Spertat the Ursuin Hunter

Introduced during Lonely in the World.
NPC Summary | |
Name: | Spertat the Ursuin Hunter |
Title: | Wandering Bowyer |
Race: | Male Aluvian |
Location: | Randomly in Northern Osteth |
Route: | |
Currency: | Pyreal |
Spertat the Ursuin Hunter tells you, "Oy, a blow-in! Seen any Ursuins 'ereabout? I've spent weeks tromping across these woods, tracking the vicious beasties from place to place."
Books, Paper
Unreadable Text 19p
Trade Notes
Item 1 0p
Item 1 0p
Fletching Items
Item 1 0p
- The Unreadable Text is part of the Hieromancer's Armor quest.