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Introduced:  The Beast With Many Heads Related Quests:  Aerbax's Citadel
Empowered Helm of the Perfect Light
Value: 20,000
250 Burden Units

A helm forged from Thaumaturgic Plate Crystal, and then embedded with spells by Asheron himself.

Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable

Armor Level: 170 (670)
Covers Head

This item can only be wielded by <Player>.

You must be at least level 130 to wield this item.

Casts the following spells: Leadership Mastery Other Incantation (+45), Mana Conversion Mastery Incantation (+45), Epic Leadership (+20), Vision of Annihilation (War +10), Beast Murmur (Creature +10), Grip of Instrumentality (Item +10), Mark of the Priestess (Life +10), Empyrean Aegis (AL +500), Greater Bludgeoning Durance, Greater Piercing Durance, Greater Slashing Durance, Greater Decay Durance, Greater Consumption Durance, Greater Stasis Durance, Greater Stimulation Durance (Increase armor's resistance to <element> by 100% (Equal to a level 5 bane))

Armor Level: 170 (670)
Slashing: Below Average (85) (1005)
Piercing: Below Average (85) (1005)
Bludgeoning: Below Average (85) (1005)
Fire: Below Average (85) (1005)
Cold: Below Average (85) (1005)
Acid: Below Average (85) (1005)
Electric: Below Average (85) (1005)
Nether: Average (170) (670)

Activation Requirements: None

Spellcraft: 400
Mana: 10000
Mana Cost: 1 point per 2 seconds.

Empowered Helm of the Perfect Light
