Quest Guide Template: Difference between revisions

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imported>An Adventurer
mNo edit summary
imported>An Adventurer
mNo edit summary
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= Template Code =
[[Image:Image.jpg|right|frame|Short caption for the image.]]<<optional image>>
!colspan=2 class=quest-summary-header| Quest Summary
!colspan=2 class=quest-summary-header| Quest Summary
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| --
| --
== General ==
<<Optional section to list prerequisite quests and lockpicking requirements.  List the quests in the order they must be completed.>>
You must have completed [[Quest 1]] and [[Quest 2]] in order to begin this quest.
Lockpicking is required for this quest.
Lockpicking is optional for this quest, but makes it easier.
You need at least two people/groups to pull the levers.

== Walk Through ==
== Walk Through ==
<<Explain in detail how to run the quest. Whenever there is a dungeon involved, link it to that dungeon's page on this site, and provide a link to ACmaps.>>
<<Succinctly list the steps required to complete the quest.>>

<<Walk Through Details>>
# Go to 1.0N, 1.0E.
:'''00.0N, 00.0E - Location/NPC'''
# Talk to [[NPC]] at 1.0N, 1.0E, near [[Town]].
<<Walk Through Details>>
# Give the [[Quest Item]] to the [[NPC]] to get the [[Next Quest Item]].
:'''00.0N, 00.0E - Location/NPC'''
# Enter [[Dungeon]] (ACMaps link) at 5.0N, 5.0E.
<<Walk Through Details>>
# Make your way to the end of the dungeon, and enter the [[Boss Portal]].  Beware of the dispell/spawn traps along the way.
:'''00.0N, 00.0E - Location/NPC'''
# Attack the [[Boss]]. If you hide in the corner/stay on the ledge/trap him below the ramp he can't attack you.
<<Walk Through Details>>
# Loot the [[Trophy]] from the boss.  It drops 14 per kill.
:'''00.0N, 00.0E - Location/NPC'''
# Return to [[NPC]] at 1.0N, 1.0E, and hand them the trophy to get experience, a title, and a [[Great Quest Reward]].
<<Walk Through Details>>
== Lore & Dialog ==
<<A summary of the story behind the existance of the quest, if any. Also place dialog here, in the order it appears in, separated by line breaks.>>

== Items ==
== Items ==
Line 62: Line 65:
* [[Image:Icon.png]] [[Item N]]
* [[Image:Icon.png]] [[Item N]]

== Detailed Walk Through ==
<<Explain in detail how to run the quest. Whenever there is a dungeon involved, link it to that dungeon's page on this site, and provide a link to ACmaps.>>
<<Walk Through Details>>

= Template Example =
:'''00.0N, 00.0E - Location/NPC'''
!colspan=2 class=quest-summary-header| Quest Summary
!Quest Type
| --
!XP Reward
| --
!XP Cap
| --
!Item Reward
| --
!Title Reward
| --
!Starting Location
| --
| --
| --
!Level Restrictions
| --
!Level Suggestions
| --
!Introduced In
| --

== Walk Through ==
<<Walk Through Details>>
<<Explain in detail how to run the quest. Whenever there is a dungeon involved, link it to that dungeon's page on this site, and provide a link to ACmaps.>>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In sodales pretium lectus. Proin purus est, blandit id, varius vitae, aliquam vitae, nulla. Donec a diam et quam sollicitudin porta. Nulla dictum sem ac diam. In augue nunc, elementum in, gravida quis, vestibulum ac, risus. Integer ullamcorper sapien ac pede. Nullam cursus viverra ante. Pellentesque blandit nisl id enim. Sed auctor dui non turpis. Praesent adipiscing fringilla pede.
:'''00.0N, 00.0E - Location/NPC'''
:'''00.0N, 00.0E - Location/NPC'''
Fusce vestibulum, nibh viverra aliquet elementum, dui felis accumsan massa, eget molestie risus ante sit amet magna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Maecenas porta suscipit urna. Ut ultrices iaculis metus. In laoreet. Quisque felis lectus, vehicula quis, rutrum eget, laoreet quis, lectus. Nunc nec augue at urna fermentum rutrum. Nullam vel massa. Donec pretium. Nulla erat augue, iaculis facilisis, condimentum at, congue molestie, urna. Ut sed velit ut neque porta cursus. Mauris erat ligula, accumsan lacinia, ullamcorper at, vestibulum et, lectus. Vivamus tincidunt sapien vel tortor.
<<Walk Through Details>>
:'''00.0N, 00.0E - Location/NPC'''
:'''00.0N, 00.0E - Location/NPC'''
Donec convallis, mauris at venenatis ullamcorper, sem turpis malesuada velit, sagittis porttitor urna erat nec nunc. Proin nec tellus sagittis lacus malesuada iaculis. Mauris consequat, elit et interdum varius, eros erat interdum odio, in rutrum felis enim eget ipsum. Donec mattis placerat sapien. Nulla et quam ac odio ultricies lobortis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec ornare ante fringilla nisi. Suspendisse potenti. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed at mauris a pede malesuada hendrerit. Nulla dolor ante, pharetra non, porta at, adipiscing sit amet, enim. Donec a magna sit amet arcu posuere placerat. Phasellus augue. Maecenas varius augue sit amet urna.
<<Walk Through Details>>
:'''00.0N, 00.0E - Location/NPC'''
:'''00.0N, 00.0E - Location/NPC'''
Duis eros. Duis pulvinar sapien convallis nisi. Donec posuere metus. Proin ullamcorper eleifend neque. Morbi vitae neque. Suspendisse potenti. Donec malesuada facilisis dolor. Integer quam nunc, sagittis eget, vehicula consectetuer, tempus nec, ante. Praesent congue ipsum id mi. Sed aliquet nunc sit amet sem. Proin turpis. Vivamus auctor, ipsum et porta ultricies, mi lorem aliquet quam, eu dapibus erat sem sit amet enim. Proin condimentum nibh ut dolor. Mauris urna lacus, posuere in, iaculis at, gravida eu, sapien. Quisque facilisis turpis id leo. Mauris tristique, nulla ac facilisis condimentum, ipsum elit adipiscing est, non laoreet tellus turpis et risus. Morbi varius, leo eget aliquet congue, massa lorem dictum dolor, vitae blandit orci magna vel lacus.
:'''00.0N, 00.0E - Location/NPC'''
<<Walk Through Details>>
Vivamus nisi metus, congue id, volutpat sit amet, ornare sit amet, mi. Phasellus sit amet tellus. Nulla nec libero et diam ultricies malesuada. Aenean sagittis. Pellentesque erat sapien, congue imperdiet, bibendum eu, vestibulum quis, est. Mauris porta. Aliquam vulputate urna quis dolor. Praesent convallis nisl sit amet eros. Nullam congue, turpis sit amet condimentum pulvinar, mauris lectus tempor odio, ac feugiat orci mi sit amet lacus. Vestibulum id urna. Maecenas magna mi, condimentum eget, ultrices vestibulum, porta ut, libero. Nullam sed augue ac nibh fermentum consequat.
== Images ==
<<Optional section to display additional images>>

== Lore & Dialog ==
== Lore & Dialog ==
<<A summary of the story behind the existance of the quest, if any. Also place dialog here, in the order it appears in, separated by line breaks.>>
<<A summary of the story behind the existance of the quest, if any. Also place dialog here, in the order it appears in, separated by line breaks.>>

== Items ==
<<List the items related to the quest - rumors, texts, keys, and rewards>>
* [[Image:Icon.png]] <nowiki>[[Item 1]]</nowiki>
* [[Image:Icon.png]] <nowiki>[[Item 2]]</nowiki>
* [[Image:Icon.png]] <nowiki>[[Item N]]</nowiki>
[[Category:Page Template]]

Revision as of 00:07, 26 July 2008

[[Image:Image.jpg|right|frame|Short caption for the image.]]<<optional image>>
!colspan=2 class=quest-summary-header| Quest Summary
!Quest Type
| --
!XP Reward
| --
!XP Cap
| --
!Item Reward
| --
!Title Reward
| --
!Starting Location
| --
| --
| --
!Level Restrictions
| --
!Level Suggestions
| --
!Introduced In
| --

== General ==
<<Optional section to list prerequisite quests and lockpicking requirements.  List the quests in the order they must be completed.>>

You must have completed [[Quest 1]] and [[Quest 2]] in order to begin this quest.
Lockpicking is required for this quest.
Lockpicking is optional for this quest, but makes it easier.
You need at least two people/groups to pull the levers.

== Walk Through ==
<<Succinctly list the steps required to complete the quest.>>

# Go to 1.0N, 1.0E.
# Talk to [[NPC]] at 1.0N, 1.0E, near [[Town]].
# Give the [[Quest Item]] to the [[NPC]] to get the [[Next Quest Item]].
# Enter [[Dungeon]] (ACMaps link) at 5.0N, 5.0E.
# Make your way to the end of the dungeon, and enter the [[Boss Portal]].  Beware of the dispell/spawn traps along the way.
# Attack the [[Boss]].  If you hide in the corner/stay on the ledge/trap him below the ramp he can't attack you.
# Loot the [[Trophy]] from the boss.  It drops 14 per kill.
# Return to [[NPC]] at 1.0N, 1.0E, and hand them the trophy to get experience, a title, and a [[Great Quest Reward]].

== Items ==
<<List the items related to the quest - rumors, texts, keys, and rewards>>
* [[Image:Icon.png]] [[Item 1]]
* [[Image:Icon.png]] [[Item 2]]
* [[Image:Icon.png]] [[Item N]]

== Detailed Walk Through ==
<<Explain in detail how to run the quest. Whenever there is a dungeon involved, link it to that dungeon's page on this site, and provide a link to ACmaps.>>

<<Walk Through Details>>

:'''00.0N, 00.0E - Location/NPC'''

<<Walk Through Details>>

:'''00.0N, 00.0E - Location/NPC'''

<<Walk Through Details>>

:'''00.0N, 00.0E - Location/NPC'''

<<Walk Through Details>>

:'''00.0N, 00.0E - Location/NPC'''

<<Walk Through Details>>

== Images ==
<<Optional section to display additional images>>

== Lore & Dialog ==
<<A summary of the story behind the existance of the quest, if any. Also place dialog here, in the order it appears in, separated by line breaks.>>
