Yahr ibn Ajaj the Bowyer

- Route: see Uziz
- See Bowyer for other similar shopkeepers.
- Sells at 155%, buys at 90%.
- During the Disturbance in the Desert event, the townspeople of Uziz were captured, and can be found (as non-interactive "Objects") in the Virindi Edifice dungeon. The current NPCs in Uziz seem to be Simulacra. See also the Town Crier Rumors and the Release Fiction of this patch.
Item Price Invitation to Master Fletchers 31,000
Item Price Atlatl 310 Atlatl Dart 388 Blunt Quarrel 1,550 Blunt Arrow 1,550 Quarrel 388 Arrow 388 Armor Piercing Quarrel 1,550 Armor Piercing Arrow 1,550 Frog Crotch Quarrel 1,550 Frog Crotch Arrow 1,550 Heavy Crossbow 582 Nayin 465
Fletching Items
Trade Notes
Item Price Trade Note (1,000) 1,150 Trade Note (500) 575 Trade Note (100) 115
Lore & Dialog
Yahr ibn Ajaj the Bowyer tells you, "Hello. Welcome to my shop."