One of the most popular entertainments in the port cities of the Ironsea was the sport of pitfighting. The rules were simple: two fighters, unarmored and armed only with daggers, would fight to the death in a circular pit with wooden walls. The most successful pitfighter of them all was Enza "The Jugular" Speltari of Corcosa. She survived fifty pitfights, relying on uncanny quickness and blinding hand-speed. She went so far as to embark on a tour of all the great pitfighting cities of the Ironsea. Sadly, she was washed overboard in a storm off the coast of Tirethas, halfway through her tour. Her knife was left stuck into the railing of the ship.
Special Properties: Bael'Zharon's Hate, Multi-Strike, Slash Rending, Biting Strike
Damage: 7 - 10 (28.7 - 41), Slashing/Piercing Speed: Fast (20) Bonus to Attack Skill: +18% Bonus to Melee Defense: +18%
Casts the following spells: Epic Stamina Gain, Incantation of Regeneration Self, Epic Dagger Aptitude, Incantation of Quickness Self, Incantation of Blood Drinker, Epic Quickness, Epic Blood Thirst, Incantation of Dagger Mastery Self, Epic Coordination
Activation Requirements: None
Spellcraft: 400 Mana: 2800 Mana Cost: 1 point per 1 point per 20 seconds seconds.