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Introduced:  Reign of Terror Related Quests:  Heritage Masks
Alfric's Bull
Value: 8,000
800 Burden Units

An ornate representation of the heraldic bull of Viamont Royal Governor Alfric, who rounded up and executed the bloodline of High King Pwyll during the reign of Alfrega the Mad.

Armor Level: 300 (450)
Covers Head

Casts the following spells: Moderate Dagger Aptitude, Dagger Mastery Self VI, Impenetrability V, Armor Self VI, Arcane Enlightenment Self V, Minor Invulnerability, Invulnerability Self VI

Armor Level: 300 (450)
Slashing: Above Average (420) (630)
Piercing: Above Average (360) (540)
Bludgeoning: Average (420) (630)
Fire: Above Average (360) (540)
Cold: Above Average (360) (540)
Acid: Above Average (420) (630)
Electric: Average (300) (450)
Nether: Average (300) (450)

Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 180, Aluvian, Dagger: 400

Spellcraft: 325
Mana: 800
Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.

Alfric's Bull
