Related topics: Commands, Death
/permit add <name>
Allows another player to loot your corpse.
- You have given permission to Arkalor to loot one of your corpses. This permission will last one hour.
/permit remove <name>
Removes permission to access your corpse from the named character.
/consent on
Turns on your ability to accept permissions from other players.
- You can now accept corpse looting permissions from other players.
/consent off
Turns on your ability to accept permissions from other players.
- You are no longer accepting corpse looting permissions from other players.
/consent who
Lists those who have given you permission to loot their corpses.
- You do not have permission to loot anyone's corpse.
/consent remove <name>
Removes the permission a player granted to you.
/consent clear
Clears your entire consent list.
- You have cleared your consent list. Players will have to permit you again to allow you access to their corpse.
/corpse /cor
Displays the location of your last outdoor death.
- The last time you died outside, your corpse was located at (54.3S, 78.7W).
Kills your character and leaves a corpse, returning you to your lifestone.
- "The @permit command gives or revokes corpse-looting permissions to other players. You can permit other players to loot any one of your corpses. You may not @permit a player again until he or she has looted your corpse. Permissions expire either after one hour or when the permitted player logs off. If you were killed by a player killer, no one can loot your corpse except you or your killer, even if you give someone else permission."