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<br>Aleesa Stateler tells you, "You must leave this area, it is too dangerous for a civilian."</font>
<br>Aleesa Stateler tells you, "You must leave this area, it is too dangerous for a civilian."</font>

11:11:02 You give Yuudai Aleesa's Longbow.
<br><font color=green>You give Yuudai Aleesa's Longbow.</font>
11:11:02 Yuudai says, "Ahh you have succeeded!"
<br>Yuudai says, "Ahh you have succeeded!"
11:11:02 Yuudai says, "Mistress will be very pleased with this indeed."
<br>Yuudai says, "Mistress will be very pleased with this indeed."
11:11:02 Yuudai says, "Mesalina, inform Her at once about our success here."
<br>Yuudai says, "Mesalina, inform Her at once about our success here."
11:11:04 Yuudai examines the bow closely
<font color=green><br>Yuudai examines the bow closely</font>
11:11:06 Yuudai says, "Something about this bow seems off, not as deadly as I imagined...."
<br>Yuudai says, "Something about this bow seems off, not as deadly as I imagined...."
11:11:07 Elysa appears behind you.
<font color=green><br>Elysa appears behind you.</font>
11:11:07 Elysa Strathelar says, "No that is not my bow, and it was not I who was killed."
<br>Elysa Strathelar says, "No that is not my bow, and it was not I who was killed."
11:11:07 Elysa Strathelar says, "But if you do not tell me who was behind this, you may be the one who ends up dead."
<br>Elysa Strathelar says, "But if you do not tell me who was behind this, you may be the one who ends up dead."
11:11:11 Yuudai says, "I will not forget how you betrayed me to The Queen, your day will come..."
<br>Yuudai says, "I will not forget how you betrayed me to The Queen, your day will come..."
<br>Elysa Strathelar says, "He can run, but no place in Dereth will shelter him now."
<br>Elysa Strathelar says, "He can run, but no place in Dereth will shelter him now."
<br><font color=darkgoldenrod>Elysa Strathelar tells you, "I thank you for discovering the man behind the attempts on my life."
<br><font color=darkgoldenrod>Elysa Strathelar tells you, "I thank you for discovering the man behind the attempts on my life."
<br>Elysa Strathelar tells you, "Apologizes for the misdirection and deception involved in this mission, but even you could not be allowed to know the plot at hand. We could not take any chances."
<br>Elysa Strathelar tells you, "Apologizes for the misdirection and deception involved in this mission, but even you could not be allowed to know the plot at hand. We could not take any chances."
<br>Elysa Strathelar tells you, "I must lead the hunt on tracking down this fugitive, please be so kind as to return to my son and let him know everything has gone as planned."
<br>Elysa Strathelar tells you, "I must lead the hunt on tracking down this fugitive, please be so kind as to return to my son and let him know everything has gone as planned."
<br><font color=darkgoldenrod>Prince Borelean Strathelar tells you, "The mission was a success then?"
<br>Prince Borelean Strathelar tells you, "The details of the mission had to be kept secret even from yourself until the very end. The asassination had to look convincing. Do not worry however for the stand in queen and bodyguards arrived safely back at the lifestone as planned."
<br>Prince Borelean Strathelar tells you, "I only wish we had gotten to learn the identity of the witch behind this plan."
<br>Prince Borelean Strathelar tells you, "Hopefully we will not need to call on your services again anytime soon, however this wedding seems to be bringing forth trouble from all fronts."</font>
<font color=green><br>You've earned 100,000,000 experience.
<br>You must wait 27d 0s to complete this quest again.</font>


Revision as of 16:22, 15 June 2010

Walk Through ___ Maps ___ Items ___ XP ___ Lore & Dialog ___
Quest Summary
Quest Type: Solo/Group
Start Location: Arwic
Timer: 20 hours
Level Restrictions: ??
Rewards Summary
Items: None
Max XP:
Full details here
Titles: None
Related Articles
Introduced In: Shifting Gears
Updated In: 6/15/10

Quest Overview

Walk Through

  1. Talk to Prince Borelean Strathelar in Arwic. (33.42N, 56.90E)
    • Route:
  2. Go to Glenden Wood and speak to The Stranger. (29.70N, 27.79E)
  3. Go to Yuudai in Rithwic. (10.2N, 58.5E)
  4. Head to 24.6N, 46.9E outside of Cragstone and kill the high Aluvian guards and Aleesa Stateler. Loot Aleesa's Longbow.
  5. Take the Longbow back to Yuudai in Rithwic. An event will occur and Elysa will appear. Talk to her.
  6. Return to Prince Borelean Strathelar in Arwic.


Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps Other Quests
-- -- -- -- -- --


Aleesa's Longbow



Experience Rewards

Task Required First Run Max Experience Percentage & Level Cap Repeated Run Max XP Repeated Run Percentage & Level Cap

??% up to level ??

See Level Costs for per level information.
Task Required Max Experience Percentage & Level Cap

??% up to level ??

See Level Costs for per level information.

Title Rewards

Task Required Title Reward



See Titles for a list of all available titles.


Click image for full size version.

Lore & Dialog

Prince Borelean Strathelar tells you, "Disturbing news has come from a stranger who insists he remain unknown."
Prince Borelean Strathelar tells you, "Normally I would not trust such a person but his information was detailed, and contained many truths."
Prince Borelean Strathelar tells you, "I need you to make contact with this stranger right away, for there is no time to lose."
Prince Borelean Strathelar tells you, "Search for him in the town of Glenden Wood, and do whatever he asks without question."
Prince Borelean Strathelar tells you, "Go now, and may luck be on our side."

The Stranger tells you, "It is good to see Borelean has decided my prophetic information to be the truth."
The Stranger tells you, "You are the one he chose for this mission? Well I hope you are ready."
The Stranger tells you, "You must trust the directions I give you, and do as you're told. Any falter in your actions could have effects that last throughout time. And then your name would be remembered for entirely different reasons...."
The Stranger tells you, "Take this information to the man hiding out in Rithwic. He will direct you from there."
The Stranger tells you, "No matter how crazy his directions sound, or how uncomfortable they may make you, you must complete
his orders without fail."
The Stranger tells you, "Go now, before history takes the wrong course."
The Stranger gives you Ingot.

Yuudai tells you, "You came with word on the task at hand?"
You hand over all of your Ingots.
Yuudai tells you, "Ahh, this information is most useful. The target has been located and has little guard."
Yuudai tells you, "We must act quickly. Go find the lady in purple armor in the house just outside of Cragstone."
Yuudai tells you, "Her Mistress says this substance I have applied to your weapon will sever her tie to the lifestone as it severs her flesh."
Yuudai tells you, "It sounds like she only has a couple guards with her. Dispatch of her and bring me back her bow as proof of your work."

Aleesa Stateler tells you, "An assassin is on the way here and we have to be ready for him."
Aleesa Stateler tells you, "You must leave this area, it is too dangerous for a civilian."

You give Yuudai Aleesa's Longbow.
Yuudai says, "Ahh you have succeeded!"
Yuudai says, "Mistress will be very pleased with this indeed."
Yuudai says, "Mesalina, inform Her at once about our success here."
Yuudai examines the bow closely

Yuudai says, "Something about this bow seems off, not as deadly as I imagined...."
Elysa appears behind you.

Elysa Strathelar says, "No that is not my bow, and it was not I who was killed."
Elysa Strathelar says, "But if you do not tell me who was behind this, you may be the one who ends up dead."
Yuudai says, "I will not forget how you betrayed me to The Queen, your day will come..."
Elysa Strathelar says, "He can run, but no place in Dereth will shelter him now."
Elysa Strathelar tells you, "I thank you for discovering the man behind the attempts on my life."
Elysa Strathelar tells you, "Apologizes for the misdirection and deception involved in this mission, but even you could not be allowed to know the plot at hand. We could not take any chances."
Elysa Strathelar tells you, "I must lead the hunt on tracking down this fugitive, please be so kind as to return to my son and let him know everything has gone as planned."

Prince Borelean Strathelar tells you, "The mission was a success then?"
Prince Borelean Strathelar tells you, "The details of the mission had to be kept secret even from yourself until the very end. The asassination had to look convincing. Do not worry however for the stand in queen and bodyguards arrived safely back at the lifestone as planned."
Prince Borelean Strathelar tells you, "I only wish we had gotten to learn the identity of the witch behind this plan."
Prince Borelean Strathelar tells you, "Hopefully we will not need to call on your services again anytime soon, however this wedding seems to be bringing forth trouble from all fronts."

You've earned 100,000,000 experience.
You must wait 27d 0s to complete this quest again.


  • ??