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File:Journeyman Fletcher.jpg
Journeyman Fletcher

Introduced during: All That They Survey

NPC Summary
Name: Journeyman Fletcher
Title: Apprentice Fletcher
Race: Male Aluvian
Location: 44.0N 43.5W in Plateau Village
Route: Portal gems sold by Wedding Planners.
Crafter (Quest)

Journeyman Fletcher tells you, "Greetings! I have left my master in Glenden Wood to help the craftsmen of this fine land to hone their crafting skills"
Journeyman Fletcher tells you, "Prove your knowledge by bringing me a Hollow Quarrelshaft, and I shall reward you."
Journeyman Fletcher tells you, "What, you say you don't know how to make a Hollow Quarrelshaft?! Why, that is what tests of knowledge are for! Get out there and experiment, my young friend!"