An ornate representation of the heraldic bull of King Varicci II of Sanamar, King of New Viamont and Protector of the Halatean Isles.
Armor Level: 300 (500) Covers Head
Casts the following spells: Armor Tinkering Expertise Self VI, Impenetrability VI, Armor Self VI, Minor Armor Tinkering Expertise, Minor Fealty, Fealty Self VI, Invulnerability Self VI, Moderate Invulnerability.
Armor Level: 300 (500) Slashing: Above Average (420) (700) Piercing: Above Average (360) (600) Bludgeoning: Above Average (420) (700) Fire: Above Average (360) (600) Cold: Above Average (360) (600) Acid: Above Average (420) (700) Electric: Average (300) (500) Nether: Average (300) (500)
Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 220, Viamontian
Spellcraft: 325 Mana: 800 Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.