Directions to the Holtburg Redoubt: Difference between revisions

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Related topics: Holtburg Redoubt

Introduced:  Release Related Quests:  Worcer's Missing Heirlooms Updated:  A New Threat, The Calm, Master of Design

Originally purchased from Barkeeper Wilomine in the Helm & Shield in Holtburg (Now Retired).

Directions to the Holtburg Redoubt

Have you been out to see the old Holtburg Redoubt? It's directly south of the Scriveners, on a hill. I believe the coordinates are 40.4N 34.5E.

Back in the year 6, the Tumeroks were still strong around here, and laid siege to the town. Most of the population holed up - and were slain - in the Redoubt, but the children escaped, thanks to the planar mage Celcynd.

-- Wilomine

Previous version:

Holtburg Redoubt Directions
This is a good adventure for someone who is newly arrived in Dereth.

Have you been out to see the old Holtburg Redoubt? It's to the east of the South Outpost. Back in the year 6, the Tumeroks were still strong around here, and laid siege to the town. Most of the population holed up -and were slain - in the Redoubt, but the children escaped, thanks to the planar mage Celcynd.

-- Wilomine


  • During the A New Threat event, the icon was updated.
  • During the The Calm event, the note was renamed and the text updated to reflect the changes made to the dungeon.
  • During the Master of Design event, the rumor was retired from the game.