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See TheJackCat's site for information on Historical Spell Research. [1]
The Secret (well not really...) to Getting Components
Components are available in special Tier 8 chests found in Society Strongholds and the Mana Forge bunkers found in the capital cities. Components also drop on creatures that also drop Pristine Mana Shards on Dark Isle, Freebooter Isle, Moarsman City, and in Graveyard. Certain chests are rigged so they have an extremely high chance to spawn components instead of armor, weapons, or anything else (Mana Forge Magic Chest). This doesn't mean that it can't spawn items other than components but it does so at a far lower rate than other chests. In fact many times you will find that it only has 3-5 components in it. When a chest has only components there is a simple and classic AC trick to determine what you are getting. Just look at the burden of the chest. The base burden is 5000 for society chests (9000 for Mana Forge chests) so everything above 5000 (9000) reflects the burden of the contents of the chest. Knowing these numbers can help you maximize your pulls from the chests. To use the BU to assess each chest you must know the BU of the different components:
Quill: 4 BU
Ink: 30 BU
Glyph: 25 BU
So lets say you have a chest with 109 burden. So think about it for a second and you'll find that the chest contains 3 Glyphs (75 BU), 1 Ink (30 BU), and 1 quill (4 BU) = 109 BU. Now you have to ask yourself do you need glyphs or do you need inks and quills? If you need glyphs this chests would be a pretty solid bet but if you need quills then maybe not. There is also the point of maximizing the amount of components you get. Some chests will spawn with only 3 components so you might want to look for a chest with 4 or 5 instead. However, if 4 out of 5 of the items are inks and you need quills that chest really won't help you.
This method only helps you figure out what type of component you will get (quill, ink, or glyph). It will not help you beat the random generator which may give you 3 monster appraisal glyphs. However, if you choose chest pulls with lots of glyphs your odds of getting a good glyph will be drastically increased. This method is also really hard to use on the society chest because there is only one of them as opposed to the nine mana forge chests you can check. The mana forge chests kind of let you shop around for the BU you want. Also this method is useless on a chest that happens to spawn a weapon or armor piece.
Component Exchanger
During the Secrets of the Apostates event a Component Exchanger was added to each Mana Forge. Similar in operation to the Rare Exchanger, the Component Exchanger will give a random spell component when given 1 MMD and any VIII spell component. The odds are the same for all components which causes glyphs to be the most common, inks less common, and quills quite rare.
Level VIII Scroll Creation
During the Ancient Powers event, a new crafting system for level VIII spell scroll creation was introduced. Some of these spells were previously available on a small number of quest items, however many are brand new. The components (quills, inks, and glyphs) can be obtained in the highest tier treasure profiles which appears in special chests and on creatures that also drop Pristine Mana Shards on Dark Isle, Freebooter Isle, Moarsman City, and in Graveyard.. Quills may be combined with the Mana Scarabs (which are also the casting scarab for level 8 spells and can be purchased from certain vendors) in order to craft infused quills. Infused quills may be crafted with inks to create a combination of the two. This combination may then be crafted with a glyph to create a level 8 scroll. All components involved in making a scroll (quill, mana scarab, ink, and glyph) are consumed in the process of successfully making a scroll.
All components may also be traded or sold to a vendor, and the scrolls may likewise be traded or sold to a vendor. If crafting something you expected to work fails, very likely the spell simply does not exist for level 8. You will not lose components upon failed crafting, and there is no skill associated with level 8 spell crafting, so feel free to experiment safely with the various components and see what you may accomplish!
Steps in creating a level VIII Scroll:
- Add the quill to the mana scarab.
- Add the infused quill to the ink.
- Add the enchanted quill to the glyph.
This produces a tradable scroll which you can then learn as normal. Level 8 spells last for 90 minutes, or up to three hours with Augmentations.
Scroll Components
In the Secrets of the Apostates event a new NPC was added to each Mana Forge, the Component Exchanger. The exchanger will take 1 MMD and any spell component and give a random one in return. There is an equal chance for all components which makes glyphs the most common, inks less common, and quills (at 4) very rare. In contrast the chests appear to factor in the number of scrolls the item is used by, so infliction quills are very common.
Introspection - Beneficial Self
Benevolence - Beneficial Other
Infliction - War/Debuff (Other)
Extraction - Drain (Other)
Formation - Self (can only be used with Introspection Quills)
Conveyance - Other (can only be used with Benevolence, Infliction and Extraction Quills)
Objectification - Item Spells
Nullification - Nullify (can be used with Introspection or Benevolence Quills)
War Spells (Can only be used with Infliction Quills):
Casting Difficulty
When first introduced level VIII spells had a difficulty to cast of 455. In Risks and Rewards the difficulty was lowered to 400, meaning that 400 buffed magic skill will cast successfully 50% of the time. Here are some examples of casting success for a range of buffed values:
Spell cast chance of success | |||||
Known Formulas
Currently it is impossible to craft Creature Other Buffs, Life Other Buffs, Imperil, Self Debuffs, Defender, and Blood Drinker (Link). Life vulns were added during Seeds of Corruption.
INFUSED QUILL + INK + GLYPH = SCROLL Brutal Equasion + Pun the thugg + Phaith = Gay Orgy (What fags LAWL) Introspection + Formation + (Skill) = Creature Skill Buff Infliction + Conveyance + (Skill) = Creature Skill Debuff Introspection + Formation + (Attribute) = Creature Attribute Buff Infliction + Conveyance + (Attribute) = Creature Attribute Debuff Introspection + Formation + (Element) = Life Protection Infliction + Conveyance + (Element) = Life Vuln Introspection + Formation + Armor glyph = BUGGED - Dec 19 Introspection + Formation + (Health) = Heal Self Benevolence + Conveyance + (Health) = Heal Other Infliction + Conveyance + (Health) = Harm Other Extraction + Conveyance + (Health) = Drain Health (Drains 60% of target's Health) Introspection + Formation + (Stamina) = Revitalize Self Benevolence + Conveyance + (Stamina) = Revitalize Other Infliction + Conveyance + (Stamina) = Enfeeble Other (Drains 50-100 Stamina) Extraction + Conveyance + (Stamina) = Drain Stamina (Drains 60% of target's Stamina) Infliction + Conveyance + (Mana) = Mana Drain Other (Drains 48-90pts of Mana) Extraction + Conveyance + (Mana) = Drain Mana Other (Drains 60% of target's Mana) Introspection + Formation + (Health/Stam/Mana Regeneration Glyph) = Health/Stam/Mana Regeneration increased 145% Infliction + Conveyance + (Health/Stam/Mana Regeneration Glyph) = Health/Stam/Mana Regeneration reduced 75% Benevolence + Objectification + (Armor) = Impenetrability (+240 AL) Infliction + Objectification + (Armor) = Brittlemail (-300 AL) Benevolence + Objectification + (Element) = Item Bane Infliction + Objectification + (Element) = Item Lure (Opposite of Bane) Benevolence + Objectification + Mana Conv = Hermetic Link (80% bonus) Infliction + Objectification + Mana Conv = Hermetic Void (80% penalty) Benevolence + Objectification + Quickness = Swift Killer Infliction + Objectification + Quickness = Leaden Weapon Benevolence + Objectification + Coord = Heartseeker (+20% Attack) Infliction + Objectification + Coord = Turn Blade (-20% Attack) Infliction + Objectification + Melee Def = Lure Blade (-20% Defense) Infliction + Objectification + Strength = Blood Loather (-28 Damage) Benevolence + Objectification + Lockpick = Strength Lock Infliction + Objectification + Lockpick = Weaken Lock Infliction + Alacritous + (Element) = War Streak Infliction + Direction + (Element) = War Bolt Infliction + Parabolic + (Element) = War Arc Infliction + Partition + (Element) = War Blast Infliction + Separation + (Element) = War Volley Introspection + Nullification + Life Enchantment Glyph = Nullify Life Magic Self Benevolence + Nullification + Life Enchantment Glyph = Nullify Life Magic Other Introspection + Nullification + Creature Enchantment Glyph = Nullify Creature Magic Self Benevolence + Nullification + Creature Enchantment Glyph = Nullify Creature Magic Other Introspection + Nullification + Item Enchantment Glyph = Nullify Item Magic
Known Failures
Infliction [Cannot add] Formation Introspection [Cannot add] Alacritous Introspection [Cannot add] Conveyance Introspection [Cannot add] Direction Introspection [Cannot add] Objectification Introspection [Cannot add] Parabolic Introspection [Cannot add] Partition Introspection [Cannot add] Separation Benevolence [Cannot add] Alacritous Benevolence [Cannot add] Direction Benevolence [Cannot add] Formation Benevolence [Cannot add] Parabolic Benevolence [Cannot add] Partition Benevolence [Cannot add] Separation Extraction [Cannot add] Alacritous Extraction [Cannot add] Direction Extraction [Cannot add] Formation Extraction [Cannot add] Nullification Extraction [Cannot add] Objectification Extraction [Cannot add] Parabolic Extraction [Cannot add] Partition Extraction [Cannot add] Separation GLYPH FAILURES:
Infliction + Alacritous [Cannot add] (Attribute) or (Health/Stam/Mana) Infliction + Conveyance [Cannot add] (Element) Infliction + Conveyance [Cannot add] (Salvaging) Infliction + Direction [Cannot add] (Attribute) or (Health/Stam/Mana) Infliction + Objectification [Cannot add] (END, FOC, WILL) Infliction + Partition [Cannot add] (Attribute) or (Health/Stam/Mana) Infliction + Separation [Cannot add] (Attribute) or (Health/Stam/Mana) Infliction + Separation [Cannot add] Glyph of Armor Infliction + Separation [Cannot add] (Skill) Introspection + Formation [Cannot add] Glyph of Armor Introspection + Formation [Cannot add] Glyph of Mana Introspection + Nullification [Cannot add] (Non-magic school skill) Introspection + Nullification [Cannot add] (Mana) Introspection + Nullification [Cannot add] (Element) Introspection + Nullification [Cannot add] Glyph of Armor Benevolence + Conveyance [Cannot add] (skill) Benevolence + Conveyance [Cannot add] (Element) Benevolence + Conveyance [Cannot add] Glyph of Armor Benevolence + Conveyance [Cannot add] Glyph of Mana Benevolence + Conveyance [Cannot add] Glyph of Health/Stam/Mana Regeneration Benevolence + Nullification [Cannot add]] (Non-magic school skill) Benevolence + Nullification [Cannot add]] (Tinker Skill) Benevolence + Nullification [Cannot add]] (Regeneration) Benevolence + Nullification [Cannot add]] Glyph of Item Enchantment or War Magic Benevolence + Nullification [Cannot add]] Health Benevolence + Nullification [Cannot add]] (Element) Benevolence + Nullification [Cannot add]] Glyph of Armor Benevolence + Objectification [Cannot add] (Tinker Skill) Benevolence + Objectification [Cannot add] (Weapon Skill) Benevolence + Objectification [Cannot add] (Regeneration) Benevolence + Objectification [Cannot add] (STR, END, FOC, WILL) Benevolence + Objectification [Cannot add] War Magic Benevolence + Objectification [Cannot add] Health Benevolence + Objectification [Cannot add] Melee Defense
Spell Components
Scroll List
- See VIII Creature Scrolls for the complete list of scrolls with their component formulas.
- See VIII Item Scrolls for the complete list of scrolls with their component formulas.
- See VIII Life Scrolls for the complete list of scrolls with their component formulas.
- See VIII War Scrolls for the complete list of scrolls with their component formulas.