Revision as of 18:02, 14 March 2009
From the Jester's Lost Marbles Quest introduced in the Introductions event.
Soul Bound Spear
Soul Bound Spear
Value: 0 275 Burden Units
File:Soul Bound Spear icon.png
A ghostly blue spear, bound to your soul.
Special Properties: Ghost Slayer, Crushing Blow, Armor Cleaving
Damage: 38.4 - 48 (56 - 70), Bludgeoning
Speed: Average (35) (0)
Uses Spear Skill
Bonus to Attack Skill: +20% (+37%)
Bonus to Defense Skill: +15% (+32%)
Your Spear must be at least 400 to wield this item.
Casts the following spells: Major Spear Aptitude, Minor Coordination, Minor Strength, Infected Caress, Elysa's Sight, Cragstone's Will, Atlan's Alacrity
Spellcraft: 475
Mana: 2700
Mana Cost: 1 point per 20 seconds.
Spell Descriptions:
- Major Spear Aptitude (Increases the target's Spear skill by 15 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.)
- Minor Strength (Increases the target's Strength by 5 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.)
- Minor Coordination (Increases the target's Coordination by 5 points. Additional spells can be layered over this.)
- Infected Caress (Increases a weapon's damage value by 22 points.)
- Elysa's Sight (Increases a weapon's Attack Skill modifier by 17.0 percentage points.)
- Cragstone's Will(Increases the Melee Defense skill modifier of a weapon or magic caster by 17%.)
- Atlan's Alacrity (Improves a weapon's speed by 70 points.)