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Revision as of 01:45, 20 May 2012

Related topics: Known Issues, Graphical Errors

List of random typos in old content. Remove if fixed.



  • Settlement sign for South Uziz Villas is spelt "South Uzis (sic) Villas". (02/2012)
  • The Qalabar Oasis Settlement (portal, sign's title/description) is missing an apostrophe, it should be Qalaba'r. (02/2012)
  • The Mt Sylph view Cottages does not have a settlement portal and the settlement sign has a typo in the name, it should be spelt Syliph after Mt.Syliph. (02/2012)
  • Sliver-of-BlueCottages should probably have a space between 'Blue' & 'Cottages'. (02/2012)


  • When using a NPK Shrine: "You are enveloped in a feeling of warmth as you are brought (sic) back protection of Light." (05/12)
  • In the Falatacot Visitor's Alcove, when you enter the room with the Falatacot Warden Statue, you see this message: "The state [sic] looks as if it has been tampered with...its eyes are dull." -- should be "statue".
  • When first speaking to Sir Ginazio - "...heart of the Eater Pit, located at 88.8N, 72.6W .[sic] Bring me my sword,..."
  • Master Arbitrator tells you, "I see that you have proved you [sic] skill against the Very Mad Cow. Well done."
  • Noir Assassination Investigation - You think, "She dropped the [sic] trinkent into my hands. A reward for a job well done." (02/09)
  • Sealed Vault - You open the ancient vault of [sic] LadyTairla. (02/09)
  • Watcher of the Dead - Watcher of the Dead teleports you with [sic] Depth's of Izji Qo's Temple (02/09)
  • Royal Guard Qumasha - "The Commmander [sic] of that mine should" -- "Commander" is misspelled, has three 'm's. (03/09)
  • Jyotsana tells you, "You've disocvered [sic] enough crystals to earn a reward. Good work." - "discovered" is misspelled.
  • Corporal Massein tells you, "Slay forty of the Mosswart Townsfolk who live in the Mosswart holding, then return back to me. Good luck, warrior" period missing in final sentence.
  • Astara Duskshield tells you, "Of late, Tamian had been extremely interested in something a Scribe who was travelling[sic] through here had given him. It had to do with a tower. Tamian is always drawing towers and such. The Scribe was named Tian Li Quan and resides in Lin, I believe. Tamian is no great traveler and that is quite a way from here. Strange that he would go and say nothing, but perhaps..."
  • Jean says, "Luc and I come from the same human pod. We often tell the same stories. We have been togeather [sic] as long as we have been flesh." - "together" is misspelled.

Mislabled Items

Mislabeled NPCs



  • The following spells have an extra "the" in their name (2012-02):
    • Weave of the Person Attunement V
    • Weave of the Cooking V
    • Weave of the Creature Enchantment V
    • Weave of the Deception II, Weave of the Deception III, Weave of the Deception IV, Weave of the Deception V
    • Weave of the Fletching II, Weave of the Fletching III, Weave of the Fletching IV, Weave of the Fletching V
    • Weave of the Healing II, Weave of the Healing III, Weave of the Healing IV, Weave of the Healing V
    • Weave of the Item Enchantment V
    • Weave of the Item Tinkering V
    • Weave of the Magic Resistance V
    • Weave of the Magic Item Tinkering V
    • Weave of the Invulnerability V
    • Weave of the Impregnability V
    • Weave of the Weapon Tinkering V
    • Weave of the Creature Attunement V

Game Client

  • /help afk
    @afk - Turns on AFK (away-from-keyboard) mode. When set to AFK, other players that send you directed [sic] chatyou will receive a customizable message that your are not currently at the keyboard.
    @afk on - Turns on AFK mode. When set to AFK, other players that send you directed [sic] chatyou will receive a customizable message that your are not currently at the keyboard.