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Related topics: News Archives

The Lugians are Coming! - Link
Kintani: I’ve been working on the Lugian player race, which has proven to be an interesting challenge as this is the first player race where I’ve had to make new versions of all of the clothing and armor in game. I’m working to preserve the look of the armors, even though the Lugians have a much larger frame, so the looks people have come to know and love transition over onto the Lugians in the ways they’d expect.
Kitani - AC Content Designer

--Sucamarto 3:53pm, 29th March, 2012 (GMT +10)

Plugin and Tool Updates for March 2012
Here is the Latest List of Decal Plugin and Standalone Tool Updates for March 2012;
The latest Decal Memlocs are = (March 2012)
Decal Plugins;

Standalone Tools;

Abandoned and Discontinued Plugins;

  • Ammo Gimp, v1.4.1.0 - Updated 15th March, 2012
    (This plugin no longer works as of Feb 2012 Patch)

--Sucamarto 5:47pm, 11th March, 2012 (GMT +10)

February Threads to be deleted - Link
Soon we will be deleting all the February specific threads to clean up the forums. If there is information you will want to reference in those threads you will want to cut and paste that information for your own reference.
Severlin - Producer

--Sucamarto 10:06am, 19th March, 2012 (GMT +10)

The March 2012 Patch Date is now Released - Link
On Tuesday March 20th all worlds will be down from 7am - 11am Eastern for the release of the March event, Road to Revenge. Make sure you check out the March Event Page for all the latest information on the event.
Andy "Frelorn" Cataldo - Turbine Community Relations

--Sucamarto 8:31am, 15th March, 2012 (GMT +10)

Authentication Maintenance 3/14/12 7am - 10am Eastern - Link
On Wednesday March 14th the Asheron's Call authentication servers and will be down for maintenance from 7am - 10 am Eastern. During this time players will not be able to log into the game or update their billing information, but players already in the game should not be impacted.
Andy "Frelorn" Cataldo - Turbine Community Relations

--Sucamarto 10:44pm, 14th March, 2012 (GMT +10)

Bonus XP and Luminance Weekend! - Link
This weekend we will be turning on bonus XP and Luminance.

  • Start time: Friday, March 9th, early evening
  • End time: Tuesday, March 13th, morning

All quest XP and Luminance rewards will be multiplied by 1.5!
Severlin - Producer

--Atarax 09:44, 8 March 2012 (EST)

Plugin and Tool Updates for February 2012
Here is the Latest List of Decal Plugin and Standalone Tool Updates for February 2012;
The latest Decal Memlocs are =
Decal Plugins;

Standalone Tools;

--Sucamarto 5:47pm, 25th February, 2012 (GMT +10)

Scheduled Server Downtime 2/23/12 8am - 10am Eastern (-5 GMT) - Link
The Game servers will be down on Thursday February 23rd from 8am - 10am Eastern. Below is the list if things that are being addressed during the downtime.

  • Weapons that exceed maximums for their wield requirements, tinkering, and modifications have had their damage adjusted.
  • Alchemy phials now properly buff the Missile Weapons skill instead of the thrown weapons skill.
  • Fixed some Missile weapons with broken wield requirements.
  • Wield requirements for some quest shields have been reduced.
  • Fixed activation requirements on some quest weapons and armor.

Andy "Frelorn" Cataldo - Turbine Community Relations

--Sucamarto 1:20pm, 23th February, 2012 (GMT +10)

Help the Wiki update Weapon Stats
We are now collecting information on min/max stats for the newly introduced weapon types. You check them out and help add ones we are missing here.

--How often to wash makeup brushes? ,<a href=>wholesale mac makeup</a> ,, 22:43, 22 February 2012 (PST)

The February 2012 Patch Date is now Released - Link
The February Event Master of Arms is scheduled to go live on Tuesday February 21st. On that day all worlds will be down from 8am -11am Eastern.
You can check out the event page for February by clicking here!
Andy "Frelorn" Cataldo - Turbine Community Relations

--Sucamarto 8:31am, 20th February, 2012 (GMT +10)

The February 2012 Patch Master of Arms has been Announced - Link
You can check out the Master of Arms patch page for more info!
--Sucamarto 1:15pm, 18th February, 2012 (GMT +10)

February Imbue Goodies - Link
Due to some limitations of how imbues were implemented and restrictions of our crafting system we have had to change plans on moving weapon imbues from old to new weapons. . .
Severlin - Producer
--Sucamarto 5:53pm, 8th February, 2012 (GMT +10)

February: What You Need to Know - Link
When you first log in you will notice a number of things have been changed about your character to match the new skills and systems we added to the game.
Here is a quick and dirty check list of the things you need to know when you log in after the February patch.
Severlin - Producer
--Sucamarto 1:53pm, 4th February, 2012 (GMT +10)

Plugin and Tool Updates for January 2012
Here is the Latest List of Decal Plugin and Standalone Tool Updates for January 2012;
Decal Plugins;

  • Mag-Tools, v1.0.8.13 - Updated 18th January, 2012

Standalone Tools;

--Sucamarto 8:15am, 18th January, 2012 (GMT +10)

Some February Questions answered - Link
As we move towards February some people in the previous thread had some questions about our plans for February. I wanted to answer some of those questions.
Severlin - Producer
--Sucamarto 5:41pm, 26th January, 2012 (GMT +10)

Some Knowledge is Power - Link
Here is some specific information on the weapon change over/skill change over:
NoWorries - AC Associate Designer
--Sucamarto 5:35pm, 26th January, 2012 (GMT +10)

The January 2012 Depths of the Dead Event is now Live.
You can check out the Depths of the Dead patch page for more info!

--Sucamarto 8:31am, 18th January, 2012 (GMT +10)

The January 2012 Patch Date is now Released - Link
The January Event Depths of the Dead is scheduled to go live on Wednesday January 18th. On that day all worlds will be down from 8am -11am Eastern.
You can check out the event page here!
Frelorn - AC Community Relations

--Sucamarto 8:31am, 17th January, 2012 (GMT +10)

Scheduled Maintenance: Monday, January 9th from 6:00 to 10:00 AM Eastern (-5 GMT)
The AC Game Servers and will be offline for maintenance on Monday, January 9th from 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM Eastern (-5 GMT). The forums will remain up, but players may not be able to log in. Thanks for your patience, and we'll see you back in the game soon!
See the AC Forum Post for more detail.
Tolero - Turbine Community Team

--Sucamarto 9:00am, 10th January, 2012 (GMT +10)