A shield made of diamond. It is incredibly resilient, and seems to be nigh unbreakable.
Shield Level: Average (180) (330)
Your base Melee Defense must be at least 300 to wield this item.
Casts the following spells: Impenetrability V, Blade Protection Self VI, Piercing Protection Self VI, Invulnerability Self VI, Bludgeoning Protection Self VI
Armor Level: Average (180) (330) Slashing: Average (180) (330) Piercing: Average (180) (330) Bludgeoning: Above Average (216) (396) Fire: Below Average (108) (198) Cold: Below Average (108) (198) Acid: Below Average (108) (198) Electric: Below Average (108) (198) Nether: Average (Average (180)) (330)
Spellcraft: 150 Mana: 1700 Mana Cost: 1 point per 20 seconds.