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Introduced:  Dark Majesty Related Quests:  Canescent Mattekar Robe (Quest)

Treated Canescent Mattekar Pelt made with Organic Acid

Treated Canescent Mattekar Pelt
Value: 0
100 Burden Units

A pelt of the Canescent Mattekar, treated with Harrower acid.

Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded

This item cannot be sold.

You successfully apply the acid to the mattekar pelt.

Treated Canescent Mattekar Pelt made with Olthoi Ichor

Treated Canescent Mattekar Pelt
Value: 0
100 Burden Units

A pelt of the Canescent Mattekar, treated with Olthoi ichor.

Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded

This item cannot be sold.

You successfully apply the acid to the mattekar pelt.
