Tanada Clan Master's Medallion: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 21:30, 22 June 2008

Obtained: A trophy that is found on Tanada Masters which spawn in groups of Tanada in the Southern and Northern Osteth. Masters spawn after you kill an Acolyte of some type. There is the Acolyte of Storm (sword weapon), Acolyte of Wind (bow weapon), and Acolyte of Breath (magic attacks) and the master will be the same type as the acolyte that spawned it. Good places for finding these acolytes are around Kara in the South and around the portal to Bur in the North.

Note: There is no difference between northern and southern acolytes.

Stack Size: 100


Turn into Ookami Kiri in Yanshi or Sayuji Jina in Shoushi for xp (1.3 mill max) and after you turn in 25 medallions you receive the title "Initiate of the Blade".