Black Marrow Keyring: Difference between revisions

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Both Maggies and ACVault agree that this was added in Friend and Foe
Both Maggies and ACVault agree that this was added in Friend and Foe
(No difference)

Revision as of 09:34, 24 May 2009

Introduced:  Friend and Foe Related Quests:  Keyrings
Black Marrow Keyring
Value: 10
40 Burden Units

A glittering keyring roughly carved out of a gold golem heart.

Use this ring on a Black Marrow key to add the key to the ring. Use an intricate carving tool on the keyring to pop a key off. Adding a key uses up one of the ring's remaining uses, but removing a key does not.

Number of uses remaining: 50

This item cannot be sold.
