Empyrean Rescue Quest

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Quest Summary
Quest Type: Group
Start Location: Cragstone
Timer: 27 Days
Time to Complete: 2-3 Hours
Level Restrictions: 180+
Level Suggestions: 180+
Rewards Summary
Full details here
Empyrean Over-robe
Strengthened Mana Forge Key
Luminance: 35,000
Max XP:
Full details here
Titles: None
Related Articles
Introduced In: Hopes and Fears

Quest Overview

Come to Asheron's aid in rescuing a pocket of trapped Empyreans. You must be a Knight in a society faction in order to have access to Freebooter Isle where they are being held. There are several spots where it is easy to die and very difficult to recover a corpse, so if you don't have all three death item augmentations, bring death items you wouldn't mind losing.

None of the dungeons on this quest have meaningful names given during the quest or in the item descriptions, so for lack of a better alternative they have been named Empyrean Rescue Dungeon Part 1, Part 2, etc.

Mages may wish to bring a royal runed bow or xbow with arrows/bolts they can use on doors.

Note: Rhesus also has a nice writeup on Turbine's Forums here.

Walk Through

  1. Speak to the Emissary of Asheron (Cragstone) at 24.4N, 48.3E near Cragstone. This flags you to enter the first portal (required).
  2. Travel to Freebooter Isle and run north to 54.0S 97.6E where you will find an open magma tube style entrance (just north of a similar entrance that leads to the Bandit Boss).
  3. Stick left until you come to a portal, go inside and continue sticking left for a long ways until you see a Apostate Nexus Master. Kill him and everyone loot a Dark Apostate Shard, he drops 9 and respawns if you need more.
  4. Return the shard to the Emissary in Cragstone who will give you a Glowing Apostate Shard with a 60 minute timer.
  5. Return to the same dungeon on Freebooter and look for a blotchy/hazy looking portal, these spawn in fixed locations in a couple of places in the dungeon (sticking left you will pass two or three). This won't show up on radar, you have to look for it visually. The dynamic for these portals is that they activate every 12-15 minutes and turn red for 60 seconds and is named Sparkling Portal. During this phase you can enter the portal if you have the glowing shard in your inventory (you do not need to use the shard yet). While red, the portal also shows up on radar. So if you happen to get lucky and get there while it is red, just go right in. After the minute is up the portal will "disintegrate" and appear purple and hazy again. Some players have had the portal disappear entirely, if this happens continue on until you find another.
    :Disintegrated Portal Sparkling Portal
    :Note: Whether the fixed time to spawn was intentional or not isn't known, but after repeated testing it appears that despite the shard's description, using it has no effect on the portal. It's just a matter of waiting for the portal to turn red on its own.
  6. This dungeon has a few areas where you can get turned around, see the map for the path to the end. There you will find an Apostate Nexus Guardian in a room with two surface portals (don't take either). Kill the guardian in the main room to avoid portal spawning issues, on his death a third portal will spawn named Gateway, take it quickly.
  7. You will come to a killable door that appears to be immune to magic (vulns or war). It also regens health so have everyone attack with melee/missile weapons.
  8. Go slowly as you'll soon come to a hallway with Jester style pyramids shooting from the NE end toward the SW end where you'll start. These will kill you instantly if you get hit. The pattern is two close together, followed by a single pyramid. There are five sets of alcoves to the side of the hallway and you'll need to run from side to side (no more than one intersection at a time) until you make it past the pyramids. That is as soon as the two close ones pass, run NW and across the hall to the next side hallway. Then wait and repeat. The timing is fairly lenient so as long as you don't fumble your turns or the start of your running you should make it through ok.
  9. At this point the dungeon changes textures and the mobs start to get very dangerous. The undead and skeletons hit extremely hard and the hallways are so narrow that it is easy to become stuck if running. Remember that the dungeon is loggable though, it can help if you get really stuck.
  10. Continue until you get to a room with Wailing Statues and a door blocking the exit. Destroy the door. There is a safe spot just in front of it where the statues don't hit you.
  11. Continue down passing three Cooled Lava doors that are destroyable. After this is a jump down and the bosses.
  12. After all the Undead Commanders have been killed two named Undead (Filinuvekta Exarch, Filinuvekta Hieromancer) will spawn, they each drop a zero AL robe (decorative only).
  13. Once they are dead an Engorged Bloodstone will spawn (some have reported that using the glowing shard causes it to spawn). Everyone needs to loot an Engorged Bloodstone Shard once it is dead (unknown if it will respawn or not if there aren't enough shards).
  14. Return the shard to the Emissary of Asheron in Cragstone for your robe and xp rewards. Also you get to see the weakened Empyreans you helped rescue.


Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps Other Quests
Empyrean Rescue Dungeon 54.0S, 97.6E F93B.png -- -- --


Quest Items
Dark Apostate Shard
Glowing Apostate Shard
Engorged Bloodstone Shard

Strengthened Mana Forge Key
Empyrean Over-robe
Empyrean Robe

Experience Rewards

Task Required Max Experience Percentage & Level Cap
Turn in Engorged Bloodstone Shard 430,962,225xp

30% up to level 220

See Level Costs for per level information.


Click image for full size version.

Lore & Dialog

Town Criers:
Town Crier tells you, "I've heard rumors that there is now more than one of Asheron's Emissaries mobilizing adventurers against the Apostate Virindi."

Town Crier tells you, "Another of Asheron's Emissaries has been sighted just south of Cragstone. In all my time on Dereth, I've never seen Asheron so active. Dark times ahead, I tell you."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Asheron seems ticked at these new, Blue Applesauce Virindi. They must've gotten into his stout stash..."

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Asheron seems to be doing a lot of work lately to get some pile of lost Empyreans back. I hope at least one of them is a brewer, or a barkeep even."

Speak to Emissary in Cragstone:
Emissary of Asheron tells you, "Greetings!"
Emissary of Asheron tells you, "I have been sent here to ask adventurers, such as yourself, to aid in a rather delicate situation my Lord Asheron has found himself in."
Emissary of Asheron tells you, "We have found another pocket of temporal and portalspace disturbances similar to the ones located in the Iron Blade foothold in the Direlands."
Emissary of Asheron tells you, "This newer disturbance is located along a mana flow underneath the volcano on the north end of the place locally referred to as 'Freebooter Isle'."
Emissary of Asheron tells you, "Be warned, however, that this disturbance seems more powerful than the ones in the Direlands, and as it sits on a known Ley Line, the potential threat is far greater."
Emissary of Asheron tells you, "Gather strong friends, bring them all to me, so I may offer them what protections I can, and then begin your hunt."
Emissary of Asheron tells you, "Now, as to those mentioned protections..."
The Emissary of Asheron utters a single, harsh sounding word, and a tingle washes over you.
Emissary of Asheron tells you, "Find the force or entity responsible, end it. Return to me with proof, or better; a way to save my lord's people, and I'll reward you for it."
Emissary of Asheron tells you, "Any questions?"

Emissary of Asheron tells you, "Hello again! Have you located the source of the disturbance that is blocking my Lord Asheron's ritual from rescuing the pocket of Empyreans he has located?"
Emissary of Asheron tells you, "The main source of the disruption seems to be coming from an area under the Freebooter Isle Volcano, likely inside one of the steam vents that riddle the area."
Emissary of Asheron tells you, "Be warned, though, the portalspace disruptions in the area are massive, and my lord Asheron also believes there is a large scale temporal disturbance being shielded by the portalspace disruptions."
Emissary of Asheron tells you, "Take friends, be careful."

Killing the Virindi Apostate Master:
You split Apostate Nexus Master apart!
As the Apostate Virindi dies, a ragged, dying voice echoes in the back of your mind, "Alert our allies! The ritual is compro.m..i..."

Showing the shard to the Emissary:
You allow Emissary of Asheron to examine your Dark Apostate Shard.
Emissary of Asheron tells you, "Interesting. This is similar to the Apostate Shards being found in the area of the Iron Blade Gear Knights, but there seems to be some sort of supression effect or ward upon it."
Emissary of Asheron tells you, "Let me see what I can do about that."
You hand over 1 of your Dark Apostate Shards.
The Emissary of Asheron chants softly in an odd singsong language. After a moment, there's a faint 'pop' sound, and the shard begins to glow.
Emissary of Asheron tells you, "Ah, there we go. This should now allow you to slip through a portalspace fluxuation in the area near where you found it, and bypass the Apostate's defenses to the area it is attuned to."
Emissary of Asheron tells you, "Here you go. Don't waste time, however, as it seems somewhat unstable. Head back to the steam vents near the Freebooter Isle Volcano, find an anomoly that looks similar to the destroyed portals, and use it next to the fluxuations you see."
Emissary of Asheron gives you Glowing Apostate Shard.

Using the glowing shard near a hazy portal (random location):
The crystal glows brightly for a moment when you activate it, and a Portal appears!

Killing the Apostate Nexus Guardian:
As the Apostate Virindi dies, a ragged, dying voice echoes in the back of your mind, "The guardian has fallen! Protect the Ritual!"

The Undead Bosses can one shot players:
Filinuvekta Exarch casts Elemental Destruction and drains 368 points of your health.
The deadly force of Filinuvekta Exarch's attack is so strong that your ancestors feel it!
Filinuvekta Exarch tells you, "Your kind are not even worthy to serve as slaves to His Eternal Splendor."

Death of the Bloodstone results in a global:
Engorged Bloodstone's death is preceded by a sharp, stabbing pain!
Deep under the shores of Freebooter Isle, the Engorged Bloodstone has been destroyed by <PLAYER NAME> and their allies! The dark magics feeding on and holding the Empyreans trapped in portalspace have faded, for now.

Showing the bloodstone shard to the Emissary:
You allow Emissary of Asheron to examine your Engorged Bloodstone Shard.
Emissary of Asheron tells you, "What's this?!"
You hand over 1 of your Engorged Bloodstone Shards.
Emissary of Asheron tells you, "Well, when I sent you to investigate the Apostate Activity on Freebooter Isle, I did not expect you to come back with a shard like this."
Emissary of Asheron tells you, "This is a shard off of an animate Blood Stone. Dark things, those, and this one has been used in some sort of draining ritual, and a powerful one at that."
Emissary of Asheron tells you, "Come, tell me, how did you come about this?"
You explain to the Emissary about the Undead you found allied with the Apostates, and the information you gained in defeating them.
Emissary of Asheron tells you, "Hmmm... This explains much, and is very troubling. If the old Emperor of the Dericost is involved in this, there is no telling how deeply these troubles will run."
You've earned 430,962,225 experience.
Emissary of Asheron tells you, "But, for now, let me reward you for your assistance, and then we'll see if I can use the signatures on this to rescue some of the Empyreans this Bloodstone was affecting."
Emissary of Asheron gives you Empyrean Over-robe.
Emissary of Asheron gives you Strengthened Mana Forge Key.
Emissary of Asheron tells you, "Now, let's see if we can put this shard to good use."
Emissary of Asheron says, "Shirov Tangoli Sith"
The Emissary of Asheron ponders the weakened Empyreans for a moment.


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