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=== <center><u>Archival Copy</u></center> ===
=== <center><u>Atlan’s Treatise</u></center> ===
Dispatch from the northern town of Daralet, received by the court of Emperor Caerlin in the year 366 of Rhethis Eipoth. Copied by the scribe Wenheas for His Majesty Emperor Caerlin II’s archive in the year 12 of Torethis Eipoth.
Esteemed chevairds and soldiers of the Yalain Empire, I am Atlan, Lord of the island of Knorr at the behest and indulgence of our most Dignified and Serene Emperor Caerlin.
<br><br>To His Majesty Caerlin, Most Dignified and Enlightened Ruler of the Seaborne Empire of Yalain, Right-Trusty Regent of the Shattered Throne of Haebrous, Sovereign of Glystaene and Nesortania, and Chevaird-Commander and Protector of the Dericost Marches.
We find ourselves in a time of crisis. Unknown assailants ravage the north, and abduct our own children from their very beds as far south as the coastal ports in the region of the great port at Nesortania. The nature of the enemy has thus far eluded our most learned sages. My wife Lady Maila, Master of the Lyceum at Knorr, continues to lead her students in the investigation.
<br><br>From Sir Walthryl Senjanh, Viceroy of Daralet, Chevaird of the Gilgranné Order, and Bearer of Banner of Old Relmontaine.
<br><br>In the meantime, as unseemly as it may be in our enlightened society, I have undertaken a project which may assist our efforts against the unknown aggressor. As you may know, as well as being a captain of armies, I am an alchemist of some repute. With the assistance of Lady Maila, I have designed a set of pyreal-based weapons whose flexibility and power is unsurpassed in our history of arms.
<br><br>My Lord and Master,
<br><br>The basis of this system, is, of course, the enchanted alloy pyreal, which may only be refined and forged by the most skilled of alchemists in the molten heart of certain volcanic mountains. A quantity of pyreal must therefore be gathered and alchemically refined before anything further may be done. As ever, pyreal may be of superior or inferior quality, and this does directly effect the quality of the resulting weapon.
<br><br>It is with deep regret that I must inform His Majesty of a most distressing turn of events, and appeal to Him, in His boundless munificence, for assistance in remedying the calamity which has befallen my demesne. Within the last month, nearly all the children of Daralet have disappeared.
<br><br>Once a complete ingot of pyreal has been assembled, the material must be forged into a weapon. This is a time-consuming process, and one which debilitates even the staunchest of alchemists. To speed the process, my Lady Maila has created a new breed of Golem. Based on the Magma Golems we use to protect our pyreal foundries, it is able to follow simple directions to produce a certain type of weapon.
<br><br>It began with the orphans of the region, who are oftentimes left unprotected and unwatched at night. It is thought that the first to disappear in such a fashion was a Dericostian orphan of twelve years, by the name Myshenna. She had absconded from the orphanage run by Elder Naelidrye, the local missionary, while the Elder slept. The girl had arranged for a tryst with another orphan, Vendiir by name, in one of the stables on the edge of town. When she did not present herself for morning prayers, the missionary went searching for her. She discovered the boy babbling that “the night had taken her away” (his words). He was crazed with fear, and claimed to have heard Myshenna shrieking in pain and despair from somewhere in the clouds above. The Elder had to magically dull his wits in order to calm him.
<br><br>Essentially, the Golem is trained to recognize certain glyphs, and actually reshape the pyreal it is given within its own molten form. The glyphs themselves are enchanted, naturally, and adapt themselves to the skill of the user. For example, if a warrior should try to apply a mace glyph to a pyreal ingot, it will sense how great his skill at the mace, and remember it. If his level of expertise is high, the Golem will produce a mighty weapon for him. If he is less skilled, it will create a mace more suited to his own modest ability.
<br><br>We at first thought that he had killed her in a jealous rage – the passions of the youth of Dericost are legendary, if His Majesty will pardon me for saying so – and had gone mad from guilt. However, on the following morning, no fewer than seven children had gone missing from the rolls of Elder Naelidrye’s orphanage.
<br><br>In addition, Lady Maila has added a further enhancement of her own. She has crafted a set of enchanted elemental sourcestones which may be added to the weapons. There are crystals which bear the powers of acid, fire, frost, and lightning. Each enhances the weapon with a variety of enchantments. A given stone may be removed from the weapon at any time using a special tool, and then replaced. Thus, a warrior may exchange his flaming axe for a frost axe, acid axe, or lightning axe at will, without burdening himself with three extra weapons. I trust my warrior colleagues will see the benefits of this system as well as I do. Further, the stones may be fit into any type of weapon. The same fire stone may be fit into both a spear and a sword.
<br><br>At this point, the townspeople threw themselves into a hysterical panic, and virtually besieged my modest keep with demands that I deploy the guard. I do fear that my soldiers were left with little recourse but to be firm with several of the more alarmed residents. Despite this lack of reason among the people, I did ask several of my more trustworthy chevairds to keep watch around the town that night.
<br><br>Warriors should be cautioned that with excessive use, both the elemental stones and the tool used to remove them may break.
<br><br>Though not a one of them heard nor saw anything untoward, four children of respected Daralet families disappeared from their homes. The following morning there was a small riot as the news spread, but my soldiers and I suppressed it with some alacrity.
<br><br>Maila has taught several of her students how to create the Golem and the stones, and they stand ready to leave for our various foundries, to begin work. I have taken the liberty of beginning to arm my own household guard with these weapons. I have taken the first of these, a superb crimson sword I have named Rez’arel, as my personal weapon.
<br><br>I would spare His Majesty further tedious detail on the matter. The facts are plain, and maddeningly repetitious. Every night, anywhere from a single to a dozen children have disappeared, despite the presence of alert guards. There are but a handful left as I scribe this missive; I expect that by the time His Majesty receives this, they will be long since disappeared.
<br><br>I regret to say that while the elemental stones fashioned by my Lady and her fellow Master Enchanters are of exacting quality, the process of creation daunts most. We may be forced to rely on lesser mages to produce enough stones for the army. These will be of lesser quality, and will not give a weapon elemental damage ability. They should still serve ably.
<br><br>Only one thing has been noted as out of the ordinary, aside from the disappearances and the related chaos. Sometimes, in the middle of the night when the darkness is of such depth and thickness such that a candle cannot illuminate its own handle, we hear whispered voices. They are distant, as if carried on the wind, and seem to be chanting. We have made forays into the darkness to seek out their source, yet they never seem to be nearer nor farther.
<br><br>Sir Seddan, a chevaird of considerable skill from Glystaene, disappeared himself while attempting to discover the source of these sounds. He had lagged behind the rest of his party by not more than a dozen strides when his torch flickered and died, as if it had been doused in water. Not a sound was heard. When he failed to respond to his party’s hails, they returned to where he’d last been seen. There his torch was found upon the ground, still smoldering, and nothing besides. His footprints appeared to stop in midstride. After this incident, the men have refused to venture beyond the city gates.
<br><br>More distressing, some of the townspeople have claimed to hear the laughter of children at night, coming from the formless sky, or the withered fields around this accursed village.
<br><br>I do beseech His Majesty that He might send aid to His loyal vassal in this time of crisis. The events occurring around me are thick with foul magics, a power the Elder Naelidrye cannot seem to match. I must admit that I am helpless against this thing, this darkness within the darkness that steals us away without leaving any sign of its passage.
<br><br>Yours in Faith and Honor,
<br>Walthryl Senjanh

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Revision as of 16:16, 13 July 2009

From the AC:DM CD Lore

Atlan’s Treatise

Esteemed chevairds and soldiers of the Yalain Empire, I am Atlan, Lord of the island of Knorr at the behest and indulgence of our most Dignified and Serene Emperor Caerlin. We find ourselves in a time of crisis. Unknown assailants ravage the north, and abduct our own children from their very beds as far south as the coastal ports in the region of the great port at Nesortania. The nature of the enemy has thus far eluded our most learned sages. My wife Lady Maila, Master of the Lyceum at Knorr, continues to lead her students in the investigation.

In the meantime, as unseemly as it may be in our enlightened society, I have undertaken a project which may assist our efforts against the unknown aggressor. As you may know, as well as being a captain of armies, I am an alchemist of some repute. With the assistance of Lady Maila, I have designed a set of pyreal-based weapons whose flexibility and power is unsurpassed in our history of arms.

The basis of this system, is, of course, the enchanted alloy pyreal, which may only be refined and forged by the most skilled of alchemists in the molten heart of certain volcanic mountains. A quantity of pyreal must therefore be gathered and alchemically refined before anything further may be done. As ever, pyreal may be of superior or inferior quality, and this does directly effect the quality of the resulting weapon.

Once a complete ingot of pyreal has been assembled, the material must be forged into a weapon. This is a time-consuming process, and one which debilitates even the staunchest of alchemists. To speed the process, my Lady Maila has created a new breed of Golem. Based on the Magma Golems we use to protect our pyreal foundries, it is able to follow simple directions to produce a certain type of weapon.

Essentially, the Golem is trained to recognize certain glyphs, and actually reshape the pyreal it is given within its own molten form. The glyphs themselves are enchanted, naturally, and adapt themselves to the skill of the user. For example, if a warrior should try to apply a mace glyph to a pyreal ingot, it will sense how great his skill at the mace, and remember it. If his level of expertise is high, the Golem will produce a mighty weapon for him. If he is less skilled, it will create a mace more suited to his own modest ability.

In addition, Lady Maila has added a further enhancement of her own. She has crafted a set of enchanted elemental sourcestones which may be added to the weapons. There are crystals which bear the powers of acid, fire, frost, and lightning. Each enhances the weapon with a variety of enchantments. A given stone may be removed from the weapon at any time using a special tool, and then replaced. Thus, a warrior may exchange his flaming axe for a frost axe, acid axe, or lightning axe at will, without burdening himself with three extra weapons. I trust my warrior colleagues will see the benefits of this system as well as I do. Further, the stones may be fit into any type of weapon. The same fire stone may be fit into both a spear and a sword.

Warriors should be cautioned that with excessive use, both the elemental stones and the tool used to remove them may break.

Maila has taught several of her students how to create the Golem and the stones, and they stand ready to leave for our various foundries, to begin work. I have taken the liberty of beginning to arm my own household guard with these weapons. I have taken the first of these, a superb crimson sword I have named Rez’arel, as my personal weapon.

I regret to say that while the elemental stones fashioned by my Lady and her fellow Master Enchanters are of exacting quality, the process of creation daunts most. We may be forced to rely on lesser mages to produce enough stones for the army. These will be of lesser quality, and will not give a weapon elemental damage ability. They should still serve ably.