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Related topics: Weapons, Category:UA Weapon

Quest UA Weapons

Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Properties Quest/Source
Acidic Weeping Claw 11.5 - 23, Acid Base UA 325+ Human Slayer, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Elemental Weeping Weapons
Assault Cestus 2.75 - 11, Bludgeoning Level 30+ Tumerok Slayer Tumerok Banners Quest
Banished Nekode 8.4 - 28, Frost Base UA 300+ Crushing Blow Banished Weapons
Basalt Blade 3 - 12, Fire Base UA 250+ None Creature Lords
Basalt Blade (Retired) 1.5 - 6, Slashing None None Creature Lords
Blighted Claw 12 - 24, Slashing Base UA 325+ Human Slayer, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Blighted Weapons
Bound Singularity Katar 6.75 - 15, Slashing/Piercing Base UA 250+ Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Singularity Weapons
Brass Knuckles 11.5 - 23, Bludgeoning Base UA 325+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Brass Gromnie Tooth - Ivory Crafter
Bronze Cestus 1 - 4, Bludgeoning None Lugian Size Bronze Statue Weapons
Burun Slaying Katar 6.3 - 18, Slashing/Piercing None Burun Slayer, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Noble Weapons
Channeling Guruk Fist 14 - 70, Bludgeoning Base UA 400+ Cast on Strike: Mucor Jolt Mucor Enhanced Weapons
Chimeric Fist of the Quiddity 28.5 - 38, Bludgeoning Lvl 120+ Dropped on Death, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning Small Olthoi Venom Sacs
Crescent Moons 6.4 - 16, Cold Base UA 325+ Crushing Blow Hieromancer's Armor
Deadly Hollow Katar 17 - 34, Slashing/Piercing ?? Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Hollow Weapons
Ebon Tooth Katar 3 - 12, Slashing/Piercing Base UA 250+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Ebon Gromnie Tooth - Ivory Crafter
Electric Weeping Claw 11.5 - 23, Electrical Base UA 325+ Human Slayer, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Elemental Weeping Weapons
Enhanced Basalt Blade 9.1 - 13, Fire Base UA 300+ Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Fire Creature Lords
Enhanced Assault Cestus ?? ?? ?? Assault Weapons, Weapon Upgrade Kit
Enhanced Fist of the Quiddity ?? ?? ?? Quiddity Weapons, Weapon Upgrade Kit
Fine Atlan Claw 2 - 8, Slashing None Bonded Atlan Weapons
Fist of Enlightenment 10, Fire Base UA 400+ Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Resistance Cleaving: Fire, Cast on Strike: Cleansing Ring of Fire Tanada House of Fire Quest
Fist of Massacre 24.6 - 41, Piercing Base UA 370+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike The Temple of Liazk Itzi
Fist of the Quiddity 1.75 - 7, Bludgeoning None None Quiddity Weapons Quest
Flaming Weeping Claw 11.5 - 23, Fire Base UA 325+ Human Slayer, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Elemental Weeping Weapons
Frozen Weeping Claw 11.5 - 23, Cold Base UA 325+ Human Slayer, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Elemental Weeping Weapons
Gauraloi 6 - 12, Bludgeoning Level 30+ Olthoi Slayer Gaerlan's Citadel
Gibbering Claw 10 - 20, Acid Base UA 350+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Oubliette Quest
Grael's Claw 11.7 - 26, Slashing/Piercing Base UA 380+ Mukkir Slayer, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Shadow Breach Quest
Guruk Fist 1 - 4, Bludgeoning None None Mucor Enhanced Weapons
Hamud's Pyreal Katar 4.8 - 12, Slashing/Piercing UA 250+ None Hamud's Pyreal Katar Quest
Hollow Katar 12 - 24, Slashing/Piercing None Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Hollow Weapons
Katar of the Fallen 21 - 42, Slashing/Piercing Base UA 370+ Crushing Blow Fallen Weapons
Korua 2 - 4, Bludgeoning None Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow Palenqual's Living Weapons
Lifeless Knuckles 12.6 - 21, Bludgeoning Base UA 370+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Ivoryable Withered Weapons
Lou Ka's Katar 1 - 4, Slashing/Piercing None Attuned, Bonded Lou Ka's Stolen Items
Mattekar Claw 2.5 - 10, Slashing/Fire None None Dread Mattekar Paw - Leather Crafter
Needletooth 10.5 - 21, Slashing/Piercing Level 100+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Carenzi Fangs - Ivory Crafter
Noble Katar 6.3 - 18, Slashing/Piercing Base UA 325+ Biting Strike, Crushing Blow Noble Weapons
Olthoi Acid Katar 3.5 - 14, Acid Base UA 300+ None Olthoi Weapons
Paradox-touched Olthoi Katar 21.6 - 36, Slashing/Piercing Base UA 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Olthoi Slayer, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Cast on Strike: Shock Wave IV Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi
Ornate Nekode 2 - 8, Slashing Biting Strike, Blood Drinker III, Unarmed Combat Mastery Other III Frest Greelving's Haunted Mansion
Peerless Atlan Claw 2 - 8, Slashing ?? None Atlan Weapons
Peerless Atlan Claw of Black Fire 8.5 - 34, Slashing UA 225+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Atlan Weapons
Perfect Isparian Claw 3.5 - 14, Slash Level 50+ Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Shimmering Isparian Claw ?? ?? ?? ??
Phantom Katar ?? ?? ?? Ravenous Weapons
Princely Runed Knuckles 13.5 - 30, Bludgeoning Level 100+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Cast on Strike: Gossamer Flesh Princely Runed Weapons
Ravenous Katar 0.25 - 1, Bludgeoning UA 275+ Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Ravenous Weapons
Red Rune Silveran Claw 15.3 - 34, Slashing Level 140+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing Tracking Grael, Grael's Summoning Chamber
Regal Katar 13 - 26, Slashing/Piering Base UA 325+ Attuned, Biting Strike, Crushing Blow, Burun Slayer Regal Weapons
Remoran Fist 21 - 42, Slashing/Piercing Level 130+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Ivoryable Bloodmouth Maw
Renegade Korua of the Mountains ??, Bludgeoning Base UA 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Royal Runed Knuckles 15.3 - 34, Bludgeoning Lvl 120+ Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Cast on Strike: Gossamer Flesh Royal Runed Weapons
Rusted Nekode 0 - 1, Slashing None None Fishing
Shadowfire Isparian Claw 11.7 - 26, Fire Base UA 400+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Unenchantable, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Shadow Slayer Shadowfire Stone Quest
Singularity Katar 6.75 - 14, Slashing/Piercing Base UA 250+ Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Destroyed on Death, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike Singularity Weapons
Siraluun Matihao 4 - 12, Electrical Base UA 250+ Biting Strike Strand Siraluun Claw - Hea Ihipura the Crafter
Siraluun Matihao (Retired) 3 - 6, Electrical None None Retired
Ultimate Singularity Katar 11.7 - 26, Slashing/Piercing Base UA 325+ Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Singularity Weapons
Soul Bound Claw 31.5 - 42, Slashing/Piercing Base UA 400+ Ghost Slayer, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Armor Cleaving Jester's Lost Marbles
Spectral Claw 31.5 - 42, Slashing/Piercing Base UA 400+ Ghost Slayer, Dropped on Death, Crushing Blow, Armor Cleaving Jester's Lost Marbles
Ultimate Singularity Katar 11.7 - 26, Slashing/Piercing Base UA 325+ Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Singularity Weapons
Ultimate Singularity Katar (Upgraded) 11.7 - 26, Slash/Pierce Base UA 400+ Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Armor Cleaving, Ivoryable Singularity Weapons, Weapon Upgrade Kit
Vampire's Kiss 20 - 40, Slashing None Unenchantable, Dropped on Death, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing, Cast on Strike: Drain Health Other III, Destroyed After 3 Hours Hero Tokens
Volkama's Korua of the Rivers ?? ?? ?? Palenqual's Living Weapons
Weeping Claw 11.5 - 23, Slashing/Piercing Base UA 325+ Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Unenchantable, Human Slayer Weeping Weapons
Worn Old Cestus 10 - 20, Bludgeoning Base UA 350+ Armor Cleaving Worn and Battered Weapons

Rare UA Weapons

Name Damage Special Props. Rare #
Skullpuncher 27 - 54, Piercing Pierce Rending, Dropped on Death, Crushing Blow 203

Generic and Starter UA Weapons

A Society Katar
Damage: 2 - 8, Slash/Pierce
Academy Cestus
Damage: 1.25 - 5, Bludgeoning
An Explorer Katar
Damage: 2 - 8, Slash/Pierce
Damage: 1 - 4, Bludgeoning
Damage: 1 - 4, Slashing/Piercing
Damage: 1 - 4, Bludgeoning
Damage: 1 - 4, Slashing
Training Cestus
Damage: 0.75 - 3, Bludgeoning

Creature or NPC Only

Name Damage Wield Reqs Special Props. Wielded By

Maximum Loot Stats

See Loot#Unarmed Weapons.


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