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Introduced:  Lost in the New Horizon

Tusker Little Green Seeds

Little Green Seeds
Value: 50
5 Burden Units

A few small seeds, found on a Tusker. They do not seem to have any apparent use.


Template:Trophy Drops

Trophies from Rampagers, Assailers, and Devastators.

Shreth Little Green Seeds

Little Green Seeds
Value: 50
5 Burden Units

A few small seeds, found on a Shreth. They do not seem to have any apparent use.


Template:Trophy Drops

Trophies from all kinds of Shreths.
  • Does not stack.
  • Hand to Terese in the Swamp Gardens dungeon located at 22.5S, 45.8E for a random amount (1, 3, or 6) and type of Dye Plant. The type of Shreth that drops them seems to have an effect on what kind of plant is received.