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Introduced:  Through Sacrifice, Strength Related Quests:  Prince's Medal of Bravery
Bromord Morresten

Male Aluvian
Honor Guard
Non-Player Killer

Strength 200
Endurance 240
Coordination 160
Quickness 150
Focus 200
Self 180
Health 245
Stamina 350
Mana 235

Location: 12.4S 42.3E in Yanshi


Lore & Dialog

Bromord Morresten tells you, "I am here to stand vigil at the memorial of brave Antius Blackmoor. The Queen has also charged me to reward those who helped slay his murderer, the traitor Kurth. If you have a shard of Kurth's armor or a shard from that loathsome sword he wielded, give it to me and I will reward you."