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Introduced:  Atonement
Covenant Armor
Armor Summary
Name: Covenant Armor
Heritage: Lugian
Coverage: Full
AL: See Loot


  • Covenant armor is unique in its design. Unlike all other types, Covenant armor (abbreviated as cov) is unenchantable, comes with base armor levels of up to 509, and requires base defense skill levels to wield. Cov can, however, come with enchantments which will increase its armor values.
  • The armor consists of 9 parts
  • Base material is usually some kind of metal.
  • It cannot be tinkered with steel. Instead players tinker its physical and elemental protection values to increase its effectiveness.
  • Originally, cov armor could not be dyed, and only came with Melee and Missile Defense requirements. The dyeable property and Magic Defense requirements were introduced in later events.
  • When dyed, it takes on a deep variation of the color.
  • Noticeable is that, though Covenant is a metal armor, the failed dyeing results in a bright pink, like clothing.
  • In the Ancient Powers, a new armor type, Olthoi Armor, was introduced with the same properties as Covenant Armor.

Because of its properties, Covenant armor is perfect for characters without Item Enchantment. A piece with the proper built-in banes and impen and protection tinkers can be as effective as standard enchantable armor. Because of its high base AL, cov armor is also useful as anti-hollow armor.

Covenant armor is created by the Lugians of Linvak Tukal. It was delivered to The Arcanum, but was stolen from their storehouse. From the Atonement Teaser, “The Lugians delivered the armor to us as promised. But when the storehouses were raided, we lost every last piece. We have had very little luck ascertaining the whereabouts of anything that was taken.”

Covenant Armor Tinkering

Covenant Armor can also be tinkered, ImmortalBob's Covenant Armor Tinkering Guide may help in decisions on how you go about tinkering your Covenant armor.

Quest Covenant Armor


Underclothing Coloration

Each piece of Covenant Armor has inlaid designs that take their coloration from the underclothes that the character is wearing. Many of the designs take on the color of the character's shirt, while a subdued secondary pattern takes on the color of the character's pants.

One interesting and little-known fact is that the more recently added shirts and pants with larger icons and multiple colors, such as Silk Lace Shirts, Poet's Shirts, and Viamontian Pants, have two colors. Both of these colors transfer to the Covenant Armor's inlaid designs, creating a much more intricate pattern.

Loot Covenant Armor Pieces

Click image for full size.
Covenant Helm Covenant Breastplate Covenant Girth
Covenant Gauntlets Covenant Bracers Covenant Pauldrons
Covenant Sollerets Covenant Greaves Covenant Tassets

Dyed Covenant Armor

Dyed Covenant Armor

(Light Blue)

(Dark Blue)


(Mint Green)







Palettes and dye effects

Dye Effects

  • Note that these colors can NOT be found as Loot colors
Known Palettes for Dyed Covenant Armor
ACID Name Sample DCS Head BP Girth Upper Arms Lower Arms Gaunts Upper Legs Lower Legs Feet
5055 CovenantLapyan 1293DB
5053 CovenantColban 0D31A4 092478
5049 CovenantVerdalim 0026700 024B00
5056 CovenantMinalim 12DB72
5054 CovenantRelanim 6D0DA4 540A7E 500978
5052 CovenantThananim 2A2A2A
5050 CovenantHennacin 67000A 69000A 000000?? 4B0008 4D0008 7D150C 5B0009 400007 400007 4E0008
5057 CovenantArgenory 7C7C7C 626262 525252 5E5E5E 5E5E5E
5051 CovenantBerimphur 675000 4B3A00
5048 FailedOrange EF3570
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.

Palettes found in loot

Known Palettes for Covenant Armor
ACID Name Sample DCS Helmet VT Girth VT Hands VT Feet VT
5016 Aquarium 0FACC1 0C8495
5017 ClementOcean 0D8E9F 0A6F7E
5018 AthenahAqua 0A6E7B 06444D
5019 DeepSea 074C55 053A42 053C43
5020 DuskSea 21D5ED
5021 VaporGolem 2FD8EE 0C709E 12C6DF
5022 RaineAqua 43DBF0 32D8EF
5023 BlissfulBlue 12C3DB 0E96A9
5024 GuardianShadow 484848 414141
5025 DemonGrey 3A3A3A 343434 2C2C2C 2D2D2D 242424
5026 BuckleGrey 333333 2D2D2D 272727 282828 1F1F1F
5027 DarkestNight 272727 232323 1B1B1B 1F1F1F
5028 ThunderGrey 636363 5B5B5B 515151
5029 ShalfiGrey 6E6E6E 666666 5B5B5B 5D5D5D
5030 StonehengeGrey 747474 616161 636363 555555
5031 Sturdyiron 5D5D5D 545454 484848 4A4A4A 3A3A3A
5032 Kalseyeblue 2D10C7
5033 SoulShakerBlue 290EB4
5034 RalphBlue 220C95
5035 AzzyBlue 1D0A7F
5036 HollowBlue 4121ED
5037 MagiBlue 5335EF
5038 CassieBlue 6348F0
5039 LissetteBlue 3212DB
5040 CalinCayenne C15900
5041 RusticWood AA4E00
5042 SouthwestOrange 914200
5043 BurntOrange 7F3600
5044 OwnuzOrange F77100
5045 TommyOrange FF8216
5046 SuxOrange FF8A26
5047 SeedlingOrang DB6500
5058 BeerGold C19502 AE8701 795D01
5059 KuanGold AF8701 9D7A01 876901 8A6B01
5060 SyndicateGold 9A6F01 8A6401 775601 795801 604501
5061 VoodooGold 7B5301 6F4B01 5F4001 614201 4D3400
5062 SunbeamGold EFC302 DAB302 C09E01 A28501
5063 EasthamBeach FDD005 D5AF01 D8B301 B99701
5064 LunaGold FDD316 E9BF01 ECC301 CEA901
5065 Popcorn DBBB02 C5A902 AD9501
5066 MeadowGreen 1DBB0F
5067 VeestVerdigris 17990C
5068 ValleyGreen 137A0A
5069 TofinoGreen 0D5907
5070 GroveGreen 24EC13
5071 Grasshopper 33ED23
5072 LonsgardGreen 46EF37
5073 Spearmint 22DB12
5074 JaylaPurple AC0FC1 9A0EAE
5075 KellyPurple 970DAA 740A83
5076 ElocinPurple 710A7F 570862 590864
5077 EruEggplant 54075E 4B0655 400649
5078 SultressPurple D31AED AF10C5
5079 LingiePink D82FEE C612DF CA12E3 AF0FC5
5080 DeitrichPurple DB43F0 D832EF D31EED D520ED C611DF
5081 YasuhiroPurple C312DB 960EA9 7A0B89
5082 Ruby C32214 B01E12 961A0F 7A150C
5083 RoxyRed B11F12 9F1B10
5084 RenegadeRose A01C10 90190F 7C150C 7F160D 64110A
5085 ShorionRed 84170D 77140C 69120A 530E08
5086 FeistyRed ED2B1A C51E10 C91F10 A8190D
5087 CabalistCoral EE3E2F ED2D1D DF2212 E32312 C51E0F
5088 CoralPink F05648 EF4638 ED3424 EE3726
5089 DevilMouseRed DB2212 C51E10 A91A0E 89150B
5090 JatteGray BBBBBB A8A8A8 909090 949494 747474
5091 SilverCloud 969696 606060 6E6E6E 515151 5B5B5B
5092 GullumGrey 7C7C7C 6F6F6F 626262 4D4D4D
5093 OmyGrey 636363 595959 4C4C4C 4E4E4E 3D3D3D
5094 RabbitWhite DFDFDF C7C7C7 A2A2A2 888888
5095 GabrielsGrey E4E4E4 D2D2D2 BDBDBD C0C0C0 A4A4A4
5096 TevaWhite E9E9E9 DBDBDB CACACA B6B6B6
5097 GhostGrey DBDBDB C5C5C5 A9A9A9 ADADAD 898989
5099 EloiseGreen 0EA900 0C9C00 0B8B00 0B8E00 097900
5100 SweetPotato B65813 A34F11 8C440E 8F450F 71370B
5101 RangerGreen 0C8C00
5102 GanzorGreen 0A7000 086500 075800 064600
5103 Leafcull 0FB300 0DA800 0C9900 0A8900
5104 MosswartGreen 086100 075800 064D00 053D00
5105 CeledorGreen 0B7F00 097200 086400 074F00
5106 RhyssRusset 96480F 87410E 74380C
5107 Cinnamon C15D14 AF5512 9C4B10 7F3E0C
5108 BeanBrown 65310A 5B2C09 4E2508 502608 3F1E06
5109 DebieGreen 096800 085E00 075100 075200
5110 HillsideGreen 0D9B00 086900
5111 BoxyBrown 8C440E 6C340B 6E350B 572A09
5112 BrightGinger E46E17 D46716 C35E14 AB5310
5113 CowBrown D36616 AE5411 B05512
5114 FoxBrown 833F0D 75390C 65310A 67320A
5115 AscusBlue 2B0FBF 270DAC 220C93 1B0977
5116 KaiBlue 290FB7 250DA5
5117 KaliBlue 3212DB 270EA9 280EAD 1F0B89
5118 BanditBlue 270EAB 1E0A84 1F0A87 18086B
5119 ShazzaBlue 2E10CD 2A0EB8 240D9E 250DA2 1D0A80
5120 DanbyBlue 210B91 1D0A82 14075A
5121 SkariksBlue 3412E5 2F10D0 220C96
5122 NovemberBlue 240DA0 1D0A7E 160864
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.