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Introduced in Ancient Powers.

Shard Mana Forge Key
Value: 80,000
30 Burden Units
A crystalline key that coruscates with red energies.

Use this key to open any of the Shard chests within the Mana Forges.

Number of uses remaining: 1

This item cannot be sold.


  • Given by an Arcanum Mana-smith in exchange for 10 Pristine Mana Shards.
  • Opens the Shard Mana Forge Equipment Chest (the two at the top, not the other chests at the bottom of the bunker). The Arcanum Mana-smith indicates that the other chests are opened by other means, for the player to find out.
  • Example pull, four items were in chest (from Zaikhal location):
    • Silver Olthoi Alduressa Boots, AL 432, Archer's Bane, MacNiall's Blessing, Flame Bane VI, Major Sprint, Bludgeon Bane VI, Incantation of Impenetrability, Wield Lvl 150, Melee Defense 390 to Activate, Diff 193, Craft 6, Value 6,517, BU 418
    • Iron Olthoi Amuli Leggings, AL 234, Wield Lvl 150, Craft 9, Value 9,805, BU 1893
    • Silver Diforsa Breastplate, AL 239, Impenetrability VI, Major Focus, Minor Strength, Odif's Blessing, Wield Lvl 150, Diff 269, Viamontian, Craft 6, Value 13,179, BU 1337
    • Steel Tenassa Leggings, AL 221, Wield Lvl 150, Craft 8, Value 10,552, BU 1115
  • Example pull, items were in Shard Mana Forge Equipment Chest (from Cragstone location):
    • Quill of Infliction
    • Gromnie Hide Studded Leather Boots, AL 145, Major Quickness, Incantation of Impenetrability, Wield Lvl 150, Diff 382, Craft 7, Value 7,520, BU 491
    • Copper Olthoi Alduressa Leggings, AL 232, Wield Lvl 150, Craft 9, Value 7,287, BU 2512
    • Silver Heavy Necklace, Blessing of the Mace Turner, Aura of Resistance, Minor Fealty, Diff 332, Craft 8, Value 18,532, BU 90