Towns: Difference between revisions

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|width=200|[[Neydisa Castle]]
|width=200| [[Bandit Castle]]
|width=200|[[Bandit Castle]]
|width=200| [[Beach Fort]]
|width=200|[[Crater Lake Village]]
|width=200| [[Candeth Keep]]
|[[MacNiall's Freehold]]
| [[Crater Lake Village]]
|[[Danby's Outpost]]
| [[Danby's Outpost]]
|[[Beach Fort]]
| [[Fiun Outpost]]
|[[Candeth Keep]]
| [[Frost Haven]]
|[[Linvak Tukal]]
| [[Kor-Gursha]]
|[[Frost Haven]]
| [[Linvak Tukal]]
|[[Oolatanga's Refuge]]
| [[MacNiall's Freehold]]
|[[Merwart Village]]
| [[Merwart Village]]
| [[Neydisa Castle]]
|[[Fiun Outpost]]<br>(available in [[Throne of Destiny]] only)
| [[Oolatanga's Refuge]]


Revision as of 22:04, 7 May 2008