Wiki Swiss Tool/Page Templates: Difference between revisions

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* Caution: This replaces your existing templates with the most current version from the wiki, if you have made customizations to the template files on your computer they will be lost.
* Caution: This replaces your existing templates with the most current version from the wiki, if you have made customizations to the template files on your computer they will be lost.
* This option is not available for versions 1.04 or earlier.


Revision as of 15:50, 13 July 2009

< Wiki Swiss Tool

  • This page provides a current copy of all Page Templates used by the Wiki Swiss Tool. To update your templates, press CTRL + A while on this page to select all text, then press CTRL + C to copy the text. Then go to the tool and under the options tab press the Update Templates button. The tool will parse the text (ignoring extraneous text) and update each individual template.
  • Should you only desire to update one template in particular, highlight only the text of that template (including the opening and closing tags).
  • Caution: This replaces your existing templates with the most current version from the wiki, if you have made customizations to the template files on your computer they will be lost.
  • This option is not available for versions 1.04 or earlier.

<Armor> {{#lst:Armor Template|Armor}} </Armor>

<Armor No Spells> {{#lst:Armor Template|ArmorNoSpells}} </Armor No Spells>

<Chest> {{#lst:Container Template|Chest}} </Chest>

<Cooking> {{#lst:Cooking Template|Cooking}} </Cooking>

<Crafter NPC> {{#lst:Crafter NPC Template|CrafterNPC}} </Crafter NPC>

<Crafting> {{#lst:Crafting Template|Crafting}} </Crafting>

<Creature> {{#lst:Creature Template|Creature}} </Creature>

<Creature Links>

{{Creature Class|<Creature Class>
 | Location = Dungeon/Landscape/Point of Interest
 | <Creature Name>
 | <Creature Name>

</Creature Links>

<Dungeon> {{#lst:Dungeon Template|Dungeon}} </Dungeon>

<Food> {{#lst:Food Template|Food}} </Food>

<Gem> {{#lst:Gem Template|Gem}} </Gem>

<Geographic Area> {{#lst:Geographic Area Template|GeographicArea}} </Geographic Area>

<Housing Item> {{#lst:Housing Item Template|HousingItem}} </Housing Item>

<Housing Settlement> {{#lst:Housing Settlement Template|HousingSettlement}} </Housing Settlement>

<Item> {{#lst:Item Template|Item}} </Item>

<Item No Spells> {{#lst:Item Template|ItemNoSpells}} </Item No Spells>

<Jewelry> {{#lst:Jewelry Template|Jewelry}} </Jewelry>

<Key> {{#lst:Key Template|Key}} </Key>

<Landblock> {{#lst:Landblock Template|Landblock}} </Landblock>

<Magic Caster> {{#lst:Magic Caster Template|MagicCaster}} </Magic Caster>

<Magic Caster No Spells> {{#lst:Magic Caster Template|MagicCasterNoSpells}} </Magic Caster No Spells>

<Melee Weapon> {{#lst:Melee Weapon Template|MeleeWeapon}} </Melee Weapon>

<Melee Weapon No Spells> {{#lst:Melee Weapon Template|MeleeWeaponNoSpells}} </Melee Weapon No Spells>

<Missle Weapon> {{#lst:Missile Weapon Template|MissileWeapon}} </Missle Weapon>

<Missile Weapon No Spells> {{#lst:Missile Weapon Template|MissileWeaponNoSpells}} </Missile Weapon No Spells>

<NPC> {{#lst:NPC Template|NPC}} </NPC>

<Object> {{#lst:Object Template|Object}} </Object>

<Point of Interest> {{#lst:Point of Interest Template|PointofInterest}} </Point of Interest>

<Portal> {{#lst:Portal Template|Portal}} </Portal>

<Portal Gem> {{#lst:Portal Gem Template|PortalGem}} </Portal Gem>

<Potion> {{#lst:Potion Template|Potion}} </Potion>

<Quest Guide> {{#lst:Quest Guide Template|QuestGuide}} </Quest Guide>

<Quest NPC> {{#lst:Quest NPC Template|QuestNPC}} </Quest NPC>

<Scroll> {{#lst:Scroll Template|Scroll}} </Scroll>

<Shopkeeper NPC> {{#lst:Shopkeeper NPC Template|ShopkeeperNPC}} </Shopkeeper NPC>

<Standard Text> {{#lst:Standard Text Template|StandardText}} </Standard Text>

<Translated Text> {{#lst:Translated Text Template|TranslatedText}} </Translated Text>

<Trophy> {{#lst:Trophy Template|Trophy}} </Trophy>