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== Maps ==
== Maps ==
* [http://acmaps.com/map.php?id=5F45 ACMaps - Fir Tree]
* [http://acmaps.com/map.php?id=5F45 ACMaps - Fir Tree]
== Images ==
|valign=top|[[Image:Oswald's Dirk (Vagabond's Past).jpg|thumb|The Vegabond's Past Trial]]

== Lore & Dialog ==
== Lore & Dialog ==

Revision as of 23:26, 16 January 2009

Oswald's Dirk.
Quest Summary
Guide - Items - Maps - Images - Lore
Quest Type Solo / Small Group
XP Reward --
XP Cap --
Item Reward Oswald's Dirk
Title Reward --
Starting Location Ayan Baqur
Timer --
Level Restrictions --
Level Suggestions --
Introduced In Heart of Woe


Walk Through

Part 1: The Fir Tree

  1. To begin, speak with Aaminah at 60.0S, 87.8W in Ayan Baqur.
  2. Head up to the roof of the building behind Aaminah and pick up the Empty Mug, Half Empty Cider, Strands of Silk, and Sweet Smelling Bark.
  3. Now head to Sawato and speak with Ro Bi-Jor, Apprentice Tailor at 28.5S, 59.2E.
  4. Proceed to show Ro Bi-Jor, Apprentice Tailor the Strands of Silk.
  5. Now pick up the Dusty Sollerets, located on the floor next to Ro Bi-Jor, Apprentice Tailor and hand them to him.
  6. Head to Ayan Baqur and hand the Half Empty Cider to Ulgrim the Unpleasant at 59.7S, 88.0W.
  7. Head to Rithwic and find Celcynd the Dour in the bar at 10.7N, 58.1E. Hand him the Empty Mug and the Sweet Smelling Bark.
  8. Now, from Glenden Wood, run to 32.1N, 25.6E and use the Chunk of Wood, lying on the ground. You'll receive a Wooden Tablet and this message:
    You pick up a sliver of the bark. As you do another appears in its place.
  9. Once you have your Wooden Tablet, enter the Fir Tree portal, located at 80.0N, 45.5W.
    I see you've found my lair. Well... good for you. If you've come to join me all you need do is pass my tests, alone. You do that and I just might take you on as an apprentice in the less savory arts. You fail and well anything you drop will be mine.
    Perhaps if you are an astute observer you'll find my true intentions at some later time. Either way I congratulate your efforts thus far.

Part 2: Trials

Trial #1: Trial of the Vagabond

  1. From the Fir Tree drop, enter the Trial of the Vagabond portal to your left.
    You're a brave one aren't you? Well I guess we'll see how savvy you are too. The only way to leave this room, aside from being a yellow coward fleeing to the lifestone, your home or your master's mansion, is to solve the puzzle there on the pedestal. But you'll need to be an accomplished vagabond to finish that puzzle. Oh and one more thing, the puzzle box has a built in failsafe to see that unaccomplished vagabonds are punished for trying to be something that they are not.
  2. Buff your Lockpick (Skill) and use to the Puzzle Box nearby. If your skill is high enough, it will portal you to with Vagabond Passed.
    • Warning: If you fail the skill check, the Puzzle Box will drain your health with Heart Rend several times. It can kill you!




The Vegabond's Past Trial

Lore & Dialog

You give Ro Bi-Jor, Apprentice Tailor Dusty Sollerets.
Ro Bi-Jor, Apprentice Tailor tells you, "Oh my. This does look bad, but I swear. I've never been to the desert. I've spent most of my life just around this area, I'm a tailor, not a kidnapper."
You think back to the way the scene looked. The tracks left there were distinctly boots, not sollerets. Someone is trying to frame this poor girl.
Ro Bi-Jor, Apprentice Tailor tells you, "You have to believe me."

You give Ro Bi-Jor, Apprentice Tailor Strands of Silk.
Ro Bi-Jor, Apprentice Tailor tells you, "This looks like the silk that I used to make a shirt for Jaleh al-Thani. Oh I remember it very well. He asked for a shirt made in a very ornate and overly pretentious way."
Ro Bi-Jor, Apprentice Tailor tells you, "This was the first item that my master had me craft. When Jaleh came to collect it he pointed out a tiny flaw in my weaving and demanded the cost be lowered. It was, but so was my pay. I was very angry with him. Very angry with him."
Ro Bi-Jor, Apprentice Tailor tells you, "I have heard that he is missing. Surely you don't think that I had anything to do with it. Please you must believe me. Look at my sollerets if you don't."

You give Ulgrim the Unpleasant Half Empty Cider.
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Something doesn't smell quite right about this stuff. You got it from Jaleh's, eh? Well I've no love for the money grabbing b--. Say you don't think that I had anything to..."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Well of all the insane ideas to pop into people's heads. Be off with you! I've better things to do than deal with some hack investigation."
Ulgrim swigs the brew.
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Whew! Tangy. Yup, that was definitely not right. I feel kind of sleepy. You have any more Ale?"

You give Celcynd the Dour Empty Mug.
Celcynd the Dour tells you, "You found it. Oh bless you, I had lost it, thought I did but someone stole it left me with an empty mug loop on my belt and no cup with which to hold my drink. But bless you, you found it!"
Celcynd the Dour tells you, "It smells of Ayan Baqur, I've caught the scent before, the desert and dirt and the dirty pyreals. So filthy and unclean."
Celcynd the Dour tells you, "But you, you've a chip or chunk of a tree from the Tiofor Forest around Glenden Wood on you. I can smell it. Might I see it?"

You give Celcynd the Dour Sweet Smelling Bark.
Celcynd takes a deep breath of the Bark.
Celcynd the Dour tells you, "Ah, the smell of fresh firs and the air around Glenden Wood. Indeed that is where this came from. Somewhere near the city and surrounded by firs. May I keep it?"
Celcynd the Dour tells you, "Oh thank you. It reminds me of the area near the Glenden Wood Prison the trees there smell so nice throughout the year."
