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<includeonly>* [[:Special:Whatlinkshere/{{{1|}}}|{{{1|}}} Locations]].</includeonly><noinclude>
<includeonly>* [[:Special:Whatlinkshere/{{{1|}}}|{{{1|}}} Locations]]. <small>([[Special:Whatlinkshere/{{strip|{{{1|}}}}}/Dungeon|Dungeons]] {{!}} [[Special:Whatlinkshere/{{strip|{{{1|}}}}}/Landscape|Landscape Spawns]] {{!}} [[Special:Whatlinkshere/{{strip|{{{1|}}}}}/Point of Interest|Points of Interest]])</small></includeonly><noinclude>{{Documentation}}
{{Related|Wiki Templates|Individual Creature Template}}
[[Category:Wiki Template]][[Category:Navigation Template]]
== Syntax ==
{{Locations|<Page Name>}}
== Usage ==
Use in the notes section to provide a more visible link to the Whatlinkshere function, to aid in finding dungeons and geographic areas where a creature can be found. You can substitute any page name for the variable if desired (if you are listing locations on a page other than the actual page to be searched.
For example:
displays as:
{{Locations|Bronze Armoredillo}}

Latest revision as of 23:07, 1 January 2010

Template Documentation: Edit Documentation

Related topics: Wiki Templates, Creature Template




Use in the notes section to provide a more visible link to the Whatlinkshere function, to aid in finding dungeons and geographic areas where a creature can be found. You can substitute any page name for the variable if desired (if you are listing locations on a page other than the actual page to be searched.

The first link shows all locations and linking pages (including patch pages, etc) grouped together, the subsequent links show only the links for that type of location.

For example:

{{Locations|Bronze Armoredillo}}

displays as: