg|Faran Robe taken from a Simulacrum
File:Deteriorated Aegis Live.jpg
File:Sanguinary Aegis Green Live.jpg|Sanguinary Aegis
File:ACDM Redist Map.jpg|Creature redistribution map

Latest revision as of 23:17, 27 December 2014

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February 2003 - Announcements Page

Turbine Announcements


  • No Current Link Available

Release Notes

  • No Current Link Available

Letter to the Players

  • No Current Link Available


Town Crier Rumors

Town Crier tells you, "Word has it that a young man from Rithwic has gone missing."
Town Crier tells you, "Adventurers rejoice, new dried rations make long quests into the wilds possible. Never again go days without necessary sustenance. Choose to carry rations rather than bags of back breaking heavy potions. Yes friends, rations are for you. Buy some from your local grocer today!"
Town Crier tells you, "Strange depressions and small ponds have been found around the Southern Land-Bridge recently. Authorities are investigating and assure everyone that there is nothing to fear."
Town Crier tells you, "I saw a mosswart the other day with a nice little frost sword. Man I wish I had that weapon when I first came to Dereth... There I was, all wide eyed and filled with wonder at the new strange and magical surroundings. I came across this beautiful dancing flame, it almost looked human... I know, I know, but I didn't have any clue what an elemental was back then! Needless to say the elemental didn't have any romantic notions about Isparians and I found myself taking my first of many trips to the lifestone."
Town Crier tells you, "I hear that Larry the Bunny Master has been a bit more sociable lately."
Town Crier tells you, "Alchemist Leandra of Martine's Retreat caused waves in the alchemy community when she released her latest findings on that strange substance, chorizite."
Town Crier tells you, "Alchemist Leandra had this to say about her chorizite research; "I was disappointed when I tested my latest formula. It failed to alter the various materials I applied it to in any useable way. That is, until I found the right metal-crystalline substance.""
Town Crier tells you, "Some creatures are returning to their homelands slower than others. Apparently they are carrying their relics and treasure with them. Seems like a perfect opportunity to help them out eh?
Town Crier tells you, "Some monsters never before seen on the landscape are crawling out from their dungeons. Be careful out there."
Town Crier tells you, "Locksmiths are now crafting key rings that can be used to carry around certain keys, leaving more space for important items and treasure."
Town Crier tells you, "If you see a young man named Tamian Wilmit, his friends in Rithwic are very worried about him and would like to know where he is."
Town Crier tells you, "A great warrior recently said something quite odd to me: "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.""
Town Crier tells you, "Do you suppose he was referring to the Harbinger?"
Town Crier tells you, "The ice and snow are again receding. They say if some special Carenzi pops his head out of his burrow and sees a Shadow then we will have another month of winter. Guess the shadows aren't to active on Marae Lassel this year."
Town Crier tells you, "Creatures all over Dereth are migrating back to their homelands. It seems that the strange Virindi influence that caused them to roam is no longer affecting them. Perhaps the Virindi have finally given up and will leave us in peace, only time will tell."

Ulgrim Rumors

During the That Which is Ours event, Ulgrim was found on the Obsidian Span bridge.

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I had a dream that I was standing on the Obsidian Span and three suns were rising over the horizon. The left sun rose pitch black and cast a dark veil over the land, making it shift and twist in the shadow. The right sun was a deep blue and where it shed it's light the land became as one uninterrupted blue plane without life. The center sun was a brilliant red and it's light came in waves of blood raging up the River Prosper."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "A moment of silence for seven lost heroes."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Are you standing comfortably?"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Then we'll begin..."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Patty Cake"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Patty Cake"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Baker's man"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Bake me a cake"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "As fast as you can."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Hello? Are you even listening to me?"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I have nothing to do with the blue bandages! Figure it out for yourselves!"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I've been studying other people's dreams recently. Tell me your dream and I'll give you a greater insight into your psyche."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Yes, yes, quite common."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I understand."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "It was full you say?"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "That's a perfectly normal dream. The giant mugs of stout are symbols of wholeness and well being and the scantily clad barmaids are a sign of a healthy libido and respect for the womanly form. I wouldn't worry about the talking rabbit to much. He never makes much sense in my dreams either."
Ulgrim stumbles and mutters something unintelligible, "Y syh uhla tnaysat ra fyc y piddanvmo. Frah ra yfuga, ra hu muhkan ghaf ev ra fyc y piddanvmo tnaysehk ra fyc y syh, un y syh fru ryt tnaysat ra fyc y piddanvmo."
SPOILER: Translation
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "So you've heard about Leandra's wonderful new chorizite formula? Yeah, made that same formula years ago, except I used orichalcum. My formula made normal beer mugs larger on the inside than on the outside. I only have the one sample left here. It holds about 30 normal mugs of stout."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "It's good that she's following in my footsteps though, it shows she's very wise."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I've been studying other people's dreams recently. Tell me your dream and I'll give you a greater insight into your psyche."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Hrmmm."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Yes, I see."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "And then?"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "This is a classic case of Redirected Introspection. You obviously aren't happy with the you that you perceive other people as perceiving you as. This is exemplified by the reoccurrence of water throughout your dream. Also you probably shouldn't drink so much before bedtime."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I've been studying other people's dreams recently. Tell me your dream and I'll give you a greater insight into your psyche."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Take your time."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "What happened then?"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Very interesting, continue."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "So let me recap to make sure I have it. You dreamed of a Virindi abducting you then strapping you to a weird table and performing horrible experiments on you. And later returning you to your bed as if nothing ever happened?"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "This is a tough dream to decipher... I'm pretty sure the Virindi represents the hardships in your life and the experiments being performed on you are situations that you feel are out of your control. Or it's equally possible that you are being abducted by Virindi and you need to move somewhere safe where they can't find you. Good luck with that."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "The monsters are moving again. It would seem that the Virindi are focusing their control on something else. I think they're planning on taking the Direlands over. You should see the way Claudes been smiling at me recently, like he knows something, that smug cloak-head."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I've been studying other people's dreams recently. Tell me your dream and I'll give you a greater insight into your psyche."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Hmmm."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Yes, please continue."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh?"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Well, what we have here is a case of Mental Divergence. Yes, we need to find out why you are compelled to dream of these "Giant Monougas". Try writing a list of the ten things you are most afraid of and come back and see me next week."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh? Do you always keep a list of your top-ten fears on you? Alright... let's just look at the list, shall we?"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I see that you wrote Giant Monouga nine times here, interesting."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "And the last item is A Really Large Monouga. I think I'm beginning to see a pattern."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I've been studying other people's dreams recently. Tell me your dream and I'll give you a greater insight into your psyche."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Wait... a Mattekar?"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh dear."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Uh..."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Ummm... Your crazy! Next."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I tried getting Claude drunk thinking I could get some information out of him. After various explanations of the social aspects of drinking and it's utility in forming emotional bonds, he lifts the stout mug to his mouth hole. The stout pours right through him and onto the floor. Agh! What a waist! That's alchohol abuse! You can't trust a creature that can't hold their liquor."

New UI and Game Changes

  • Creature spawns overhauled and now spawn in zones according to the monster's level. View the redistribution map here.
  • Skills
    • Characters may now spend 64 skill credits, increased from the previous limit of 50, toward specializing skills using specialization gems found in the Temple of Enlightenment.
  • User Interface
    • Chess ranking added to the character information panel.

New Quests

Updated Quests

New NPCs

New Locations

Updated Locations

New Items

Sanguinary Aegis Quest
Notes on Chorizite Distillation
Chorizite Formula
Deteriorated Aegis
Sanguinary Aegis

Spear of the Given Heart Quest
A Glass Token
A Note from Tamian Wilmot
Glass Token Half
Journal of Tamian Wilmot
Key to an Archive Spear of the Given Heart (Object)
Stone Plaque
Spear of the Given Heart

Glacial Golem Heart
Platinum Golem Heart
Pyreal Golem Heart
Singularity Keyring
Master Keyring
Directive Keyring
Sturdy Iron Keyring
Granite Keyring
Marble Keyring
Carving Keys and Keyrings

Stamina Rations
Simple Dried Rations
Simple Field Rations
Elaborate Dried Rations
Elaborate Field Rations

Queenslayer Title Token
Queenslayer Title Token

Simulacrum Robe
Faran Robe (Simulacrum)

Updated Items

New Spells

Updated Spells


New Creatures













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Splash Screen

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