Badlands Siraluun Claw Hairbrush
- Does not Stack
- Difficulty: ?? Item Tinkering (50% chance of success)
- Use Carving Knife on Badlands Siraluun Claw to create Badlands Siraluun Claw Hairbrush
- Hand it to Aun Ihmenaura in Bluespire for 30% of the xp toward your next point of Item Tinkering skill (10 Million Max).
- You give Aun Ihmenaura Badlands Siraluun Claw Hairbrush.
- Aun Ihmenaura tells you, "Your efforts have culminated in this, a brush so fine and detailed that my skills are put to shame. I humbly thank you for this and I look forward to seeing your future efforts."
- You've earned X experience in your Item Tinkering skill.