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October 2005 - Announcements Page
Turbine Announcements
Click image for full size version.
The Festival Approaches
- No Current Link Available
Shadow Wing Breastplate
- No Current Link Available
Live Events
Ghost in Glenden Wood
- No Current Link Available
Scarecrow Invasion
- No Current Link Available
The Adventurers of Mr. P
- No Current Link Available
Galvanic Insurgence
- No Current Link Available
Halloween is in the Air
- No Current Link Available
Scary Pumpkins and Titles Galore
- No Current Link Available
Halloween Fun
- No Current Link Available
Release Notes
Letter to the Players
Town Crier Rumors
Mainland Town Criers
- Town Crier tells you, "The Festival Season has begun! People are celebrating everywhere by wearing masks and guises."
- Town Crier tells you, "Do you like my costume? I made it myself. Well, I had a little help from the Mask Makers in Eastham, Al-Jalima and Sawato."
- Town Crier tells you, "The Scarecrows are back. Every year they show up to protect the pumpkin patches. I wonder where they come from?"
- Town Crier tells you, "Remember that weird Hollow Minion Mask? Well apparently the Mask Makers can make a Hollow Minion Mask that looks like the real thing now."
- Town Crier tells you, "This year I am going to the Festival Party in Glenden Wood as Mr. P."
- Town Crier tells you, "Antius commissioned some new magical gems as a reward for something. No one knows why, though."
- Town Crier tells you, "A penguin with a sweet tooth?"
- Town Crier tells you, "What is Dereth coming to?"
- Town Crier tells you, "Hehe, what are you supposed to be?"
- Town Crier tells you, "Oh, sorry. No. No, it looks good on you! Really."
- Town Crier tells you, "I wonder if monsters like to dress up as humans for the Festival Season?"
- Town Crier tells you, "... you are human right?"
- Town Crier tells you, "I swear I saw someone with what looked like a mosswart idol mask. I know those Idols don't drop anything but their eyes though. Wonder where he got it? Wish I had one."
- Town Crier tells you, "What's cold and fits on your head? One of the newest masks. I wonder how they keep them from melting?"
- Town Crier tells you, "I hear a strange pumpkin patch was found just outside Glenden Wood. Not sure what's so strange about it, but this is Dereth, it could be anything, so you better stay away from it."
- Town Crier tells you, "The creepiest mask I've seen so far is the Maddened Fiun Mask. Actually, it makes me a little sad too. Those poor people."
- Town Crier tells you, "Between you and me, I wish we were doing something about Marae Lassel. When are we going to go on the offensive and take the island back?"
- Town Crier tells you, "Did you ever notice that the Virindi's Consul Mask doesn't really look all that red? Well the Mask Makers have a new dye that fixes the problem. They say they will exchange the old colored mask for the new one or the new colored mask for the old one."
- Town Crier tells you, "A dark figure has been asking questions of the locals in Qalabar."
- Town Crier tells you, "I've heard that Nuhmudira and her student Camryn have been working on a new magical gem. I don't know what it does, but I have my doubts on whether it's a good thing. Not that I'd ever say that to someone who worked for her. You don't work for her, do you?"
- Town Crier tells you, "Glenden Wood is throwing a Festival Season Celebration. People from all over are going there to show off their best costumes and join in the Festival fun."
- Town Crier tells you, "What's white, fluffy and deadly. That's right, it's the mask you've been waiting for."
- Town Crier tells you, "Happy Festival Season! Here have something for your backpack."
- Town Crier gives you Peppermint Monougat Chew.
- Town Crier tells you, "Oh, what a cute costume! That is a costume, right?"
- Town Crier gives you Peppermint Chocolate Cookie.
- Other treats that can be received:
- Peppermint Chocolate Bar
- Dark Chocolate Candy Bar
- Cookie
- Chocolate Cookie
- Candy Corn
- Milk Chocolate Candy Bar
- Candied Apple
- Town Crier tells you, "You're too old to be getting candy! Go on, shoo!!"
Viamontian Town Criers
- Town Crier tells you, "The Bloodless twitter away their time here. Their lowered state of preparedness will be their downfall. King Varicci has instituted a colored coded warning system so that we can be prepared for war at any time."
- Town Crier tells you, "I suppose I can see the point of gorging yourself on candy and foods in order to store up fat for the coming winter, but what's the purpose of dressing as other creatures? I'll never understand Bloodless customs."
- Town Crier tells you, "I wish Town Criers could fight more often. I could still inform the masses while slaying the King's enemies!"
- Town Crier tells you, "Uh, here."
- Town Crier gives you Viamont Toast.
- Town Crier tells you, "Relax and enjoy your festival celebrations Bloodless one."
- Town Crier tells you, "Do you think I would look more fierce in an eye patch?"
- Town Crier tells you, "The intrigues of the Bloodless always amuse me. It seems that the one known as "Antius" has been commissioning a new magical gem. You would think he would intend its use against us in the war, but no... he intends it as a reward of some sort. He is a fool."
- Town Crier tells you, "The air is getting cooler. That means the Ruschk will be wandering into our territory in the next few months. Hehe, there's nothing like the Winter Ruschk Hunt!"
- Town Crier tells you, "If I were to make a costume. Which I wouldn't, we are talking hypothetically here."
- Town Crier tells you, "If I were to make a costume you could be sure that it wouldn't be the guise of a silly, white, fluffy, harmless bunny rabbit. No, I would make it from a proper beast like a Doomrock. Am I pronouncing that correctly?"
- Town Crier tells you, "Have you visited Marae Lassel lately? Things are coming along nicely with the new Viamontian holdings. People are happier to be ruled by a real king like King Varicci."
- Town Crier tells you, "I believe I saw one of those shadows I have heard so much about. It had dark bat-like wings, the grinning head of a pumpkin and a hook for a hand! A horrible creature to be sure."
- Town Crier tells you, "Word has it that your kind have been disturbing our research in the Direlands. We simply wish to further the knowledge of our people. Why do you insist on pushing our people ever closer to a battle you cannot win. You would do well to stay away from our private works."
- Town Crier tells you, "I received an odd report that men made of straw and pumpkin have been terrorizing the Bloodless lands. If they can't stand up to some silly straw men then they really are in trouble."
- Town Crier tells you, "You Bloodless don't understand nobility at all. You call your guild leaders kings and queens when they are neither noble born nor rulers of anything of worth. Then there's that High Queen of yours, merely a common woman with a penchant for bossing Bloodless around. King Varicci will show you what a real King is."
- Town Crier tells you, "I've heard from someone who heard from someone else that Nuhmudira's student Camryn has a supply of new magical gems, designed to corrupt the so-called "Noble" armor. Good for him. Corrupt all the trappings of the Bloodless, as far as I am concerned."
- Town Crier tells you, "I met an extremely rude man the other day. He said some things about King Varicci that I would see him tossed to the Eaters for. If you see a scruffy man with a dirty robe and a mug in his hand report him to the authorities at once."
Ulgrim Rumors
During the Tricks and Treats event, Ulgrim was found in Glenden Wood in the Overlook Bar.
Free Rumors
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I, Asheron, am sooo dating Elysa! I mean common! She's great! Why wouldn't I?"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Asheron is thirsty little mortal! Bring me drink!"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Asheron 1"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Olthoi 1597346"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Bring me some stout and we'll have a nice chat. Bring me two stouts and I'll tell you whatever you want to know. Bring me three stouts and I'll make some stuff up for you."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Look at me. My name is Asheron. I am mighty and noble and I play with the lives of other people to do what I deem to be the right thing."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "That's right. It's that time of year again. Give me some peppermint and I'll make you a culinary delight to entice your taste buds to ecstasy."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "That Ulgrim is one of the finest upstanding members of Dereth. He brings a new meaning to the term humble. Yes, he is one amazing individual. Full of the milk of human kindness and ever giving of his time and skill. I wish I, Asheron, could be more like Ulgrim."
Stout Rumors
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "It was nice to take a vacation in the mountains. Did you know that you can get drunker more easily in higher elevations? Oh, but that theory about crisp mountain water making better flavored stout, not true. The stout may taste better, but it doesn't have anything to do with the water."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "So, have you been to that island that rose from the ocean? Some interesting creatures there, don't you think? Did those Merwarts have anything to drink yet?"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Do you like my mask?"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Elysa got mad at me, but I say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Plus, people tend to give me all sorts of things when they think I'm Asheron."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "That Varicci guys a jerk! That's right, I went there."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Want to play a fun Festival trick? Go visit the Little Guy on my island. I made a bet with him and he lost. It's worth going just to see him dressed up."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "When you get there try giving him a Wi Stamp. No really, it's hilarious."
- Ulgrim suppresses a snicker.
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "It's that time of year again. Every one runs around in costumes pretending to be monsters or other people while eating huge amounts of candy and drinking any number of delicious drinks. I love the Festival Season! I say we rename Glenden Wood to Festival Town and I shall rule over it."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I've created a new drink. It's red and has a real kick to it. I'm thinking about naming it after that cow they have in Sanamar."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I have my own special chat channel! It's called UlgrimChat and I'm the only one who's allowed to speak on it. Everyone I want to invite can hear me though."
- Ha, this is the best!
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Those blue fellows worry me. I think their brains got frost bite up there. They need to relax, drink some stout and learn to enjoy life for a change."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Silyun? Really?"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Who's the 'Silly One' that came up with that town name?"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I read all of those old records about Grael and his stomping on the Empyreans. Sounds like they had it coming if you ask me. What I'd really like to know is where Grael's people came from. Is it possible they were here before the Empyreans?"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I stopped by my island on the way here and found something very strange. There appears to be some sort of hatch in the ground in the middle of the island. No idea where it goes to, but it's sure got me intrigued."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Alright, I'll tell you a story. Gather round and listen to a tale so horrific it will keep you from sleeping for three, maybe four nights."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Once there was a man who liked to drink stout. It was stout for breakfast, stout for lunch and stout for dessert. He actually ate a nice well balanced dinner, you know to keep healthy."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Well, this man knew the way of things and he was always exploring and asking questions to further his knowledge. One of his trips took him to a deserted town nestled in the woods. In fact it was a town much like this one somewhere in these woods I believe."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "He was very tired from having traveled all day and he decided to spend the night in the deserted Pub, whose faded sign he could just make out in the failing light."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "He entered the old building floor boards creaking and groaning like the voices of spirits he had disturbed. Searching the bar he found an old dusty bottle on a shelf."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, ""Why not?" the man said to himself sitting at the bar and filling his trusty mug with the rich amber liquid that poured from the bottle. It was at precisely this moment he heard a creak behind him. He spun around, but there was no one there. He sat back down and sipped the drink. It was the most delicious stout he had ever tasted. An ambrosia of the gods, a drink that made the soul soar and the mind spin, and so on."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "The floorboards behind him emitted a long groan. This time he didn't turn around. He didn't want to see what might be there. Instead he took another sip. The floorboards ached. Another sip and another loud wrenching of his nerves."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "He couldn't stand it anymore. He tipped the rest of his drink back and jumped from his chair ready for anything."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "But the Pub was silent now. He searched everywhere for what might have caused the noise, but couldn't find anyone or anything. As he turned back to the bar he saw something that turned his hair white. There on the bar was the bottle he had left, but it was empty!"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "He rushed over and tried to get a trickle from the bottle, but it was empty. In fact it was bone dry as if it hadn't held a drop in years."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "The poor man flew from that place in the woods and never returned. Some things are just too frightening, even for a brave man like that."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "They say that Pub still sits somewhere in the woods waiting for thirsty travelers to stumble in. I imagine that bottle still sits on the bar. I can even imagine that it might hold some of that amazing stout the man drank, but at what price my friends... what price?"
Item Interactions
- You allow Ulgrim the Unpleasant to examine your Festival Shirt.
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "That Virindi just doesn't get it."
- [shirt inscribed by Leopold]
- You allow Ulgrim the Unpleasant to examine your Festival Shirt.
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Haha, right! Make sure you hang this over your Horn of Vigilance."
- [shirt inscribed repels all bugs]
- You allow Ulgrim the Unpleasant to examine your Festival Shirt.
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I'm not sure, what would you do?"
- [shirt inscribed WWUD]
- You allow Ulgrim the Unpleasant to examine your Festival Shirt.
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I've never seen that shirt before!"
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Pretty funny though."
- [shirt inscribed Varicci stinks]
- You allow Ulgrim the Unpleasant to examine your Candy Corn.
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Mmm, sugar and wax. I'm sure it's delicious, but... I've had my daily recommended allowance of wax today. Thanks for thinking of me!"
- You allow Ulgrim the Unpleasant to examine your Cider.
- Ulgrim waves the cider under his nose.
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "No thanks, it's not ready yet."
- You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Tempting Apple.
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "That was nice, but where's the candy?"
- You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Peppermint Chocolate Bar.
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Candy! Candy! Candy!"
- You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Ginger Bread Drudge.
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "See, it's a cookie."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "That's good enough for me."
- You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Chocolate Cookie.
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "See, it's a cookie."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "That's good enough for me."
- You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Cookie.
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "See, it's a cookie."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "That's good enough for me."
- You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Peppermint Cookie.
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "See, it's a cookie."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "That's good enough for me."
- You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Peppermint Chocolate Cookie.
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "See, it's a cookie."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "That's good enough for me."
- You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Bar of Milk Chocolate.
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Candy! Candy! Candy!"
- You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Ginger Bread Lugian.
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "See, it's a cookie."
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "That's good enough for me."
- You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Peppermint Monougat Chew.
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Candy! Candy! Candy!"
- You allow Ulgrim the Unpleasant to examine your Marshmallow Pumpkin.
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Sorry, I don't make it a habit to eat things made of unknown substances, even if they are sweet and covered in sugar. Those are exactly the kind of things you should be most wary of."
New Quests
Updated Quests
- Soul Stone Quest - New imbue gems used to improve Noble Armor have been added to the rewards.
New NPCs
- Festival Vendor - 29.8N, 27.3E in Glenden Wood
- Majestic Pumpkin - 30.7N, 27.8E in Glenden Wood
- Qath al-Haddash - 74.2S, 19.2E in Qalaba'r
Updated NPCs
- Ulgrim the Unappreciated - Dressed up for Halloween
- Ulgrim the Unpleasant - Now found in the taven in Glenden Wood (29.4N, 27.2E)
New Locations
- Master Alizari's Dig - 19.4N, 43.2W, near Danby's Outpost
- Mistress Halmera's Dig - 8.6N, 58.6W, northeast of Fort Teth
- Mistress Gabille's Dig - 8.5N 88.9W, northwest of Fort Teth
- Master Vaserio's Dig - 54.2S 78.6W, northeast of Ayan Baqur
New Items
Live Event Rewards | ||||||||
Pack Gold Remoran |
Festival Vendor | ||||||||
Festival Robe (Black) |
Pumpkin Buffer | ||||||||
Festival Robe (Orange) | Festival Shirt (Black) | Festival Shirt (Orange) | ||||||
Floating Candle | Candy Corn | Ginger Bread Pumpkin | ||||||
Marshmallow Bat | Marshmallow Pumpkin |
The Majestic Pumpkin | ||||||||
Pumpkin Follower | Blue Blanket | Festival Lights | ||||||
Golden Pumpkin | Pack Pumpkin Lord | Pumpkin Backpack | ||||||
Pumpkin Cookie Cutter | Seeds of Anger |
Ulgrim's Bathrobe Quest | ||||||||
Bathrobe of Ordinary Comfort |
Ursuin Parts | ||||||||
Ursuin Legs | Ursuin Torso | Ursuin Arm | ||||||
Ursuin Body with One Arm | Ursuin Body with Two Arms | Ursuin Body | ||||||
Ursuin Guise |
Soul Stone Quest Update | ||||||||
Gem of Arcane Corruption | Gem of Ardent Loyalty |
Updated Items
Virindi Consul Mask - The orange colored mask can be now be handed in to a mask maker for a red version and vice versa.
New Spells
Sweet Speed - "Boosts the targets run skill by 100 for a short time"
Updated Spells
Ulgrim's Recall - Now portals you to first floor of The Overlook bar in Glenden Wood.
New Creatures
- Scarecrows and Bats now inhabit Dereth again for Halloween.
Click image for full size.
Plain Mukkir Orb
The Majestic Pumpkin
Pumpkin Buffer
Two Headed Snowman Mask
Shadow Wings Breastplate
Ulgrim the Unpleasant's costume
Ulgrim the Unappreciated in the new Ursuin Guise
Ulgrim's Bathrobe of Ordinary Comfort
Red Virindi Consul Mask