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Related topics: Gambling

Introduced:  A Reign of Stone Related Quests:  Golden Key Quests, Grand Casino Key Quests Updated:  See Below

Dens of Iniquity, or casinos, are locations where you can gamble away your MMDs for prizes. Each of the three mainland starter towns have a casino:

Map Dereth

Casino Town Coordinates
Monty's Den of Iniquity Holtburg 40.8N, 33.6E
Gan-Zo's Den of Iniquity Shoushi 34.2S, 73.6E
Arshid's Den of Iniquity Yaraq 21.5S, 0.7W


  1. In each casino, you can purchase Low, Medium or High stakes gambling tokens, for a M Note, a MM Note, and 2 MMD Notes respectively directly from the Casino Owner.
  2. Once you've purchased your gambling tokens, hand them to the respective Gamemasters, located throughout the casino.
Low-Stakes Gambling Token
Mid-Stakes Gambling Token
High-Stakes Gambling Token



Remarkably, before the The Calm event, the casinos were all unsheltered in open air. Therefore, every employee, patron, and thing at the casino were subject to the elements and even creatures that a foolhardy player could possibly lure from the nearby wilderness. Petitions have been sent to place casinos inside buildings but the receivers took a long time to respond, and finally did by a certain patch. Presumably, in regards to the copious income generated at the casinos that could have paid for a new building to house them in, the casino managers decided to place those funds on different priorities for some dubious reason.

When Casinos were first introduced

Monty's Den of Iniquity



A Guide to Monty's Den of Iniquity
Monty's Golden Chest
Grand Casino Chest
Exquisite Casino Chest

Gan-Zo's Den of Iniquity



A Guide to Gan-Zo's Den of Iniquity
Gan-Zo's Golden Chest
Grand Casino Chest
Exquisite Casino Chest

Arshid's Den of Iniquity



A Guide to Arshid's Den of Iniquity
Arshid's Golden Chest
Grand Casino Chest
Exquisite Casino Chest

Casino Rewards

Low stakes Low stakes
Ancient Empyrean Trinket
Ancient Falatacot Trinket
Aluvian Gem of Worth
Gharu'ndim Gem of Worth
Sho Gem of Worth
Antiquated Compass
Ash Gromnie Wings
Cave Penguin Cake
Creature Painting
Dansha-Ki's Gem of Portal Recall
Gem of Balance Gem of Knowledge (3M)
Gem of Purity
Golden Gromnie
Golden Key (Casino)
Gonjoku's Mana Infusion
Hearty Lugian Loaf
Licorice Rat
Mana Forge Key Mosswart Armband
Olthoi Larvae Steak
Pack Drudge
Potion of Black Fire
Priceless Ore
Refreshing Water
Scroll of Raven Fury
Stout Lugian Ale
Tasty Pudding
Thick Lugian Stew
Trade Note (50,000)
Treated Healing Kit

Multiple rewards

Mid stakes Mid stakes
Adjanite Mana Stone
Aluvian Gem of Worth
Gharu'ndim Gem of Worth
Sho Gem of Worth
Ancient Empyrean Trinket
Ancient Falatacot Trinket
Azure Gromnie Wings
Creature Painting
Fried Olthoi Egg Gem of Knowledge (20M)
Gem of Stillness
Golden Gromnie
Golden Key (Casino)
Hard Boiled Olthoi Egg
Lesser Mana Kit
Lesser Stamina Kit
Mana Forge Key
Olthoi Egg
Olthoi Slasher Carapace
Pack Golem
Platinum Spirits
Potion of Destiny's Wind
Potion of Endless Vigor
Renegade Herbal Kit
Scroll of Raven Fury
Trade Note (100,000)
Trade Note (200,000)
Vesayen Style Fried Olthoi Egg

Multiple rewards

High stakes High stakes
Ancient Empyrean Trinket
Ancient Falatacot Trinket
Black Luster Pearl
Black Market Gem of Dispelling
Burning Coal
Colosseum Ticket
Creature Painting
Exquisite Casino Key
Gem of Knowledge (50M)
Gem of Lesser Luminance
Golden Gromnie
Grand Casino Key
Greater Mana Kit
Greater Stamina Kit
Harbinger Blood Infusion
Ivory Gromnie Wings
Lugian Commander's Insignia
Mana Forge Key
Massive Mana Charge
Pack Scarecrow
Promissory Note
Rage of Grael Gem
Renegade Herbal Kit
The Orphanage (Portal Gem)
Trade Note (250,000)

Multiple rewards


Click image for full size version.


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Lore & Dialog

Town Crier tells you, "Have you heard about those gambling dens? I think they're run by some pretty shady characters..."

Haya Su Ka tells you, "Welcome to Gan-Zo's Den of Iniquity. Would you care for a drink? Or do you need to see our rule sheet, or buy some gambling tokens?"
Haya Su Ka tells you, "Good luck. See if you can win a cute Drudge doll!"
You give Sho High-Stakes Gamesmaster Gan-Zo's High-Stakes Gambling Token.
Sho High-Stakes Gamesmaster tells you, "Let's see what the Great Lady of Chance and Possibility has in store for you!"

Update History

The Changing of the Ways
  • Tiny Shards are now a chance reward in exchange for all 1st generation pack toys.

Chains of Command

  • New casino wheel decorations added.

Discoveries event

  • Rewards for all three stakes updated, and as a result the dealers also upped the cost to play their games.
  • For the old rewards, see: Dens of Iniquity/Archive.

A Swelling Tide

  • The three golden chests updated with better treasure.

The Calm

  • The three casinos moved from their original outdoor spots to their current location in the three mainland starter towns.

Remembering the Past

Who Watches the Virindi?

What Once was Lost

  • Exchange price for rares increased to 2 MMDs.
  • In addition, there is now a small chance to receive a Grand Casino Key instead of a new rare.

Cloak of Darkness

  • Casino rewards upgraded substantially.
  • Also, Pack Dolls can no longer be handed in to the Casino Bosses for other rewards.
  • For the old rewards, see: Dens of Iniquity/Archive.

The Quest for Freedom