A bleached staff with strange faces carved into it. Some seem to be Lugian, some Isparian, and others simply have blackened out faces. The staff seems to be a collection of the faces of the foes the former owner defeated in combat. Lightning crackles among the mouths and eyes of the carved faces.
Skill: Finesse Weapons (Staff) Damage: 41.25 - 55 (54.75 - 73), Electrical Speed: Fast (20) Bonus to Attack Skill: +8% (21%) Bonus to Melee Defense: +8.0%
Your base Finesse Weapons must be at least 250 to wield this item.
Casts the following spells: Blood Drinker V, Armor Self V, Heart Seeker V, Spirit Strike
Spellcraft: 200 Mana: 1400 Mana Cost: 1 point per 40 seconds.