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Latest revision as of 01:22, 26 August 2012

Introduced:  The Madness of Men Related Quests:  Baron Nuvillus Updated:  Reforging the Past
Crown of Bone
Value: 5,000
100 Burden Units

A crown crafted from the fingers of the dead.

Armor Level: 250 (350)
Covers Head

You must be at least level 30 to wield this item.

Casts the following spells: Acid Protection Other V, Impenetrability IV, Cold Protection Other V, Fire Protection Other V

Armor Level: 250 (350)
Slashing: Above Average (325) (455)
Piercing: Above Average (325) (455)
Bludgeoning: Average (200) (280)
Fire: Average (200) (280)
Cold: Average (200) (280)
Acid: Average (200) (280)
Electric: Average (250) (350)
Nether: Average (250) (350)

Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 100

Spellcraft: 150
Mana: 900
Mana Cost: 1 point per 20 seconds.

Crown of Bone


Original Palette for Crown of Bone
ACID Name Sample Hex
6034 BoneCrown D7D7D7 (BABABA)
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.
  • Note: Samples represent the VT-hex with +38 lightness added to better reflect the colors ingame, the numbers within brackets is the original hex