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| ? x {{Icon Link|Gauntlet Coin}}
| ? x {{Icon Link|Gauntlet Coin}}
| ? x {{Icon Link|Gauntlet Treasure Key}}
| ? x {{Icon Link|Gauntlet Treasure Key}}
| ? x {{Icon Link|Gauntlet Coin}}
* '''Note:''' You must use the exit door to have completed a room. For example, killing the spawn in room 2 then using the door and entering room 3 counts as having beaten 2.
* '''Note:''' You must use the exit door to have completed a room. For example, killing the spawn in room 2 then using the door and entering room 3 counts as having beaten 2.

Revision as of 23:12, 21 August 2014

Related topics: Gauntlet Bosses, Societies

Walk Through ___ Maps ___ Items ___ XP ___ Lore & Dialog ___
Quest Summary
Quest Type: Locked Fellowship
Start Location: ??
Timer: 1 hour
Time to Complete: 1 hour
Level Restrictions: ??
Rewards Summary
Full details here
Gauntlet Treasure Key,
2 x Gauntlet Coins
Max XP:
Full details here
Titles: (see below)
Related Articles
Introduced In: Spring 2014
Updated In: May Patch
Related Quests: Gauntlet Bosses,
Paragon Weapons

Quest Overview

You need to be a member of a Society to participate.

  • Enter either the Celestial Hand Gauntlet, Eldrytch Web Gauntlet or Radiant Blood Gauntlet
  • Important: Rare gems are not allowed - you will not be able to enter the Gauntlet if you have a Rare gem in your inventory. Any active rares will also be dispelled upon entry. However, you can enter with Spectral Rares.
  • There are three distinct dungeons accessed in front of each society stronghold but you can enter any one of them irrespective of what society you belong to.
  • To initiate the event one must be in the society hosting the event rooms.
  • Each Society may have two concurrent groups attempting the event at the same time for a total of six possible concurrent groups.
  • There are three Gauntlet Bosses that can be accessed after you complete a certain number of stages.
  • Required Slayers include Tumerok, Virindi, Mukkir, Shadow and (for void mages) Burun.


Walk Throughs

Here is a rough set of notes. Note that some spawn information is incomplete and so is the detailed breakdown of the spawn waves:

Most stages have 3 waves of spawns. An exception is stage 5. Recommended group composition is 2-3 void mages, 2-3 war mages, and the rest melee/archer.

Stage 1
Spawn 1 - Hollow Pawns, Corrosive Archer
Spawn 2 - Hollow Pawns, Virindi Rival, Corrosive Archer
Spawn 3 - Virindi Rival, Tumerok Savage
Spawn 4 - Tumerok Savage
Kill priority: Hollow Pawns > Virindi Rival > Corrosive Archer > Tumerok Savage

  • Tumeroks are melee and archer fodder, imperil and slash and pierce vuln, use tumerok slayer. Mages should also use the slayer but do far less damage. Void mages focus on keeping dots on what the melees and archers are attacking.
  • Virindi tend to stand still and cast lightning rings so meeles beware.

Stage 2
Spawn 1 - Virindi Rival, Hollow Pawns, Corrosive Archer
Spawn 2 - Lugian Launcher
Spawn 3 - Virindi Rival, Lugian Launcher
Spawn 4 - Hollow Pawns, Lugian Launcher
Kill priority: Hollow Pawns > Virindi Rival > Lugian Launcher

  • At least one mage should use a spectral life rare and imperil the lugians. Melees and archers use light rend. Lugians have very high resistance and are also resistant to spell damage itself, including void.

Stage 3
Spawn 1 - Torment Wisps, Corrosive Archer
Spawn 2 - Torment Wisps
Spawn 3 - Torment Wisps
Spawn 4 - Torment Wisps, Corrosive Archer
Kill priority: Hollow Pawns > Torment Wisps

  • Spread out (e.g. along the edge of the room) because the wisps cast waves that can kill multiple people at once, especially if stacked.
  • Wisps should be imperiled and slash vuled (pierce does comparable damage) but mages tend to do more damage to them. Melees and archers should us a slash or pierce AR weapon. This spawn appears to take a very long time to kill. Unclear if there is a better strategy.
  • Adding an acid vuln to increase summoned pets' effectiveness is recommended.

Stage 4
Spawn 1 - Lugian Launcher, Corrosive Archer
Spawn 2 - Tracking Fireball, Vicious Remoran Sapper
Spawn 3 - Hollow Pawns, Vicious Remoran Sapper
Spawn 4 - Vicious Remoran Sapper
Kill priority: Hollow Pawns > Virindi Rival > Vicious Remoran Sapper

  • Do not stand in SW corner as a group of remoran spawns there.
  • Remoran stand still and chain-cast war spells. Bring lots of dispell gems for this room.
  • Remoran should NOT be vuled. They counter protect. Instead mages should use Tusker Fists with bludge rend. Void mages can get dots on them to increase fist damage, and also use volleys.
  • Remoran can be imperiled and melees and archers can use bludge or fire rend.

Stage 5
Spawn 1 - Pike Grievver, Grievver Darter
Kill priority:Pike Grievver > Grievver Darter

  • Upon entering, your group will be split (at random) between two separate rooms. You will only be able to return to the same room you started in if you die or recall so each group is responsible for clearing their own room.
  • The door is triggered by killing all of the Pike Grievvers in each room. When a Pike Grievver dies two Grievver Darters spawn. You can ignore them.
  • The room is small, and has a central column. Flame waves shoot along the outer edges of the room so don't stand there.

Stage 6
Spawn 1 - Vibrant Shadow, Virindi Rival
Spawn 2 - Vibrant Shadow, Virindi Rival
Spawn 3 - Vibrant Shadow, Virindi Rival
Spawn 4 - Hollow Pawns, Vibrant Shadow, Virindi Rival
Kill priority: Virindi Rival > Vibrant Shadow, void mages always focus shadows

  • Void mages should focus on the shadows using slayer the whole time.
  • Shadows should not be vuled as they counter protect. Even so, all damage types besides nether and offensive life magic appear to do little damage.
  • War mages, melees and archers should kill the mukkir, then use sladow slayers wands and offensive life magic on the shadows.

Stage 7
Spawn 1 - Mukkir Predator, Ruuk Ranger
Spawn 2 - Mukkir Predator, Guruk Grunt
Spawn 3 - 2 Guruk Grunts, 2 Ruuk Ranger
Spawn 4 - 2 Guruk Grunts, 2 Ruuk Ranger
Kill priority: Mukkir Predator > Ruuk Ranger > Guruk Grunt unless Guruk Grunt is vulnerable, in which case everyone should focus on it. Void mages always focus the burun, either the Ruuk or Guruk.

  • Guruk Grunts are resistant to all damage unless they become vulnerable, which appears to occur at random. A level up animation plays, and there is a green chat message. Everyone should switch on them at this point and ignore other spawns.
  • Guruk Ruuk cast a high damage bludge volley (forward cone attack). It does 250-300 damage. A level up animation is played, and there is a chat warning when this occurs.
  • Void mages should focus on the burun at all times, Ruuk until Guruk becomes vulnerable and then switch to Guruk. Use burun slayer and nether blast.
  • Burun are immune to life vulns and destructive curse.
  • Non-mages should use Burun slayer wands and offensive life magic (tugaks and hecatombs) on the burun, which have no magic resistance when vulnerable. War mages should use Soul Bound (or another rend). Void mages should also use Burun Slayer wands with void blasts/rings/arcs.
  • Due to extremely high health (~150k) the burun take a very long time to kill. Unclear if there's a better strategy.

Stage 8
Spawn 1 - Crazed Olthoi, Hollow Pawns
Spawn 2 - Crazed Olthoi
Spawn 3 - Crazed Olthoi
Spawn 4 - Crazed Olthoi, Virindi
Kill priority: Hollow Pawn > Crazed Olthoi

Stage 9
Spawn 1 - Baby Snow Tuskers
Spawn 2 - One lvl 300 Big "Tundra Tusker" with 100k+ hp and TWO Crystal Shards with 50k HP (can't be tusker fisted.)
Kill priority: ???

Stage 10
Spawn 1 - Stinging Armordillos which are basically invulnerable to mages.
Spawn 2 -
Kill priority: ???



Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps Other Quests
Celestial Hand Gauntlet 39.7S 83.6E -- -- -- --
Eldrytch Web Gauntlet 24.7N 49.4E -- -- -- --
Radiant Blood Gauntlet 12.8N 0.7E -- -- -- --

Experience Rewards

Reward Chart

Room Title XP Luminance Coins Keys Mini-Boss Access
1 ?? ??
(??% up to level ??)
2,500 -
2 None 50,000,000
(??% up to level ??)
5,000 -
3 ?? 50,000,000
(??% up to level ??)
7,500 -
4 ?? ??
(??% up to level ??)
10,000 ??
5 Coin Collector 100,000,000
(??% up to level ??)
12,500 1 x Gauntlet Coin
6 Society Savage 125,000,000
(??% up to level ??)
15,000 1 x Gauntlet Coin 1 x Gauntlet Treasure Key
7 Brutal Barbarian 150,000,000
(??% up to level ??)
17,500 2 x Gauntlet Coin ? x Gauntlet Treasure Key
8 ?? ??
(??% up to level ??)
20,000 3 x Gauntlet Coin ? x Gauntlet Treasure Key Tremb'Orh Access
9 ?? ??
(??% up to level ??)
??? ? x Gauntlet Coin ? x Gauntlet Treasure Key
10 ?? ??
(??% up to level ??)
??? ? x Gauntlet Coin ? x Gauntlet Treasure Key
  • Note: You must use the exit door to have completed a room. For example, killing the spawn in room 2 then using the door and entering room 3 counts as having beaten 2.

Quest Items

Quest Items
Gauntlet Ticket
Gauntlet Ticket Stub

Gauntlet Coin
Gauntlet Treasure Key
Gauntlet Vault Key
Yellow Society Locket
Brown Society Locket
Blue Society Band
Green Society Band
Purple Society Band
Red Society Band

Gauntlet Chests
Gauntlet Vault
Gauntlet Arena
Gauntlet Arena One Statue


Click image for full size version.

Lore & Dialog

Master of the Gauntlet says, "Arena One is now available for new warriors!"

The Completion of Stage 7
Master of the Gauntlet gives you Gauntlet Treasure Key.
You've earned 150,000,000 experience.
You've earned 17,500 Luminance.
You have won two Gauntlet Coins!
Master of the Gauntlet gives you 2 Gauntlet Coins.