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Introduced:  Mirror, Mirror Related Quests:  Font of Jojii Quest
Sollerets of Grace
Value: 5,000p
475 Burden Units
The sollerets represent the teachings of the adherents to the path of the Unicorn. They are lightweight and grant the gift of grace to the wearer.

Armor Level: 220
Covers Feet

Your level must be at least 40 to wield this item.

Casts the following spells: Impenetrability V, Minor Coordination, Coordination Other VI

Armor Level: 220
Slashing: Above Average (264)
Piercing: Average (176)
Bludgeoning: Average (176)
Fire: Above Average (264)
Cold: Above Average (264)
Acid: Below Average (132)
Electric: Below Average (132)

Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 75

Spellcraft: 350

Mana: 800

Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds

This item cannot be sold.


  1. Use Pure Water on Crystals of Grace to create Sollerets of Grace
    • + =