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Related topics: Category:Housing, Housing Commands, Housing FAQ

An Introduction to Housing

"This is to be a place where you can bring your characters, their friends, and allegiance at the end of long hard day to share stories, hang your trophies and keep safe all the spoils of battle. Below are the most important details for prospective, and new, homeowners to know.
Please note that you must have played the game for at least 15 days before you can purchase a dwelling.

The House

Houses come in three sizes: Cottages, Villas, and Mansions. Each housing type shares certain qualities with one another.

All houses:

  • Have a number of hooks to display items and trophies.
  • Have at least one, and as many as five storage chests, that can hold 26 loose items and one full backpack of items.
  • Can be recalled to by the house owner via use of a special command. (See Housing Commands)
  • Require upkeep on a monthly basis (with the exception of Residential Quarters, which require upkeep every 3 months).
  • Have level restrictions, and/or allegiance rank restrictions.
  • Require at least one writ and one unique trophy item to make the initial purchase.

Residential Quarters:

  • Are found in various housing dungeons.
  • Contain 3 hooks: 2 wall hooks and 1 floor hook.
  • Contain a storage chest for keeping your items safe.
  • Require the purchaser be level 20+ to purchase.
  • Require 100,000 pyreals and 1 Writ of Refuge for purchase.
  • Upkeep is 10,000 pyreals per 3 months.


  • Come in 3 unique styles.
  • Contain 50 hooks for your items (25 can be used simultaneously).
  • Contain a storage chest for keeping your items safe.
  • Require the purchaser be level 20+ to purchase.
  • Require 300,000 pyreals, 1 Writ of Refuge and 1 trophy item for initial purchase.
  • Upkeep is 30,000 pyreals per month.


  • Come in 2 unique styles.
  • Contain 70 hooks for your items (50 can be used simultaneously).
  • Contain 2 storage chests for keeping your items safe.
  • Require the purchaser to be level 35+ to purchase.
  • Require 2,000,000 pyreals, 5 Writs of Refuge and 1 trophy item for initial purchase.
  • Upkeep is 2 Writs of Refuge and 100,000 pyreals per month.


  • Have one immense and awe-inspiring style.
  • Contain 100 hooks (All 100 can be used simultaneously).
  • Contain 5 storage chests for keeping your items safe.
  • Require the purchaser to be at least level 50 and a Rank 6 monarch!!
  • Require 10,000,000 pyreals, 20 Writs of Refuge and various other trophy items to purchase.
  • Upkeep is 10 Writs of Refuge and 1,000,000 pyreals per month.

Writs of Refuge

A new form of currency was introduced to Asheron's Call for the purpose of purchasing and maintaining houses. The Writ of Refuge is an item granted by members of the Zaikhal Arcanum for performing certain tasks or retrieving and returning certain trophy items to them. These tasks are geared roughly toward the level of the purchaser of the home at each level.

Arcanum Agents can be found in most cities and towns. Stop in and talk to one and he or she will tell you what items can be traded for writs. It is also possible to obtain writs through certain quests.

Covenant Crystals

Covenant Crystals appear wherever there is a home. It is used to purchase and pay maintenance on the home. They link the character to the home and to everything that is contained within."


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Writ of Refuge Text - Written by Nuhmudira of Zaikhal
Homestead - Housing lore article released during the Keep Your Enemies Closer event.

Broadcast message signalling that houses were now purchasable (October 29 2001).
You hear the clarion call of horns loud in the distance. The music rises and ebbs and then a susurration of voice magically tickles your ear. "Harken, Isparian. The Agents of the Arcanum stand ready. Ancient evil stalks the land in guises long thought dead. We require your assistance to combat these monstrosities. Whether the evil be a missionary, a knight, or an inquistitor, the end should be the same. Swift and sure. They strike in the forests and in the deserts. They strike in the Dires north and south and in the Obsidian Plains. Find them and destroy them."


  • In Keep Your Enemies Closer, player housing was first introduced, though it was not fully accessible or able to be purchased at the time.
  • In Dark Majesty, settlements became fully functioning and required writs of refuge and various items to purchase them.
  • In The Gathering Storm, a quest was introduced to gain a token which could be exchanged for a Writ of Refuge (once-per-character) or access to a furniture shop. Settlement portals were also added to various major cities around Dereth.
  • In Betrayal, apartments were introduced to meet the high demand for housing at that time.
  • In A New Threat, a 30 day timer on the purchase of housing (not apartments) was added to prevent the constant buying and selling of properties.
  • In Down Twisting Paths, all characters on the account of a character who owns a house can now use all house management commands (except @abandon and allegiance permissions) and place items on House Hooks.