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Related topics: Antius Blackmoor

Introduced:  On Bended Knee Related Quests:  Carlo di Cenza's Journal, Zaikhal Defender, Pay Respects to Antius Blackmoor Updated:  Infiltration, Throne of Destiny
Antius Blackmoor

Sword Scholar
Non-Player Killer

Strength 220
Endurance 200
Coordination 170
Quickness 150
Focus 220
Self 200
Health 240
Stamina 300
Mana 320

Location: 44.1N 43.4W Plateau Village, previously in Yaraq


Lore & Dialog


Antius Blackmoor tells you, "Friend! A word!"
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "As I am sure you are aware, a Viamontian recently appeared in Rithwic. His name is Carlo di Cenza. If my memory serves me correctly, he serves the house of Bellenesse, which was quite loyal - and quite close - to the King of Viamont."
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "As far as we can tell, Carlo di Cenza is the only Viamontian on Dereth. But we cannot be sure of that. The man has yet to speak an intelligible word so far as we've seen."
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "We must find out if others arrived with him. If there are Viamontians on Dereth, and if they are hiding from the Queen, then we may have a great deal of trouble ahead of us."
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "Do what you can. Scour the continent. If you uncover any worthwhile intelligence, return it to me."

You give Antius Blackmoor Shadow Pass.
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "This seems to indicate that the Viamontians may well be on Dereth, but we cannot be sure. I need more than this. Keep searching.

You give Antius Blackmoor Halaetan Magic.
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "This settles the matter. The Viamontians are here. And from what I can tell, they are the occupants of that mysterious landmass to the north."
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "I wonder, how long have they been here? What plans do they have for the rest of us? And when will they make themselves known?"
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "I thank you for your assistance in this matter. You have done a great service to your Queen."
You've earned 1,484,539 experience.

You give Antius Blackmoor Bloody Tooth.
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "What manner of creature is this from? I've never seen a tooth of this size. You say the Viamontian gave you this? What foul creatures did the blue-skins bring with them, I wonder?"
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "I thank you for your assistance in this matter. You have done a great service to your Queen."
You've earned 2,078,354 experience.

You give Antius Blackmoor Broken Poniard.
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "A Viamontian dagger! I have not seen one of these in years!"
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "We are in for a great deal of trouble, my friend. You would do well to prepare yourself for the worst."
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "I thank you for your assistance in this matter. You have done a great service to your Queen."
You've earned 2,078,354 experience.

You give Antius Blackmoor Severed Olthoi Head.
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "What creature is capable of doing this to an Olthoi? I have seen my fair share of Olthoi corpses, but this..."
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "Do you see these ridges here? Along the neck? It appears that this head was bitten off."
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "I thank you for your assistance in this matter. You have done a great service to your Queen."
You've earned 2,078,354 experience.

Plateau Village:

Antius Blackmoor tells you, "Ah, excellent, a willing hero. The Viamontians are besieging Zaikhal! My associate, Ardry the Dubious, has scouted out the Viamontians' defenses. Here are his notes."
Antius Blackmoor gives you Viamontian Reconnaissance.
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "Please go to Zaikhal and help defeat the Viamontians!"

You give Antius Blackmoor Shard of Corcima's Armor.
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "A shard of the armor of Corcima himself! Truly, you are a hero. I can use this shard to make armor every bit as good as that which Corcima wore. Take this coat, with my gratitude."
Antius Blackmoor gives you Coat of the Zaikhal Defender.

On Bended Knee

Antius Blackmoor tells you, "I am here against my better judgment. I had hoped that we would find an answer to the growing Burun problem, but as of yet, the Arcanum's scholars are not able to unlock the magic necessary to imbue weapons with slaying properties. Thus I am here at the request of High Queen Elysa with a proposition."
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "Nuhmudira was removed from the council some months ago for conduct that was not befitting of her position. No public charges were levied, but she understood that there was an unspoken accusation. I am here to see that she is given a message. That message is one that I must support"
Antius Blackmoor tells you, "Elysa is willing to grant her clemency in return for her aid. We need you to seek her out and obtain the devices necessary for finishing the Noble Weapons. They require the addition of a complex gem. Once that gem is set in place they should become Burun slaying weapons. Nuhmudira was last known to be residing in a remote cottage outside of Uziz near an oasis on the rim of the A'mun desert."