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Introduced:  Keep Your Enemies Closer Related Quests:  Simulacra Infiltrators
Asteliary Orb
Value: 3,000
100 Burden Units

An orb enchanted with powerful magic, taken from the Asteliary dungeon.

Bonus to Mana Conversion: +5%

Casts the following spells: Focus Self V, Mana Conversion Mastery Self V, Willpower Self V

Activation Requirements: Mana Conversion: 150

Spellcraft: 250
Mana: 650
Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.

Asteliary Orb


You imbue the Asteliary Orb with the power of the Crafter's Gem.
  • Orb has a faint lighting effect - it casts a dull blue hue on terrain and objects around it.