Ro Bi-Jor, Apprentice Tailor

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Introduced:  Heart of Woe Related Quests:  Heart of Innocence Quest, Oswald's Dirk Quest
Ro Bi-Jor, Apprentice Tailor

Female Sho
Apprentice Tailor
Non-Player Killer

Strength 120
Endurance 120
Coordination 160
Quickness 140
Focus 160
Self 85
Health 110
Stamina 170
Mana 95

Location: 28.5S, 59.2E in Sawato


Lore & Dialog

Ro Bi-Jor, Apprentice Tailor tells you, "Hello I am an apprentice of To-ping Ra. He is teaching me the venerable art of tailoring. I have seen a few setbacks in my studies recently but I am sure that my confidence will return."
You give Ro Bi-Jor, Apprentice Tailor Letter to Ro Bi-Jor.
Ro Bi-Jor, Apprentice Tailor tells you, "This clears a lot up. I had thought that the shirt was some of my best work. Now I know that it was."
Ro Bi-Jor, Apprentice Tailor tells you, "I am truly sorry that Jaleh is dead. That is a tragedy."
You've earned 250,000 experience.
Ro Bi-Jor, Apprentice Tailor tells you, "My thanks for delivering this to me."