Monster Fights
Related topics: Gambling

Introduced in: Sins of the Fathers
Located north of Sanamar at 72.8N 60.7W, the Monster Fight Bookie will take 5 MMD and give you a Monster Fight Ticket.
There are 5 torches around the cages. About every 10 minutes, one more will light up, indicating how long it will be for the next fight begins.
Once an hour, when all 5 torches are lit, eight combatants will spawn in the cage, give your ticket to the one you think will win.
The fight takes about 10 minutes. Monsters will fight in pairs, or in 2 to 1s.
If your pick is the last monster standing at the end of the free-for-all battle, give the stub to the Bookie for your reward.
Monster Fight Bookie tells you, "I take 5 MMDs to buy a ticket. Bring winning tickets to me before the next fight and I'll reward you with a Grand Casino Key."
Eight fighters enter. Only one fighter will make it out alive! Prepare for an all out, no holds bar, brawl!
Let's get ready to rumble!
We have a winner!
Monster Fight Bookie tells you, "I thought Bulraga might win this bought. He's been angry ever since someone stole his swamp stone."
Monster Fight Bookie gives you Grand Casino Key.
- Champion Bullgara
- Chief Grogbash
- Darcusch the Barbarian
- Glormigoth
- Hea Tnakarea
- Kerthump the Ear Taker
- Korgluuk of Bur
- Warrior Corthos
The Fight