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|Panic Attack, Hunter's Acumen
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Revision as of 20:02, 27 January 2009

Introduced in the Dark Majesty event.

Virindi Implant (Red)
File:Icon virindi implant (red).JPG Virindi Implant
A reddish, veined lump, pulled from the chest cavity of a Hea Tumerok hunting reedshark named Sahkurea.
Value 11,450p
Burden 50
Spells Panic Attack, Hunter's Acumen
Activations Creature Enchantment: 225
Spellcraft 270
Mana 600, 1/20 sec


  • Panic Attack - Causes the target to quake and shiver uncontrollably. Lowers coordination to 10.
  • Hunter's Acumen - Increases the Target's coordination by 8 points.
