Template:Missile Weapon: Difference between revisions

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Created page with "{{Intro | Patch Introduced = Reforging the Past | Related Quests = Asheron's Departure Lower, Mountain Sewer Quest, Facility Hub Quests | Updated = Master of Arms }} {{Missile Weapon | Weapon Type = Crossbow | Weapon Skill = Missile Weapons | Name = Ancient Arbalest | Icon Image = Ancient Arbalest Icon.png | Live Image = Ancient Arbalest Live.jpg | Live Image Captio..."
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<includeonly><div style="overflow:auto">
| Patch Introduced = [[Reforging the Past]]
<div class="item tooltip-content">
  |   Related Quests = [[Asheron's Departure Lower]], [[Mountain Sewer Quest]], [[Facility Hub Quests]]
<div id="item_header">
  |         Updated = [[Master of Arms]]
<div>[[File:{{{Icon Image}}}]]</div>
<li>Value: {{{Value|??}}}
<li class="bottomspace">Burden: {{{Burden|??}}}
{{#if:{{{Weapon Skill|}}}|<li>Skill: {{{Weapon Skill}}} ({{{Weapon Type}}})}}
{{#ifeq:{{{Damage Bonus|}}}||<li>Damage: {{{Damage|?? - ??}}} {{#if:{{{Buffed Damage|}}}|<span>({{{Buffed Damage|}}})</span>}}, {{{Element|??}}}|<li>Damage Bonus: {{{Damage Bonus|}}} {{#if:{{{Buffed Damage Bonus|}}}|<span>({{{Buffed Damage Bonus|}}})</span>|}}}}
{{#if:{{{Additional|}}}|<li class="bottomspace">{{{Additional}}}}}
{{#if:{{{Elemental Damage Bonus|}}}|<li>Elemental Damage Bonus: {{{Elemental Damage Bonus|}}}{{#if:{{{Element|}}}|, {{{Element|}}}}}}}
{{#if:{{{Damage Modifier|}}}|<li>Damage Modifier: +{{{Damage Modifier}}}% {{#if:{{{Buffed Damage Modifier|}}}|<span>({{{Buffed Damage Modifier|}}}%)</span>}}}}
{{#if:{{{Speed|}}}|<li>Speed: {{{Speed|??}}} {{#if:{{{Buffed Speed|}}}|<span>({{{Buffed Speed}}})</span>|}}}}
{{#if:{{{Range|}}}|<li>Range: {{{Range|}}} yds. {{#if:{{{Buffed Range|}}}|<span>({{{Buffed Range}}})</span>|}}}}
{{#if:{{{Ammunition|}}}|<li>Uses {{{Ammunition|??}}} as ammunition.}}
{{#if:{{{Bonus to Defense|}}}|<li>Bonus to Melee Defense: {{#ifeq:{{#sub:{{{Bonus to Defense|}}}|0|1}}|-||+}}{{{Bonus to Defense|}}}% {{#if:{{{Buffed Defense|}}}|<span>(+{{{Buffed Defense}}}%)</span>}}}}
{{#if:{{{Bonus to Missile|}}}|<li>Bonus to Missile Defense: +{{{Bonus to Missile}}}%}}
{{#if:{{{Bonus to Magic|}}}|<li>Bonus to Magic Defense: +{{{Bonus to Magic}}}%}}
{{#if:{{{Spells|}}}|<li class="topbottomspace">Spells: {{{Spells}}}}}
{{#if:{{{Special Properties|}}}|<li class="bottomspace">Properties: {{{Special Properties}}}}}
{{#if:{{{Special Req|}}}|<li class="bottomspace">{{{Special Req}}}}}
{{#if:{{{Level Req|}}}|<li>Wield requires {{{Level Req}}}}}
{{#if:{{{Fletching Req|}}}|<li>Wield requires base Fletching {{{Fletching Req}}}}}
{{#if:{{{Base Weapon Req|}}}|{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{Weapon Type|}}}}}|ammunition|<li>Wield requires base Missile Weapons {{{Base Weapon Req|}}}|<li>Wield requires {{{Weapon Skill}}} {{{Base Weapon Req}}}}}}}
{{#if:{{{Buffed Weapon Req|}}}|<li>Wield requires {{{Weapon Skill}}} {{{Buffed Weapon Req}}}}}
{{#if:{{{Activation Reqs|}}}|<li>Activation requires {{{Activation Reqs}}}}}
{{#if:{{{Cannot Be Sold|}}}|<li>This item cannot be sold.}}
{{#if:{{{Rare Number|}}}|<li>Rare #{{{Rare Number}}}}}
{{#if:{{{Spellcraft|}}}|<li>Spellcraft: {{{Spellcraft}}}.}}
{{#if:{{{Mana|}}}|<li>Mana: {{{Mana}}}.}}
{{#if:{{{Mana Cost|}}}|<li>Mana Cost: 1 point per {{{Mana Cost}}} seconds.}}
{{#if:{{{Description|}}}|<li class="topbottomspace">{{{Description}}}}}
{{#if:{{{Inscription|}}}|<li class="inscription">{{{Inscription}}}}}</ul></div>
<div style="float:right">{{#ifeq:{{{Live Image|}}}|||{{#ifeq:{{{Live Image|}}}|Live.jpg||[[File:{{{Live Image|}}}{{!}}thumb{{!}}{{{Live Image Caption}}}]]}}}}</div></div>
<!-- Categories -->
{{#if:{{{nocat|}}} | | {{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{Weapon Type|}}}}}|ammunition||{{#ifeq:{{{Live Image|}}} | Live.jpg | [[Category:Images Needed (Weapons)]] | {{#ifeq:{{{Live Image|}}} | | [[Category:Images Needed (Weapons)]] |}}}}}}
{{#ifeq:{{lc:{{{Weapon Type|}}}}}|ammunition||[[Category:Missile Weapons]]{{#if:{{{Base Weapon Req|}}}|[[Category:Missile Weapons: Wield {{{Base Weapon Req}}}]]|[[Category:Missile Weapons: No Wield Requirement]]}}}}
{{#switch:{{lc:{{{Weapon Type|}}}}}
  | ammunition = [[Category:Ammunition]]
| bow = [[Category:Bows]]
| xbow
| crossbow = [[Category:Crossbows]]
  | tw
| thrown
| thrown weapon
| thrown weapons = {{#if:{{{Damage|}}}|{{#if:{{{Special Req|}}}|[[Category:Thrown Weapons: Alchemy Phial]]|[[Category:Thrown Weapons: Non Atlatl]]}}|[[Category:Thrown Weapons: Atlatl]]}}
{{Missile Weapon
}}</includeonly><noinclude>{{Documentation}}[[Category:Wiki Templates]]</noinclude>
|            Weapon Type = Crossbow
|          Weapon Skill = Missile Weapons
|                  Name = Ancient Arbalest
|            Icon Image = Ancient Arbalest Icon.png
|            Live Image = Ancient Arbalest Live.jpg
|    Live Image Caption = Ancient Arbalest
|                  Value = 375
|                Burden = 1,920
|            Description =
|    Special Properties = [[Crushing Blow]]
|          Damage Bonus = 0
|        Damage Modifier = 130
|                  Speed = Very Slow (120)
|                  Range = 80
|            Ammunition = quarrels
|      Bonus to Defense = 5.0
|                Spells = [[Aura of Blood Drinker III]], [[Missile Weapon Mastery Other III]]
|        Activation Reqs = Arcane Lore: 15
|            Spellcraft = 150
|                  Mana = 400
|              Mana Cost = 40
|        Cannot Be Sold = False
== Notes ==
* Found on the ground in the [[Mountain Sewer]] dungeon in the center of the same room as the [[Inscribed Purple Gem]]s behind a locked door (diff 122), next to a room with 3 chests.
* Takes two minutes to respawn.
* During the [[Master of Arms]] event, the skill was changed from Crossbow to [[Missile Weapons]], and the spells adjusted accordingly.
* Show to [[Warden (Mountain Sewer)]] for a one time bonus of 1,000,000xp.
<font color=green>You allow Warden to examine your Ancient Arbalest.</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Warden tells you, "You still have the stink of sewer on you. I take it the trip was a success?"</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Warden tells you, "This is the reward I promised you, I hope it makes up for the smell."</font><br>
<font color=green>You've earned 1,000,000 experience.</font><br>
<font color=green>You allow Warden to examine your Ancient Arbalest.</font><br>
<font color=darkgoldenrod>Warden tells you, "I have already rewarded you for showing me this crossbow."</font><br>
[[Category:Crushing Blow]]

Revision as of 16:13, 18 January 2024

Template Documentation: Edit Documentation

Related topics: Wiki Templates, Missile Weapon Template


{{Missile Weapon
 |            Weapon Type = 
 |           Weapon Skill = Missile Weapons
 |                   Name = 
 |             Icon Image =  Icon.png
 |             Live Image =  Live.jpg
 |     Live Image Caption = 
 |                  Value = 
 |                 Burden = 
 |            Description = 
 |     Special Properties = 
 |           Damage Bonus = 
 |    Buffed Damage Bonus = 
 | Elemental Damage Bonus = 
 |                Element = 
 |        Damage Modifier = 
 | Buffed Damage Modifier =
 |                  Speed = 
 |           Buffed Speed = 
 |                  Range =
 |           Buffed Range =
 |             Ammunition = 
 |       Bonus to Defense = 
 |         Buffed Defense = 
 |       Bonus to Missile = 
 |         Bonus to Magic = 
 |         Player Attuned = 
 |              Level Req = 
 |        Base Weapon Req = 
 |      Buffed Weapon Req = 
 |            Special Req = 
 |                 Spells = 
 |        Activation Reqs = 
 |             Spellcraft = 
 |                   Mana = 
 |              Mana Cost = 
 |         Cannot Be Sold = False


This template is one component of the page template Missile Weapon Stat Template, full details and an example can be found there.